The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Anyone watch Santa Clarita Diet? I'm thinking of starting it this week, heard it was good from a few people.
I'll Def watch toast of London I'm a big fan of British shows

You check out Redemption? I thought it was a really good burn only 4 episodes though. It's got Georgina Campbell (Black Mirror) & Joe Dempsie
(Gendry from Game of Thrones).

Edit: British/Scottish show BTW
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Anyone watch Santa Clarita Diet? I'm thinking of starting it this week, heard it was good from a few people.

I have seen two episodes with the wife. It has made me laugh so far. I try to find shows that she will watch with me and others i watch alone. She seems to enjoy this one so far as well.
I’m on the third episode of Seven Seconds. Real good show but man the black lawyer chick is such a ****ing mess it’s annoying :lol:
Anyone watch Santa Clarita Diet? I'm thinking of starting it this week, heard it was good from a few people.

I’m on the third episode of Seven Seconds. Real good show but man the black lawyer chick is such a ****ing mess it’s annoying :lol:
I love Santa Clara diet the jokes be so subtle. Good pairing

Yea black chick was wilding just wait
I love Santa Clara diet the jokes be so subtle. Good pairing

Yea black chick was wilding just wait

Bro it’s like every episode so far she’s hammered all day every day just acting confused. It’s to the point where I can’t tell if it’s bad acting or if they really wanted her to act drunk and confused like that :lol:
Netflix almost has too much original content...

With that said, it's good to at least have it their for convenience. Gonna watch the Chris Rock stand up soon.
requiem was dope

the six episode structure brits use for series bugs me for half hour comedies (feels like it’s not enough) but it’s perfect for hour ep dramas

gonna finish collateral then on to tabula rasa
Everything Sucks not renewed! smh and they end it on that effin cliffhanger. Lame it didn't at least get one more season.
Everything sucks didn’t get renewed? That wa as good show!

I seen happy anniversary. It’s not bad. Along the lines of the tv show Love
Anyone watch happy anniversary?
Was going to watch it but my wife doesn't like the cheesy rom coms, i'll probably watch it tomm or this morning when I get back from the gym

Everything Sucks not renewed! smh and they end it on that effin cliffhanger. Lame it didn't at least get one more season.
That's BS if On my Block gets a second season why can't Everything Sucks.
i'm legit heated about this. I hope freeform picks it up or something
Just wrapped up 7 Seconds last night....Solid 8/10 until

The last episode. SO many loose ends. Not sure if there will be a season 2, but I felt a bit let down.

1. What Jablonski's wife said to him in the court room.

2. What went into Jablonski's decision to not rat out DiAngelo.

3. If Fish saw scratches on the arm of Osario and KNEW he was responsible for the killing of Nadine, it should have been looked into.

4. I didn't like how there was blatant witness intimidation/killing and it was just left as that.

I could go on and on, but due to the final episode, I'd drop it down to a 5.5/10.

*If you enjoyed The Night Of, this show might be up your alley...a lot of parallels...

as well as a frustrating finale

agreed with this

I don’t understand how the hell the key witness comes up dead the day before she’s supposed to go on stand and it’s not even investigated at all

And then why the **** would Jablonski save that dude after his girl said he was going to kill him? That’s what killed me the most. Like was it cause he was worried that he’d get him and his wife killed it he sent him to jail?

It was an awesome show overall but damn I could use some clarification on those parts[/SPOILER
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