The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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This is kinda crazy :lol:

This is worst than Doug Christie shouting out his wife after every time he scored..I'm not married so maybe I don't understand but it's not that serious lol gettyimages-51598642-1024x1024 (1).jpg
ima check it out off gp but man does it look cheesy. At least the trailer did.
She got that Statistician fired because she was a she snd Christie used to talk to her at half time and after the game to check his stats

She used to travel with him as well but as she cant get on the bus she'd follow the bus in her car

There are millions of signs she is/was crazy ( like now being in that Housewives of.... nonsense) thise are just a few I remember
Don't really see how someone could have an issue with a player shouting out their wife :lol:
It's not a problem lol but Christie was OD.. literally after every play he shouted out his's not that serious to me lol..but your right..I can't speak on the next man
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