The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

I did not want to start another thread so thats why Im here.

I want to upgrade to a new DSLR camera. I currently own a Canon REBELxt. My kids are in sports and I want to RECORD and SHOOT some nice pics while they are running.

Is there a camera where I can record and take a picture at the same time?
What about a camera that has nice recording and doesnt take long to focus every time I move the camera?
I already know Im buying a 75-300mm lens, Again I want to get some nice close pics without interrupting anyone (think from outfield to home plate).

Any advice is greatly appreciated, and again, I did not want to start another thread with the same questions. Thanks again.
It's going to take some getting used to as it feels like i went from walking a dog to walking a BEAR. (intimidating)

5d mkiii:
Pros: magical
Cons: my only con is the shutter button. It feels mushy and very different from what im used to. Nothing major, but it did bother me and im confident i'll get over it.
That's all so far.

Some test shots i took today:


I wish i had more time to test this baby out. Can't wait to use it on gigs.

Thanks for the welcoming 8)
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Just a heads up to people looking for a bag. Chrome bag store is having a 30% in store sale on every bag. They actually have a really good camera bag for people that want something light and like slings. I am actually going to pick it up as a secondary bag from my Incase one.


Bag costs $105 regular price. Store locations below:

San Francisco - 580 4th St - 10am to 7pm

New York - 238 Mulberry St - 11am to 8pm

Chicago - 1529 N. Milwaukee - 11am to 8pm

Portland - 425 SW 10th - 10am to 7pm
Wsup everyone, feels like forever since the last time I posted on here.
Here's some photos I just barely got around to putting up even though they're from a few months ago. Smh.


Fong, that bag is dope.

I'm considering it..But I haven't transitioned back to a DSLR yet :lol: - Price is great!
Fong, that bag is dope.
I'm considering it..But I haven't transitioned back to a DSLR yet :lol: - Price is great!

I would say just get it for future investment. I doubt Chrome bags will ever go on sale after this. Although I am not too big of a fan of Chrome bags (just because if that seatbelt buckle), I seen like 2 guys on the street wearing em and it looks dope and is a good size for just quick usage. Nothing you would use for a wedding gig but for traveling, it's perfect.


Forgot to mention it but the sale is only for this weekend. Free beer and cake as well.
Some night time photog:





These were all shot with pretty high ISOs. They would not even be revivable if shot on my 60D. So far so good :smile:

AND hold up... is Aziz Ansari a niketalker?
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When faced with club lights, i'm starting to notice some weird things with dslr's in general. When importing to Lightroom, Strong colors like red and blue automatically start to flood an area of my picture even though it doesn't seem that way when viewed on the camera. It seems as though the sensor can't handle so many color lights at once or maybe its adobe lightroom.

But here's an example (straight out of lightroom with no editing):


Check out the blue LED light panel to the left.

Anyone know why this is? or is this normal?

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^^^^Nice pics Rolo. Vegas always looks good in pics with the light and all. Especially like this one:

Hey guys,

I am a long time lurker to this thread.

First of all, I want to say you guys have posted some awesome pics in this thread (including the ones lost during the move). Sometimes I take my break at work and just look at all the pics you have posted.

I am a complete rookie at all of this but I just bought a cannon T2i 6-7 months ago. Do you guys have any tips for this rookie? I hope to contribute to this thread once I start learning how to take pics.
Shoot in RAW because it will allow much more flexibility in POST (you probably already know that). Learn the rules of third (but don't live by it), get lost in the art of photography and the best advice i can give is to keep shooting (no matter the shutter count) until you produce what your mind wanted. Also, move your feet when you're having trouble with composition (always helps).

P.S. Page 1 is a great source for anything photography... dive into that as well.
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