The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

While very corny and cringe yin some parts on my block was pretty good overall I can lie ...and game over man was hilarious
Game Over, Man had some nice cameos.

I want them to do a crocodile dundee / wild boyz type movie with chris pontius.
I liked 21 Thunder.
I think Santa Clarita was alright, not really funny to me, but when it came out I had a free day, the short episodes let me finish it in a day. Will finish Season 2 this week just to see how it continues.

Don't know what to watch next.
Waiting for this Friday for First Match, The Titan, and Rapture
Started watching Dexter for the first time ever a few weeks ago. I am on S5E7.

S4E12 left me completely traumatized. :frown:
For those who thought on my block was corny. Is that because y'all have *lived that life*?
I enjoyed it I thought Jamal stole the show. It's no different than enjoying atypical or everything sucks for me
For those who thought on my block was corny. Is that because y'all have *lived that life*?
I enjoyed it I thought Jamal stole the show. It's no different than enjoying atypical or everything sucks for me

The jokes and just how the kids were acting was as corny as you can possibly get. I was cringing half the time anybody said anything. Couldn’t make it past like the third or so episode.
For those who thought on my block was corny. Is that because y'all have *lived that life*?
I enjoyed it I thought Jamal stole the show. It's no different than enjoying atypical or everything sucks for me

Agreed jamal had me laughing constantly.

The acting wasn't good, but i feel like the overall themes are relatable which made me enjoy it (i didnt live that life though lol)
Broadchurch was good. Finished in 2 weeks. Currently watching wild wild country. Didn’t know anything about this story. It is pretty crazy and very interesting. Hooked.
Just wrapped up 7 Seconds last night....Solid 8/10 until

The last episode. SO many loose ends. Not sure if there will be a season 2, but I felt a bit let down.

1. What Jablonski's wife said to him in the court room.

2. What went into Jablonski's decision to not rat out DiAngelo.

3. If Fish saw scratches on the arm of Osario and KNEW he was responsible for the killing of Nadine, it should have been looked into.

4. I didn't like how there was blatant witness intimidation/killing and it was just left as that.

I could go on and on, but due to the final episode, I'd drop it down to a 5.5/10.

*If you enjoyed The Night Of, this show might be up your alley...a lot of parallels...

as well as a frustrating finale
That's how it goes in real life. Cops are the real thugs. The justice system has a sheer blindfold on.

My biggest pet peeve was how the black juror with braids kept acting his *** off with body language....I didn't know if they were going to use the jurors as characters with a storyline or not because of him
That's how it goes in real life. Cops are the real thugs. The justice system has a sheer blindfold on.

My biggest pet peeve was how the black juror with braids kept acting his *** off with body language....I didn't know if they were going to use the jurors as characters with a storyline or not because of him

Obviously. You could see the outcome of the cops getting off from a mile away. That wasn't my gripe. For a show that really did a great job with character development and story pacing, there were WAY too many loose ends for my liking. If there is a season 2, I would love to get more insight on some of the issues I addressed earlier.
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