The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

I usually only watch movies nowadays because I know I'll actually finish them 

Series (especially multiple seasons) seem like such a huge time commitment in my life 
Same, and it kind of sucks. Miss out on a lot of potentially good shows. Pretty much only want to watch the shows that receive a massive positive reception, hard to keep up with everything else.
On the last ep of EASY.

I'm really enjoying it.
I know/thought each ep was an individual story but, all these stories intertwine....

Might be down for a rewatch right away.
Started The Grinder earlier. This **** is hilarious. I forgot how funny Rob Lowe can be. It's a damn shame it was cancelled after one season.

Hopefully, Netflix will pick it up.
I just saw someone say the luke cage episodes are named from gangstarr songs. Im gonna see how it is just because of that. I have to believe anyone that likes gangstarr enough to name episodes after songs will make a good show
Binged a random *** show on Netflix about towing trucks in Canada. Highway thru Hell :lol: :pimp:
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Just finished watching The Adulterers.
Finally finished Luke Cage
Blue Streak for nostalgia.

Looking forward to watching this week
El Marginal
and Honeytrap
So upset it took me so long to see Arrested Development!!
Hilarious right?!

Justin Timberlake's concert was good, if anyone is a fan of his. 

Started watching Russell Peter's new standup...Pretty good, but not as funny as I expected it to be. Hopefully the last half is funny.
Watching 13th got me sad and angry. The roots of oppression, positive proof of systemic racism and you still have these idiots that would deny that. Im starting to really despise this country and may take up the offer to leave.
It's been struggle for me.
I hate the cast.
Haven't made it passed ep1, I keep falling asleep or finding myself wondering why I stopped Easy on ep6 to watch this.

But the cast, I can't feel at all.

I don't like Frankie Faison because I've seen him play this role 1000x, and I don't like Jacob Vargas, he belongs on Network tv, Theo Rossi is always going to be that little punk he turned into on SOA and the chick who "seems" to be Cage's love interest early on can't act and looks like a variant watered down we can't afford to hire Tracy Ross so we picked you.

me too...seems like something that coulda been done better...made it a little more gritty and hood..but it went cornball hood for me...i fell asleep every night watching it...finished it though...

but all the actors for each character was completely off...especially dude from sons of acting versatility...dude had same mannerisms as he did in sons of anarchy...cottonmouth only got good after he got bailed out...luke cage seemed too corny at times and his character had no edge at all....

daredevil still tops the list as for the marvels go...the vilians had no depth to them in luke cage...kingpin was ill...but stryker and cottonmouth the way they were written...come on didn't even seem like they were superior opposition
I just saw someone say the luke cage episodes are named from gangstarr songs. Im gonna see how it is just because of that. I have to believe anyone that likes gangstarr enough to name episodes after songs will make a good show
Lyrics from those songs are weaved into the dialogue of each episode as well.
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