The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

^^^^It's like a photo studio for giants. Crazy.

And that Phase One camera is bonkers.

Crazy how they said the paint was bubbling from the heat from the lights
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^^^ those suckers must be a challenge. A couple of weeks ago I took my external flashes out to shoot during the day and had it on the brightest flash and shot a portrait and nothing came out. I shot it in the shade too but the flash just wasn't strong enough. Then I realized why people have those umbrellas and what not cause I guess that adds to the power. Just frustrating to deal with flash and even lighting cause in order to make it work, you really have to pay good money for some gear.
Sorry if this is stupid question as iv only owned a DSLR for 2 weeks or so. But i use AV mode pretty much all the time and was wondering is it at all possible to change the shutter speed on AV mode? Or is it just play with the ISO and exposure compensation features?
Canon 600d/T3i

Sorry if this is stupid question as iv only owned a DSLR for 2 weeks or so. But i use AV mode pretty much all the time and was wondering is it at all possible to change the shutter speed on AV mode? Or is it just play with the ISO and exposure compensation features?
Canon 600d/T3i

If shutter speed is your priority, just switch to TV mode. Otherwise using manual would be the best bet for compromise.
Sorry if this is stupid question as iv only owned a DSLR for 2 weeks or so. But i use AV mode pretty much all the time and was wondering is it at all possible to change the shutter speed on AV mode? Or is it just play with the ISO and exposure compensation features?
Canon 600d/T3i


AV mode is aperture priority mode, meaning you are only changing the aperture while the shutter changes for you. It's really mostly good to control the depth of field more so than the shutter. You can try shutter priority which is the opposite where you control the shutter and the aperture and ISO are controlled by the camera. Honestly if you want to do yourself a favor, just jump right into manual mode where you can control it all. Its really the only way to go even though it can be frustrating at times. Really all you have to understand is each certain type of photo requires a specific setting whether you are shooting daylight, action, night time, flash, etc. The more you shoot, the more you will know what type of setting you use. For starters, just play with the aperture first to get what dept of field is. I think the shutter is an obvious thing to know and ISO and other things can come in later.
Thanks guys, yeh i figured manual was the way i will have to go soon. I use AV mode becuase depth of field is something i need for the photos i take and i want that beautiful bokeh as well. Thanks il jump into manual on the weekend now im comfortable with AV mode and using RAW shots. Cheers again
^^^ those suckers must be a challenge. A couple of weeks ago I took my external flashes out to shoot during the day and had it on the brightest flash and shot a portrait and nothing came out. I shot it in the shade too but the flash just wasn't strong enough. Then I realized why people have those umbrellas and what not cause I guess that adds to the power. Just frustrating to deal with flash and even lighting cause in order to make it work, you really have to pay good money for some gear.
amongst the few things umbrella does, give you additional power is not one of them.

I think you should invest in a light meter to get better lighting. Also, if you have a flash out when is bright as f outside, I'm not sure why was it coming black aS there was plenty of ambient. You must of have jacked up the settings. Remember you control flash with the aperture n ambient with the shutter. You must have been trying to do dynamic lighting with can be achive with strobes but understanding the setting is key.

Lastly if you was just trying to over power the sun you need something like a 800 or 1600w strobe.
amongst the few things umbrella does, give you additional power is not one of them.

I think you should invest in a light meter to get better lighting. Also, if you have a flash out when is bright as f outside, I'm not sure why was it coming black aS there was plenty of ambient. You must of have jacked up the settings. Remember you control flash with the aperture n ambient with the shutter. You must have been trying to do dynamic lighting with can be achive with strobes but understanding the setting is key.

Lastly if you was just trying to over power the sun you need something like a 800 or 1600w strobe.

Apparently I just don't know. I think for the most part, people use strobes over external flashes and especially for skateboarding. Man....I think I might have bought the wrong thing! Still, I figured in the shade, it'd show a little bit but it didn't do anything.

Thanks for the info. I might just bring the flashes out in low light settings then.
Apparently I just don't know. I think for the most part, people use strobes over external flashes and especially for skateboarding. Man....I think I might have bought the wrong thing! Still, I figured in the shade, it'd show a little bit but it didn't do anything.

Thanks for the info. I might just bring the flashes out in low light settings then.

If I recall correctly, you bought more than one speedlight. The umbrella cuts down the light by one stop. if you get a multi flash bracket to hold them all together and then trigger them at the same time you will be putting out more power instead of using one flash at a time.
If I recall correctly, you bought more than one speedlight. The umbrella cuts down the light by one stop. if you get a multi flash bracket to hold them all together and then trigger them at the same time you will be putting out more power instead of using one flash at a time.

Yeah. I got to flashes. I have been watching some videos on youtube and most flashes used are not speedlites and I guess are the strobes. That kind of suck.

I wanted shots like this. It seems like he has a strobe and a speedlite to the left of him. Is that a pretty standard steep to get a strobe and speed light?

I"m sure this question gets asked frequently but if anyone has time to give me some advice I'd really appreciate it.

I'm looking for a compact/P&S to carry with my traveling through Europe for under $200. Best options?
I've been using a DSLR for many years so I'd love something that gives me a bit more flexibility/control rather than always shooting auto.
Zoom is NOT important, I'd love something with like a fixed wide lens but I don't think there are many options like that in my price range.
And I also would hope the camera would have an optical viewfinder, but that's not necessarily a deal-breaker if it doesn't.

Thank you very much in advance to anyone who can help.
Hey guys, thinking of either getting a prime lens (1.8d) or a speed light for my dslr. I mostly shoot in low light situations and I'm wondering which of the two would benefit me? Thanks in advance.
Yeah. I got to flashes. I have been watching some videos on youtube and most flashes used are not speedlites and I guess are the strobes. That kind of suck.

I wanted shots like this. It seems like he has a strobe and a speedlite to the left of him. Is that a pretty standard steep to get a strobe and speed light?

Those vids should clarify things for you.

Hey guys, thinking of either getting a prime lens (1.8d) or a speed light for my dslr. I mostly shoot in low light situations and I'm wondering which of the two would benefit me? Thanks in advance.

get a speedlight. Having a wider aperture is nice but it can only do so much. With a wider aperture you have shallower depth of field and could miss focus and ruim your shot. You also may have to use a shutter speed slow enough that camera shake affects your shot. I would go with the flash first and then add a new lens.
^^^^^^Man. Thanks for those videos. I actually saw the second one a bunch of times but better noticed he had 3 flashes. Man! This really sucks. I didn't think the flash thing with be this expensive since he said the strobe set he got was about a $1000. I'll just try to shoot at night then and work with that for now.
^^^^^^Man. Thanks for those videos. I actually saw the second one a bunch of times but better noticed he had 3 flashes. Man! This really sucks. I didn't think the flash thing with be this expensive since he said the strobe set he got was about a $1000. I'll just try to shoot at night then and work with that for now.

Why not get the bracket and try it out? I bought 3 Alienbee strobes and haven't shot outdoors with them yet. I need a power source for them and modifiers.
quick question fong, not sure if i asked this before... but do you use an ND filter? with those sunset photos
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