The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

wowww they added grandma boy 2 netflix! finna light up and let the good times roll.

btw is their a list of 4k content on netflix? I have my sight on a new 4k tv and im lookin for content from now.

i believe the only 4k content is their own original marco polo and house of cards etc....
Man last season was so dope. I love how this show deals with character developments.

Frankie, I think is going to be written off unless she ends up back behind bars which I can see, but that would be lazy on the writers part.

Regarding the new villain most likely being that Proctor chick, **** is going to get real for Red next season w her there. But it'll be impossible to top the Governor. The Gov was legit a top villain on any show because of the ****** up **** she did to people who got in her way of power.

It would be legit nuts if they have the Gov go to Wentworth as an inmate though. But I believe she'll be put into a mental institution instead and be written off or make a few appearances here and there..


Most of us are on NT for the sneakers and clothing, so this is pretty thought provoking... After watching it, I really want to cut down on my own consumption and second think my purchases. :nerd: #doireallyneedthis?
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I don't follow this thread closely but I just watched the Cobbler on Netflix. Apologies if it's already been discussed but I really enjoyed this movie. An indie film with a well known cast (Adam Sandler and Method Man to name a few). It's refreshing to see them in a movie that doesn't rely heavily on CGI but more-so on good ol' clever cuts and creativity. Go check it out if you've got 90 mins to kill.
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Not at all. Joint was boring 

My wife and I lit up to watch this, 15 minutes in we turned it off, jokes are so DATED like MAYBE 20 years ago he would've been funny. It seems like the rush hour movies kept this guy in a time capsule. Nowadays you gotta talk about things with some sort of revelancy. I only laughed when i couldn't decide if it was more on the agent carter side of standup or if it was more smokey. good for him though he got paid

I finished coherance, crazy movie
I also watched the showrunners documentary, reeaalllly good, especially if thats what you want to do in life
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Chris tucker is terrible man, son need to stick to movies
Just a word of advice. Black comedians that have went on to Hollywood USUALLY don't have it anymore once they got a taste of that side of success. Jokes aren't as raw anymore, aren't as relateable, to us. So not sure what folks were expected from the Chris Tucker show
Just a word of advice. Black comedians that have went on to Hollywood USUALLY don't have it anymore once they got a taste of that side of success. Jokes aren't as raw anymore, aren't as relateable, to us. So not sure what folks were expected from the Chris Tucker show
idk guess maybe be a little funny
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