The Official Nike Air Max 90 Thread

so we are agree, offered 200€ (225$) to the guy and he told me my offer was ridiculous and  he won't let them go for less than 350$ lol 
for $350 you can get a pair of homegrowns or some white powerwalls

those james blakes are basically just a studio ID,

i would never would give him more than $270

if he is not willing to let them go for that price

i would tell him to fck off
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for $350 you can get a pair of homegrowns or some white powerwalls
those james blakes are basically just a studio ID,
i would never would give him more than $270
if he is not willing to let them go for that price
i would tell him to fck off
I totally agree! Those shoes are not worth that much. The prices people put on some 90's are ridiculous. There are people on ebay trying to sell DQM bacon 90's for over a $1000. It's a joke.
for $350 you can get a pair of homegrowns or some white powerwalls

those james blakes are basically just a studio ID,

i would never would give him more than $270

if he is not willing to let them go for that price

i would tell him to fck off
you're totally right, personally I don't want to put more than 225$

I told him he will never sold them at this price etc but he's staying on his position 
Itching for the release date of the 2015 air max, they say feb outside of the U.S. but I'm not seeing anything on next months footlocker release schedule here in AUS
Love that bandares gif! I meant to say waiting on the release date for the 2015 infrared OG air max
sorry for the noob question

is there a confirmed date for the Infrareds later this month?
Gym Red Air Max 90s just arrived
, took a couple photos incase anyone was interested (more pics I know 
). As you can see when compared to the red of the beats they are more of an actual red as opposed to the pinkish colour of the atomic reds.
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