The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Asking for opinions ...

I hate coming to the thread and double tapping like I'm on IG.

Anyway,had my 1st shoot today and......terrible.

This chick was sooo organized.Long story short we were pressed for time so it had to be super quick.
Judging from her post on IG I could tell she was young but man I get to the park she had moms dad g-ma I'm like it's a crowd huh.
I don't have a problem with someone else coming along to insure safety or just to feel comfortable but it started to make me nervous.
Pops asking question like I'm smashing her or something smh but I guess it was to be expected. Moms was coo for the most didn't talk my head off.
The location we were at was pretty much ruined they cleaned most of the graffiti off the trains one of them was missing it was just bad.
As far as my images I feel they are ok could've been much better but she had a fashion show to go to. I may post a picture or two if they turn out good in post process.
Those look good . The last one is my favorite.

Been meaning to get out on that Pepsi side but no time lately
I hate coming to the thread and double tapping like I'm on IG.

Anyway,had my 1st shoot today and......terrible.

This chick was sooo organized.Long story short we were pressed for time so it had to be super quick.
Judging from her post on IG I could tell she was young but man I get to the park she had moms dad g-ma I'm like it's a crowd huh.
I don't have a problem with someone else coming along to insure safety or just to feel comfortable but it started to make me nervous.
Pops asking question like I'm smashing her or something smh but I guess it was to be expected. Moms was coo for the most didn't talk my head off.
The location we were at was pretty much ruined they cleaned most of the graffiti off the trains one of them was missing it was just bad.
As far as my images I feel they are ok could've been much better but she had a fashion show to go to. I may post a picture or two if they turn out good in post process.

well damn :lol:

tokes99 tokes99 , sick stuff as always man. so dope.

keko jones keko jones , second one is my favorite. Love the colors from the signs and bridge on the water.

In the last one, not sure why but the binocular thing seems real out of place - kind of distracting i guess?
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ok so before i start posting my pics i need some advice. i know with some photos i will need to adjust the exposure and others i know i can, but i dont know if i need to,

heres an example of two where i dont know if i need to fix the exposure. its black and white film straight from the scan. what do you think? do they need any editing? i feel like the second one is a little dark in the blacks, but at the same time i almost like it. i almost feel the need to fix it, but since i sort of like it im not sure lol

the choice is yours in terms of what needs editing or not, for me a good question to ask about every picture i take is "what is the interesting thing(s) about it?" and that can help decide what needs to be done (if anything need to be done at all) to an image - even before taking the picture. not super into portraiture, but for instance, if your are taking someone's portrait the emphasis is solely on the person and background is pretty much irrelevant EXCEPT to the extent that is says something about the person, is meaningful in someway, or frames/highlights the person in some interesting way and generally you wouldn't edit a portrait to make things in the background standout; it would take the attention off of the subject. of course sometimes it isn't always obvious even in the moment of capture what is interesting about it, but i think it can be helpful to ask yourself what you want to communicate and use your edit(s) to emphasize that/those thing(s) in post...

Asking for opinions ...


square crops are difficult, to me anyways, for landscapes, it always feels constricting...but the 3rd one is pretty dope, it feels the strongest to me; the way the warmth of the red light is falling on the pier & bench mixing cool blue of the night is super nice and the depth in that composition from background bridge, to the pepsi sign in the middle, to the bench & viewscope in the foreground guide/move my eye through the image in a nice way, it implies something that the others don't to me...

that sign must be OD bright, or is that just from the long exposure?
I hate coming to the thread and double tapping like I'm on IG.

Anyway,had my 1st shoot today and......terrible.

This chick was sooo organized.Long story short we were pressed for time so it had to be super quick.
Judging from her post on IG I could tell she was young but man I get to the park she had moms dad g-ma I'm like it's a crowd huh.
I don't have a problem with someone else coming along to insure safety or just to feel comfortable but it started to make me nervous.
Pops asking question like I'm smashing her or something smh but I guess it was to be expected. Moms was coo for the most didn't talk my head off.
The location we were at was pretty much ruined they cleaned most of the graffiti off the trains one of them was missing it was just bad.
As far as my images I feel they are ok could've been much better but she had a fashion show to go to. I may post a picture or two if they turn out good in post process.


I hope u post some of the photos. I'd love to see your first attempt at portraits.

Yup. He did a small demo of his mixer he released. I was actually front and center too, so I was able to get some good shots with my 50mm. Kind of wish I could have walked round and got different angles but everyone else seemed to have guarded their spots. All good I guess.
I saw that Light cam this morning. I'm still struggling to understand exactly what is so special about it
It's an interesting product, sure, but who is it targeted at? No professional will be replacing their rigs/setup with this.

Looking at the sample photos (which are shrunken) of this camera, it's just not that great in low light. A lot of noise.

For the price I'd rather get a used 5D + some glass or a new APS-C.
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I don't know about this one, but the selling factor of the older lytro model was the ability to refocus the image after taking it.
I honestly think it is for those people that don't want to use a DSLR but want shots that embody it, say with bokeh or whatever and want something like a phone style camera to do it in. There is that market of people that just don't want to learn how to DSLR cameras but still appreciate good quality photos. I guess it would be a small market but I can see some rich person buying this just for the heck of it.

And if you don't know, Light cameras like shoot a photo first and allows you to readjust things later in post. Your photo will essentially embody all f-stops which gives you a range of different images with a photo being all in focus or a photo being in and out of focus. There is a video in that link at the bottom. They show that skatepark photo being adjusted in post.
I honestly think it is for those people that don't want to use a DSLR but want shots that embody it, say with bokeh or whatever and want something like a phone style camera to do it in. There is that market of people that just don't want to learn how to DSLR cameras but still appreciate good quality photos. I guess it would be a small market but I can see some rich person buying this just for the heck of it.

And if you don't know, Light cameras like shoot a photo first and allows you to readjust things later in post. Your photo will essentially embody all f-stops which gives you a range of different images with a photo being all in focus or a photo being in and out of focus. There is a video in that link at the bottom. They show that skatepark photo being adjusted in post.
I wonder if it does and HDR image from different exposures with just one single shutter click. I think that would be humongous when it comes to the avg Joe that wants a well expose image with just one click vices having to take multiple images and. The work in post. It the hardcore dudes that want to minimize the ghosting in HDRs ....
Light cameras is trying to make that crazy camera again, but smaller. This camera seems nuts. It is supposed to be 16 cameras in one.


conceptually that is awesome! not so awesome is that price though...i'd imagine this being too pricey for the crowd that wants to take high quality pictures but not interested in a legit camera; if they could have someone put a cellular/LTE chip in it a had it be a phone that took crazy resolution pictures, it would get more consideration, and/or if they can figure out how to get the same functionality with would be kind of crazy...
I thought you disappeared. Haven't seen you around these parts in a while. How are your images coming along?
Still haven't bought a replacement cam since all my equipment was stolen so I've slowed down a lot. Taking pics off my point and shoot and taking notes on locations out here I want to take pics once I get my next cam, which is this D750 Film Maker's Kit
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