The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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The integrity of the season is in serious jeopardy if not already ruined

This isn’t a model that can sustain itself in the playoffs obviously so something drastic may have to be implemented

Seems like the league thinks if it pushes through this surge, things will just naturally get more under control with omnicron as we get passed the holidays. Very wishful thinking.
They can't just take a break. Venues can't just be rescheduled for 50+ games and 30 teams. They're just gonna ride this out until the majority of players have been infected and keep it pushing
Idk why ppl don’t get this, we 2 years in now the “break/pause/cancel” stage done came and went :lol: :smh: …They’ll start testing less and combine that with more D league call ups to fill the gaps of the dudes that’s really sick, never been a better time to get that fringe NBA player bag
I sparked this thread up to do my Sunday scrolling and seen this “new” bs wtf …This ain’t good for a henny hangover :lol: :smh:

This new update is asscheeks

Ehhh I felt the same way when I downloaded the new iOS and in the browser I found out they moved the enter bar to the bottom. It was weird for a few days but you getting used to it.

I didn’t notice the thread notification icon missing but that’s disappointing if it’s gone. Very useful feature.
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