The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

good-looks lawinn , yea that is bell on the snare with open hat combo i love to use on southern beats ( even tho the alien beat wasnt mix lol )

Jooks - the drums over that sample sound like a dog tied to a lambo on the high-way ...DEAD AND SKIN ALIVE YOU GOT A LONG-LONG-LONG-LONG-LONG WAY TO GO
Originally Posted by pay jape

jape.. i'm lookin' forward to that tape brotha.. i'm working on mine too but i'm really not in a rush to release it. it's all in timing.
ditto my dude. im taking my sweet time. i peeped your myspace a couple days ago. i was impressed to see how much your sound has evolved.
lemme know when you finish your tape. beat tapes are my fav shhh nowadays

Yo jape i was looking at your myspace,where can i download some of those beats...stuck in my head got to hear more...Greyskies+whg-�you-were sleeping...gotsome sick beats on them 2+chorus on whileyouwere is perfect but i think you should of used"dont sleep cuz sleep is the cousin of death"-more and therap is to montoned ya get me? some more feeling just me...
if your going to drop a tape or cd tell me il get it.
thanks. im currently working on my tape right now...i wont dissapoint either.
ill let everyone know. its free...gonna be about 20-30 tracks.. but all the beats on my myspace are rejects from my tape.
Originally Posted by Tom Jooks

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I got everyone on feedback in a few...

work on them drums homey
About time you started postin again Jape.

But anyways....been teachin' myself the piano lately.

3 tracks I did from scratch the past two nights (NOVA is the only sampled + synth based)

FURY������ DEATH THREAT������ THE GRAIN���������[color= rgb(0, 255, 255)]��[/color] NOVAWWW.MIGHTY1NE.COM

Fury is 100% done with bridge at the end, other 2 are just� two-verse snippets (I played the electric guitar on Death Threat). NOVA I'll finish over the weekend.

I'll leave feedback tomm.

NT Random
Originally Posted by stillmatic

wudup fellas i need some hits lol

You need to leave feedback too, for at least a few people.
nova is dope mez...

imo i would put some strong kick drums in there somewhere.
it would make the track sound alot more hip hop.
Damn Mez! I'm impressed w/ that Fight Club sample; Tyler Durden has too much to quote. The beat is ill too, the drums, the synths, sounds good.

oh..and if it ain't too much trouble, can I get some feedback on the first beat I posted please (you ain't down?..I think I've left enough feedbackfor at least one listen.

Chef, Cherry Almond Moisturizer- I'm really feeling that snare roll, basically, all the drums on point. You should add something to make it sound a littlefuller, in my opinion. the drums really make the song.
I don't feel like leaving feedback right now, because I need sleep.?I'll do some tomorrow afternoon or night. For right now check out Yourgame...

kingforce1- "That guy" should leave some feedback first...

Mez- Outta the beats posted, I liked The Grain the most. Nice melodies throughout all the songs posted, but the drum patterns were nothing special. I like yourstyle though, because it's something out of the norm.

Ahyoon Chef- Nice **!%. I would used some different sounds for the kick and snare, and for the melody that starts at about the 1:38 mark. It sounded kinda offkey.

NothingBefore- That link aint workin...

Jooks- Don't Sweat It was boring as hell. The drums tried to keep it alive though.

Now all yall better listen to my **!%.
There was something bothering me about the new track (besides the annoying !*@ tags... are you really that worried about getting beat jacked?
) becausethe horns, background strings, switches are all pretty much on point. I would have put it down to poor overall drum programming, which i think might be thecase, but your stiff as snares and hats work alright on this track. I'm pretty sure what bothers me is that your kick programming is terrible. After goingthrough the rest of your tracks, there are only few in which i didnt find the kick programming boring and rigid. SPEND MORE TIME ON YOUR KICKS.

other than that, this track is aight, nothing amazing, kinda boring, no good build or hook that makes me want to hear it again.

Harsh, maybe, but harsh criticism is good criticism, and i figure since you were honest with other people you can take it.

Also, i recognized way too high a percentage of the samples in your beats, so i would advise you to dig deeper of chop smaller. your composing is quite welldone though, although sometimes a bit thin.
CROSSISOM the drums on witness are bananas. That procrastinate track is hard too never heard nothing like it
^^NothingBefore- sounds pretty eerie, the best part was that synth at 0:52 seconds.
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