The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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Just read about Draymond playing for team USA this summer

He's not going to get much rest before next season is he

He's healthy and not only that but he's just one of those guys that's body is just built to be a bruiser.

I feel like he could have played another playoffs worth of games this summer.
The Warriors are the tech IPO short of expectations. So many parallels it's not even funny. 
as w's fan, fans/ownership/players needed to be humbled. the season just seemed so effortless. had me talking about better than 96 bulls :smh: this team couldn't beat elton brand's bulls
lacob with the "light yrs ahead" talk put the jinx :lol:
I've said this several times before and I'll say it again.

GS needed to win game 6 to close the series out. You just NEVER let a team come back from being down 3-1. EVER.

I've seen it happen way too many times in professional sports. Usually teams that come back from those type of holes end up with tons of confidence and the team that was up feels all the pressure. Wasn't surprised one bit to see Clev win last night.

Disappointing to see Curry and Klay go out like that. I expected a better performance from those two. Kind of disappointed to see Kerr make a coaching mistake by putting Ezeli into the game and then proceeding to keep him in the game for a 2 minute span, which obviously brought the Cavs into the game and allowed LeBron to get going. Shocked Kerr also made another mistake by NOT calling a timeout after the Kyrie 3 and drawing something up allowing GS to give themselves a good look at scoring as quickly as possible. This would've prevented Curry from killing 20 seconds off the clock looking to jack up a 3 and tie the game. There were 53 seconds left in the game and Warriors were down by 3. You're meaning to tell me they don't have plays they draw up that they know would give them 2 quick points easy off timeouts? GS would've had maybe 40 seconds left in the game after they scored a quick 2 and needed to play defense. If they got the ball back and made a stop, they could've have ~16 seconds to win the game.

There were so many mistakes done on the defensive end from Clev and GS didn't capitalize on the chances they did have. I honestly believe the better team won this series, but the GS Warriors let that game slip. Especially within the last 2-3 minutes. Props to Clev for capitalizing when it mattered the most.

I honestly can't hate on LeBron anymore. My biggest qualm with him was how he never shows up for the biggest moments and falls shorts when so much is expected from him. Last night changed that for me. I still don't like the guy, but you have to recognize real when it's right in front of you.

Happy to see the city of Cleveland having something to real to cheer about. 52 years is a very long time. Enjoy this moment for as long as you can, Cleveland.
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73-9. One win away from back to back rings. Greatest team of all time, some said.
Kevin Love shut down defense was the highlight of the game :pimp:

I really became a fan of K. Love this series. He had reinvented himself more this series than he's done the whole time since he's been on Cleveland. The boy became a Swiss Army knife. Went from "defensive liability" to locking down the MVP in his final possession

Lebron's chase down block
Kyrie's soul snatching shot
K. Love's lockdown

Big 3 :nthat:

*plays love lockdown*
I've said this several times before and I'll say it again.

GS needed to win game 6 to close the series out. You just NEVER let a team come back from being down 3-1. EVER.

I've seen it happen way too many times in professional sports. Usually teams that come back from those type of holes end up with tons of confidence and the team that was up feels all the pressure. Wasn't surprised one bit to see Clev win last night.

Disappointing to see Curry and Klay go out like that. I expected a better performance from those two. Kind of disappointed to see Kerr make a coaching mistake by putting Ezeli into the game and then proceeding to keep him in the game for a 2 minute span, which obviously brought the Cavs into the game and allowed LeBron to get going. Shocked Kerr also made another mistake by NOT calling a timeout after the Kyrie 3 and drawing something up allowing GS to give themselves a good look at scoring as quickly as possible. This would've prevented Curry from killing 20 seconds off the clock looking to jack up a 3 and tie the game. There were 53 seconds left in the game and Warriors were down by 3. You're meaning to tell me they don't have plays they draw up that they know would give them 2 quick points easy off timeouts? GS would've had maybe 40 seconds left in the game after they scored a quick 2 and needed to play defense. If they got the ball back and made a stop, they could've have ~16 seconds to win the game.

There were so many mistakes done on the defensive end from Clev and GS didn't capitalize on the chances they did have. I honestly believe the better team won this series, but the GS Warriors let that game slip. Especially within the last 2-3 minutes. Props to Clev for capitalizing when it mattered the most.

I honestly can't hate on LeBron anymore. My biggest qualm with him was how he never shows up for the biggest moments and falls shorts when so much is expected from him. Last night changed that for me. I still don't like the guy, but you have to recognize real when it's right in front of you.

Happy to see the city of Cleveland having something to real to cheer about. 52 years is a very long time. Enjoy this moment for as long as you can, Cleveland.
all true. it never even crossed my mind that kerr didnt draw up a play after the 3 smh. and yup i have nothing to criticize lebron about anymore unless he goes back to playing like a chump. its bittersweet. i dont care about cleveland. theyre a bunch of flipflopping turncoats to me with a loser attitude. "all is forgiven" tho right? smh. anyways... enjoy the moment cleveland
The day after...

It's gonna take a ton of time to wrap my head around last night. There's so much to absorb and reflect upon. Time and some distance will sort it out and eventually help w/ the clarity.

I just wanna focus on Raymone for a second on this. A seasoned *** hater like myself has to do it if we're trying to keep it 100 at all times.

I don't think it's hyperbole at all to say LeBron James reached the absolute zenith of the sports world for one night. Not just basketball. I'm talking all sports. Even if it was for a night or a few days or however long it lasts. Hate to sound overly dramatic, but how else do you describe it? He legitimately reached a special place only a handful of others can lay claim to. Safe to say he will never reach a higher peak for the rest of his career, but that's fine for him & his folks because that peak is transcendent. And he's only 31, man! That's what makes it cool as **** (gritting my teeth while typing this).

The weight of a singular game and what it meant for so many people, wow. Can't think of too many other things in the league that could match the spectacle. Closest thing the NBA's had to an actual Super Bowl. And he goes and does all that? Carrying all that mileage, in all those minutes? SALUTE.

I seriously doubt I've seen an athlete in my lifetime accomplish as much as he did in those ~3 hours. Unreal. **** him though.

As far as the Warriors go, they pretty much brought back whatever PTSD remained from 18-1. Losers. Enjoy the offseason.

Sports, bruh!

My guy :pimp:
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