The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Monk just went stupid.

Kennard giveth and taketh away. He let 3 loose balls go, trying to be cute and show boating,,.that led to 9 points. Could’ve been up 20…instead a 15-0 run for the Lakers

West playoffs gonna be all about gaurd play while the east will be about the bigs.
refs really foul for that. should have been down 3 now down 14

what year did the refs turn on the lakers?

back in the day refs and the lakers were homies
ty lue told them boys to stop with the bulljive
do lakez have another run in them? chest were out and shrugging off the clips in the 2nd qtr
How is that not a continuation?
should have been continuation
at the same time, if defender held on to wrapping lebron and not letting go, it would be a flagrant. bron would be pointing to the ref and say it was hostile act
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