The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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What time do you go to work in the morning?

Trying to figure out whether I should use priority overnight to ship these hands to catch you before work, or if regular overnight will suffice.

It’s Veterans Day tomorrow I don’t work at all b. Send it 😊
There real topic at hand of my post is that the warriors are playing well, and there are a few dubs fans that were calling for Kerr's head on a spike. I've always maintained that Kerr is a top 3 to 5 coach in the league.

But I'll indulge. Every year the NBA makes a 82 game schedule. The teams themselves don't have any control over that schedule.

They can't call Adam silver and say "we have too many home games against too many sub .500 teams bro. Can you fly in the top 5 teams this week?"

They have done a great job with what was put in front of them to start the season. Period

It's more than I can say about your Lakers or my clippers.

The Lakers have had a very favorable schedule to start the season. If they were 10-1, I doubt any of mlga would be saying "best in the league? nah, we are more like 6th or 7th best since we haven't played anybody, especially on the road."

Will that change? Maybe. Maybe not.

But for now, the dubs have the best record in the league, they move the ball well and they play good defense. And after tonight, they should be a league best 10-1.

Dog - I like the Warriors and Kerr :lol: I have no problem with them at all. They Had the league on fire For 5 years so I am excited they are back. I was simply expounding on why someone would ask that and why it isnot a ridiculous question. I cannot speak for his intentions, specifically, but I asked the same question the other day in good faith and received good faith answers in return such as:

They got better fits for the system and the supporting cast got more familiar with the system..

Not everyone who asks a question is trolling or attempting to downplay/slander a team or player.

And yes, the Lakers have had a similarly if not even more so soft schedule and looked like a dumpster fire. I have been saying since the summer that they gave me 2004 GP/Malone Lakers vibes. After seeing the first few weeks and looking back at the 04 team’s season I even took it a step further recently and said this team is In fact way worse.
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