The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Awesome stuff in this thread. I'm a freakin noob hoping to learn a lot from you guys. Always wanted to get into photography.
I know some of you cats like to do meet and greets - with that said who wants to hit Iceland? :smile:

I'll be there in March :nerd:

Hey @bjamez20
 how is it shooting with your Mayima? I've always wanted to try shooting with one.

I have a love hate relationship with the thing. It's fun to shoot with, makes you slow down and think a little bit more. The enormous waist level finder is amazing, by far my favorite thing about using it. It's a beast to haul around though.
Did a shoot today.

This 85mm is awesome. I didn't want to take it off :lol:
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sorry one last dump forgot i put some pics on my hard drive on the first day and remembered today. i have a question for anyone that might be able to offer some additional insight or personal advice. if no one is really actively seeking out or reaching out to you to inquire about taking portraits what would you do next? i'm looking into model mayhem but also i don't have a huge network or circle of friends here that i can ask to shoot and use as guinea pigs so to speak. i really want to get into portraiture and develop in that area a bit but struggle with the networking and social part of it to secure an opportunity. it seems more of an internal battle to me at this point, just thinking out loud.

I'll be there in March :nerd:
damn, can't, be in Europe .... If I would of have asked earlier I would of have made it work with the free layover ... You should get to see some great colors but weather is def crazier than Aug / Sep when I want to go. How long and living arrangement?
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I'll be there in March :nerd:
damn, can't, be in Europe .... If I would of have asked earlier I would of have made it work with the free layover ... You should get to see some great colors but weather is def crazier than Aug / Sep when I want to go. How long and living arrangement?

I went there about 12 years ago, before I was really into photography. The place is absolutely awesome. It was probably the most expensive place I've traveled to though.... accommodations and restaurants were off the charts expensive. The supermarkets weren't too bad though.
sorry one last dump forgot i put some pics on my hard drive on the first day and remembered today. i have a question for anyone that might be able to offer some additional insight or personal advice. if no one is really actively seeking out or reaching out to you to inquire about taking portraits what would you do next? i'm looking into model mayhem but also i don't have a huge network or circle of friends here that i can ask to shoot and use as guinea pigs so to speak. i really want to get into portraiture and develop in that area a bit but struggle with the networking and social part of it to secure an opportunity. it seems more of an internal battle to me at this point, just thinking out loud.

Arent you in shanghai? When I was living in China, I had no problem getting people to pose for photos. I am white, so I stick out more there, than most places. However, so many people are very talkative or want to take photos in my experience. The thing I found especially true in china was that people didn't seem to care about good/bad photos. They just wanted their pictures taken.... which allows you to really experiment with a lot of different things.
damn, can't, be in Europe .... If I would of have asked earlier I would of have made it work with the free layover ... You should get to see some great colors but weather is def crazier than Aug / Sep when I want to go. How long and living arrangement?
When I was booking the trip I was debating between March and September, but wanted to get out there sooner. Staying for 9 days, traveling along the southern coast and staying at Airbnbs along the way. Weather's probably going to be crazy, but hopefully it makes for some great pictures 

Trying to pull off a Patagonia or Costa Rica trip in August/September now...
When I was booking the trip I was debating between March and September, but wanted to get out there sooner. Staying for 9 days, traveling along the southern coast and staying at Airbnbs along the way. Weather's probably going to be crazy, but hopefully it makes for some great pictures :lol:

Trying to pull off a Patagonia or Costa Rica trip in August/September now...
I have a map already of places and days I'm going to hit with alternative days of I'm running behind or bad weather.

9 days is more than what I was going to do. Nice, best of luck.
Patagonia is the best :pimp:. Not many places like that on this planet. :pimp:. I'll post some pictures from my trip when I get on the computer.
I'm deciding between the Nikon d5500, d7100, and d3400. I've been searching ebay daily trying to see the best deal I can get. Most deals i'm finding with these three models come with a kit lens and a 35mm lens for under $750 with a shutter count below 5000.

I want to focus on portrait shots and a little bit of landscape. Video recording is always a nice bonus. Out of these models, which one is my best option?

thanks in advance fellas
I'm deciding between the Nikon d5500, d7100, and d3400. I've been searching ebay daily trying to see the best deal I can get. Most deals i'm finding with these three models come with a kit lens and a 35mm lens for under $750 with a shutter count below 5000.

I want to focus on portrait shots and a little bit of landscape. Video recording is always a nice bonus. Out of these models, which one is my best option?

thanks in advance fellas

I don't know the stats of these but check out

If touch screen/flip out is a must then I think the 3400 has that.
Need some help here from those who have an nd filter. @bjamez20

Looking to grab this filter Amazon product ASIN B003ZDHP7U
but I wasn't sure what does the 3.0-1000x mean? I know it's darker than the other choices but is there any other difference?
3.0-1000x means its a 10 stop filter. I find myself using my 6 stop  (1.8x) a lot more often than the 10 stop, but if you want to do 60 second+ exposures then the 10 stop may be a better option.

Here's a chart that breaks down all the numbers

In my experience, the darker ones tend to have more of a color cast that you'll have to fix in post.
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i was always complaining about how lightroom was always a little laggy

i just realized my cache was at 1 GB for the past several years :rofl: :smh:

3.0-1000x means its a 10 stop filter. I find myself using my 6 stop  (1.8x) a lot more often than the 10 stop, but if you want to do 60 second+ exposures then the 10 stop may be a better option.

Here's a chart that breaks down all the numbers

In my experience, the darker ones tend to have more of a color cast that you'll have to fix in post.

Thanks. When you head up to mount tam, to get that wavy look in the fog, is the 6 stop sufficient? Guessing your shutter speeds at roughly a minute depending on the lighting?
sorry one last dump forgot i put some pics on my hard drive on the first day and remembered today. i have a question for anyone that might be able to offer some additional insight or personal advice. if no one is really actively seeking out or reaching out to you to inquire about taking portraits what would you do next? i'm looking into model mayhem but also i don't have a huge network or circle of friends here that i can ask to shoot and use as guinea pigs so to speak. i really want to get into portraiture and develop in that area a bit but struggle with the networking and social part of it to secure an opportunity. it seems more of an internal battle to me at this point, just thinking out loud.






That long exposure is a beauty man
i was always complaining about how lightroom was always a little laggy

i just realized my cache was at 1 GB for the past several years :rofl: :smh:

stupid question; what happens when you clear your cache? are all your final edits reverted back to the imported .raw file prior to all the processing?
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