The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

^^^^^Damn dude. When you want something bad, you definitely go out and get it. How much did that set you back? What lens did you get? Always wanted a Hasselblad but more so cause skate photographers all started with that. Would love to play with one rather than have one. Can't wait to see some slides.

Yeah man, haha it's a terrible thing. I rarely stick with a lot of my equipment because I just buy and sell. It's a vicious cycle. I actually got a pretty decently sized surprise bonus from work that I wasn't expecting which was more than enough to cover it. Set me back about 8 hundo for body (500 C/M) and lens (80mm 2.8 Zeiss T*). Pretty happy with it so far. I find myself enjoying film more than digital nowadays. I definitely recommend at least trying one out rather than buying one if you're not sure.
Some shots from the weekend...

Dat AE86 
 Beautiful shots, man.
Guy was asking for money using GoFundMe.I believe 1200 was the goal. Said his camera broke and he does product photography. I dont remember the exact words, but it was something like, "Fund me if you can, but if you can't then dont." The whole post screamed, "I'm entitled to your money!"

The Gofundme has $0 in 8 days lol.
Bro.....if I knew Go Fund Me existed 3 years ago, I would have tried it on my dying cat rather than paying what I paid. Part of me feels like that kid is deserves it but another part makes me feel like, who cares if he gets money from donations.
I would have donated some for your cat. Pets are like family. Those procedures are so expensive too. The way dude went about it was wrong. I would have sold part of my shoe collection if it meant I could buy gear that benefited my means of living.
Quick rant:

Here it is 9:30pm and my wife's coworker is over trying to take pictures of our baby. The baby is a little over two weeks old and very active.

-the baby isn't tired and they are trying to force her to sleep, and put her in positions.
-the "photographer" is shooting with a Nikon D3100 (stock lens) with no flash.
-she is shooting in automatic mode, wondering why she keeps getting blurry pics.
-there is poor lighting in out apartment, so she keeps getting orange images.
-she forgot her memory card, so she had to borrow mine.
-I'm just want to watch the playoffs and chill, hopefully it ends soon.

End rant. Thanks for listening.
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Quick rant:

Here it is 9:30pm and my wife's coworker is over trying to take pictures of our baby. The baby is a little over two weeks old and very active.

-the baby isn't tired and they are trying to force her to sleep, and put her in positions.
-the "photographer" is shooting with a Nikon D3100 (stock lens) with no flash.
-she is shooting in automatic mode, wondering why she keeps getting blurry pics.
-there is poor lighting in out apartment, so she keeps getting orange images.
-she forgot her memory card, so she had to borrow mine.
-I'm just want to watch the playoffs and chill, hopefully it ends soon.

End rant. Thanks for listening.

Hope you guys are not paying for this "photographer" even if it's free, she obviously has no idea what she's doing and If I was you I would tell her to stop, newborn pics are taken within 5-10 days, any legit newborn photographer knows that...your baby is over 2 weeks, she's literally there usin your child as a guinea pig bro, STOP HER before she hurts your child
Quick rant:

Here it is 9:30pm and my wife's coworker is over trying to take pictures of our baby. The baby is a little over two weeks old and very active.

-the baby isn't tired and they are trying to force her to sleep, and put her in positions.
-the "photographer" is shooting with a Nikon D3100 (stock lens) with no flash.
-she is shooting in automatic mode, wondering why she keeps getting blurry pics.
-there is poor lighting in out apartment, so she keeps getting orange images.
-she forgot her memory card, so she had to borrow mine.
-I'm just want to watch the playoffs and chill, hopefully it ends soon.

End rant. Thanks for listening.

You can get better shots with your phone's camera. Just use that and kick her to the curb.
Steezy, I follow your IG so I know you know newborn photography.

I've been practicing photography, haven't gotten images that I would post here yet and I know what she was trying to do wasn't gonna work. I've been researching newborn photography and I knew everything that was going wrong.
I been slacking in this thread. Haven't really gotten to shoot as much as I would have liked, but was able to get out for a bit Sunday. On another note, my g/f teaches at a dance school and with recitals next month its that time of year they do pictures of the kids. The schools regular photographer can't make it this year (he's attending a wedding photography expo/convention) she asked me to do it. The job is $200 flat plus $25 per child. There are 54 in total.....a $1550 job for 7 hours of work. Thankfully its in the dance studio and they have all the lighting and backgrounds. Wish me luck fam......Its a huge undertaking and I'm quite nervous.

Also wanna take the time to ask.....usually the pictures are distributed to the families via CD. Now thats 54 CDs I have to make. What are my options here?

#nyc #newyorkcity #newyork by Michael Rios, on Flickr

#nyc #newyorkcity #newyork by Michael Rios, on Flickr

#nyc #newyorkcity #newyork by Michael Rios, on Flickr

#nyc #newyorkcity #newyork by Michael Rios, on Flickr
So I've recently become interested in photography and Decided to cap a Canon XS on the low from a classmate. I went shooting yesterday, I'll post my pics later. Any suggestions/tips for a newbie?
@mjBetch - Since you're going into 1x1 film, you owe it to yourself to check out this documentary (or just check out her work) about Vivian Maier. Her story is so interesting and her pictures are amazing.

My faves of her work:












So I've recently become interested in photography and Decided to cap a Canon XS on the low from a classmate. I went shooting yesterday, I'll post my pics later. Any suggestions/tips for a newbie?

Throw the XS in "M" mode and shoot everyday if you can. You'll start getting the hang of what the settings do, and you'll start developing your own style.

You should sell the camera ... Those shot suck ...

Pictures of a beanch, under a pier, busted light post, etc ... Just hit reset or quit while you are ahead.

You wanted a brutal honest opinion right?

Well, you have some good shots, just keep and eye on composition and subject like someone said 2 and 3 and the worst of the bunch followed by the two with notice signs. Everything else is pretty good, I don't have much to say ...
You are off to a good not so sure about the composition of the 2nd and 3rd pics, but everything else looks pretty good. What lens/es are you using?
Im using  a stock 0.25m/0.8ft stock cannon lens. Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it im prob going to go out for another shoot in a few mins.
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