I sometime forget that I have this stupid app.

Haven’t made any trades yet because people get too damn greedy but this just tops it. SMH :angry:
Didn’t wanna clog up the 6 protro thread but I did see that someone got sold fake Kay Yows on goat in there. I actually was just wondering this a few days ago since reps have gotten so good and was having real worries about my ftb pair I bought back in 2021. I threw up an LC post in the subreddit and a lot of folks are saying fake with only one saying real. I did use check check back in 2021 and it passed. If anyone actually can help LC, I’ll pm the pics separately. And if they are fake, it’s not like I can chargeback a purchase 2 years ago so am I just left holding the bag?

I’ve tried comparing pics online to both legit ones and looking up reps to find any similarities/differences. Probably my next step is to stop by my local consignment shop and check.
Idk what the tells are for 11s but I noticed reps have shoes that fit the box really tight. Not sure if this will help tho because there's different batches of reps.
Heel cup is orange and ankle is black though :nerd:
Has me wondering if they’re prototype samples that use the og green glow upper with new protro tooling. Doubt that it’s an actual release we’ll get since it’s such an insignificant colorway.

Or they’re fakes for all I know🤷‍♂️
We’re getting an alllllll white 8.
Re: Green glows….I feel like Nike bringing back one of, if not the absolute worst 8 is very on brand for them.
Everyday that passes is another day closer to me striking out at getting these.

Looking good tbh. I want to try. Gonna get beat, even indoor clean court.

I remember have crazy explosive lows in the primeknit all white, didn’t get too bad. But it did yellow overall
but they won 4 of their NBA Titles as the Minneapolis Lakers

Actually 5 if you count that one chip under BAA league.

But this gotta be my favorite crooked stat ever, right up there with that Magic, Bird, MJ, LeBron, Thaddeus Young statline!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of neither team but I love how Lakers fans always love to bash Boston Celtic's championships by telling "there were only like 8 teams in the league back then!"

Yeah that's absolutely true and that definetely should be taken into account counting and comparing championships, but 5 of Lakers championships are from the era when there were about 11 teams on average in the league and nobody ever ****s on their championships :D EDIT 2: Did the count, during the Celtics championship era, the so-called "Bill Russell era" there were around 9 teams on average in the league.

Don't hate on me for saying this dudes, I just have found this funny over the years :D
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