The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by desoIation1

Clevereddie wrote:
desoIation1 wrote:
Anyone here take pictures in clubs? What's a good lens and external flash combo? I'm going to a rave and I want to take pics 
also i shot with my SB600, shooting at the ceiling 

When I shoot straight up at the ceiling, I don't get an even flash.  Only the top of their heads are lit up.  I tried pointing directly and found that the lighting was pretty good but it was too much on the face.  I found best results pointing it at 45 degrees with a reflector, but still got uneven lighting.  I was thinking of buying a diffuser like this and pointing it directly at people to get even and not-so-harsh lighting.

Would this help?  I am trying to get better at flash photography, something I've always overlooked.

Maybe that will help you out, on why you're getting uneven lighting when you use flash pointed at 45
My bad I'm about to ask a question that's probably been asked before... I read few pages through the thread but didn't find an answer. 

I've own the Nikon D90 since it released but I'm looking to make the switch (back) to Canon.  Since owning the D90, I haven't been keeping up with the latest and greatest.  My questions is if I purchase the Canon 60D or 7D, am I making a lateral movement or is the 60D/7D an upgrade from the D90. 

Budget... I guess I like to stay under $2000 (or under $1500).  I will most likely sell the D90 (Kit lens, SB600, 50mm)  as well.

I can include more details about the reason for the switch and key features.
I'll be doing my own research, reading Dpreview and comparing but thought I ask NT.  Thanks!
looks like a screen cap from a movie, love it.
jpaycheck: wish i could help, i don't know much, if anything, about nikons. but i wouldn't hesitate to pickup a 60d or 7d myself. add some quality glass and you can't go wrong imo.
lokid40: yo, i've always wanted a ruckus lol. knowing my luck, i'd end up severly injured or worse haha
Originally Posted by adob0

lokid40: yo, i've always wanted a ruckus lol. knowing my luck, i'd end up severly injured or worse haha
best "toy" i've purchased man! get one!! 
some great flicks in here.
I'm wondering if anyone has any experience using :
canon sx110is
ive had it for a while and have been disappointed as heck with the photos.   any tips for shooting indoors?  outdoors?  any "rules of thumb" i should be aware of?
i know it isnt an slr,but any advice would be appreciated!
I haven't really used any photoshops that much, but am looking into getting one. I am looking at Lightroom 3...any opinions?

Originally Posted by phaze1123

I haven't really used any photoshops that much, but am looking into getting one. I am looking at Lightroom 3...any opinions?

DL'd it, cracked it, loved it.
jcinista: yo, if you hand't told me i wouldve never known lol
alljayevryjay: 'preciate it man thnx. dope colors on ur last pic

iphone 4:





ahh, james'/vipdout's ride. i bought a set of work rims off him a few years ago. seemed like a cool dude, his gs = 

my old ride/work wheels, i miss them

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