The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by 2morrowbegins2day

NT Fam, What's your opinion about watermarking photos?

Watermarks shouldn't take away from the photos but at the same time, you want it to be enough to claim the photo.

With that said, unless you really don't want somebody to take credit for your photos, a phrase across the photo would suffice.

But for photos that you just want to tag as your own, pick a corner. Place small but visible watermark and that should be good.

Personally, for shots that I want to definitely claim as my own, I will watermark it with a logo that I made.
#6 of 365: We're all pixels.

Yesterday, I went to the Creator’s Project out in Dumbo, NY. It was a good time. There were many things that i did not understand, but i respected everything that was put out. Although different, the one thing that all of these creators had in common were that they put their body, mind and soul into these inventions. It was quite inspiring. Create something. #godlike
Originally Posted by solemunchies

Originally Posted by 2morrowbegins2day

NT Fam, What's your opinion about watermarking photos?

Watermarks shouldn't take away from the photos but at the same time, you want it to be enough to claim the photo.

With that said, unless you really don't want somebody to take credit for your photos, a phrase across the photo would suffice.

But for photos that you just want to tag as your own, pick a corner. Place small but visible watermark and that should be good.

Personally, for shots that I want to definitely claim as my own, I will watermark it with a logo that I made.

Thanks. It's understood now. I'll be watermarking
If someone really wanted to steal your image, a watermark isn't going to stop them. They can just clone that *$*! out. 

I decided I'm not going to tag my shots. If someone wants to steal it then $+#* em'. 
Some recents




My attempt at free-lensing led to this, it's a fail but at the same time, I thought it was dope. Very subjective/biased opinion though lol.

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

If someone really wanted to steal your image, a watermark isn't going to stop them. They can just clone that $%!% out. 

I decided I'm not going to tag my shots. If someone wants to steal it then !*!+ em'. 

I agree.

I think we had this discussion before. Watermarking is only as good as the watermark/logo. Blasting your name across a pic just takes away from it making your photo look uglier. There really needs to be a harmony between the two. And stealing a web image is pretty useless unless they are using it for a website of some sorts. I don’t see how else they can sell your image in any kind of way unless they had the hi-res. I did find some of my photos one time on a site and did get a little pissed and found out it was an old friend of mine. I just didn’t care in the long run.

On an unrelated note, the new Canon 1D camera should come out tomorrow and the new Nikon D800 should come out later this month.

We will see a new camera on Tuesday and below I am confirming what we pretty much already know.

■ 1D/1Ds line is about to be amalgamated. (Name Unknown)
■ Full Frame
■ 18mp
■ 12 fps
■ 61 AF Points
■ New Battery
■ Available in March
■ Price unknown, but I suspect more than the 1D Mark IV
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

If someone really wanted to steal your image, a watermark isn't going to stop them. They can just clone that *$*! out. 

I decided I'm not going to tag my shots. If someone wants to steal it then $+#* em'. 

I agree with you on this one. This was def one of my thought about the watermark but i think i'll do it anyway just to get spread the word about my site. if they steal it, let them work for that stolen picture lol.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

If someone really wanted to steal your image, a watermark isn't going to stop them. They can just clone that $%!% out. 

I decided I'm not going to tag my shots. If someone wants to steal it then !*!+ em'. 

I agree.

I think we had this discussion before. Watermarking is only as good as the watermark/logo. Blasting your name across a pic just takes away from it making your photo look uglier. There really needs to be a harmony between the two. And stealing a web image is pretty useless unless they are using it for a website of some sorts. I don’t see how else they can sell your image in any kind of way unless they had the hi-res. I did find some of my photos one time on a site and did get a little pissed and found out it was an old friend of mine. I just didn’t care in the long run.

On an unrelated note, the new Canon 1D camera should come out tomorrow and the new Nikon D800 should come out later this month.

We will see a new camera on Tuesday and below I am confirming what we pretty much already know.

■ 1D/1Ds line is about to be amalgamated. (Name Unknown)
■ Full Frame
■ 18mp
■ 12 fps
■ 61 AF Points
■ New Battery
■ Available in March
■ Price unknown, but I suspect more than the 1D Mark IV
When are you gonna go back to Canon, Fong?! 

I remember reading about a Rebel sized Full frame canon a while ago on Canonrumors. That would be dope as hell! 
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

When are you gonna go back to Canon, Fong?! 

I remember reading about a Rebel sized Full frame canon a while ago on Canonrumors. That would be dope as hell! 

Whenever that damn Mark 3 comes out and I rob some liquor stores as well. It just will suck to start all over with getting new lenses but I think I have my heart set on getting 16-35mm L lens. I am interested to see what the D800 has to offer though but I would like to get a better camera with video. Nikon just seems to not want to go up to 60fps for some reason.
#7 of 365: Survival Kit.

Today was a chill day. Spent most of my day at home getting stuff done. Mid day, i was starving and RAMENN came to the rescue. I could Imagine how many other college students are using this survival kit right now. I'm sure many greats such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jay z, and etc. survived on insta-noodles at one point of their lives. They're eating good these days, hopefully i find my success like they did. Survival kit: The ramen noodles to stay alive and the remote to change the channels of our sanity. Keep it gully. it is:



Seems like this sucker is built for low light shooting. It says it produces the lowest noise on any EOS camera to date. Hopefully the same sensor will be in the Mark 3 whenever that comes out. They even have a 9 shot composite mode where it creates HDR images all in the camera without any software.

More info here:
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