The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Repped for the responses. I was looking at either getting a Sony a5100 or a6000 down the line. Anybody have reviews on those?
Some photos I snapped while getting some parts for my BMW:




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Repped for the responses. I was looking at either getting a Sony a5100 or a6000 down the line. Anybody have reviews on those?

A6000 owner, EVF alone makes it better than A5100. My rec, get the body if they still run $400 new and pick up a prime sigma lens and the zoom lens used (if you want a zoom). Like the Wifi feature, EVF, bigger aps-c censor compared to m43, price, ability to mount legacy glass. Don't like the lens selection compares to m43, design compared to the Olympus, lcd screen doesn't allow selfies compared to a5100.
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A6000 owner, EVF alone makes it better than A5100. My rec, get the body if they still run $400 new and pick up a prime sigma lens and the zoom lens used (if you want a zoom). Like the Wifi feature, EVF, bigger aps-c censor compared to m43, price, ability to mount legacy glass. Don't like the lens selection compares to m43, design compared to the Olympus, lcd screen doesn't allow selfies compared to a5100.
Thanks a lot. Repped.
maaaaaan if she was illuminated via an off camera flash this shot would go insane.

i actually thought of it, but i really liked the silhouette effect.. what i wish i did was lit her up just to focus then take the photo to make sure she was focused. hopefully i could go back up there, kinda a restricted area to be up there.

here's heres a photo she took of me

maaaaaan if she was illuminated via an off camera flash this shot would go insane.

i actually thought of it, but i really liked the silhouette effect.. what i wish i did was lit her up just to focus then take the photo to make sure she was focused. hopefully i could go back up there, kinda a restricted area to be up there.

here's heres a photo she took of me


This shot is insane!!! :wow: :pimp: :wow: :pimp:
I'm not sure about this one. I like the effect on the water and the dark rocks at the bottom right but the framing isn't quite right and the middle is a bit weird.

I took it with my variable filter turned most of the way round and if you go too far it does funny things with the colors - so making it black and white helps there. The sky was all jacked up too so this is the sky from the next shot with the filter not so dark. I think the middle is actually spray in front of the cliffs rather than a smudge - it makes it look not as sharp as I want it to be.
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Thought I'd plug this for local Bay Area people. I went to this guys workshop in Oakland and for the most part, you get a couple of hours to shoot nude photos with a model. I did it during Halloween so my shots were themed and a little kooky. The instructor was a cool guy named Leon (even though I can't say the same for some of the people attending. Some older photographers have some damn egos!) and very creditable with his works. Anyways, they have a new one coming up in January with a pretty hot model named Dasha Usova and the sign up fee is $99. It could be a good experience and you might get some good pics for your portfolio. You only get a couple of minutes per shoot though as there will be other photographers doing the same.

So not to put up the link with the nude photos, go to and search "Dasha is visiting from Utah and wants to model for us! Hope you can join..." Her tumblr is on there as well as some sample photos.


Instructor's portfolio:
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Shooting manual is really nice.

If I dont "need" to, i shoot quite a bit a lot of aperture priority w/ manual ISO so the camera only pics my shutter speed.

Sometimes I dont like what the camera is doing so i'll bump it back into manual.

Shooting w/ flash I have to shoot manual.
@neg1604, just learn about light in all seriousness, the rest will come with practice but understanding light is key. A really good book for this is "understanding exposure" by Bryan Peterson. Also use websites like to study light -and I really mean study light, understanding fall off, distance and range, your lenses and camera settings, you can also study camera settings on Flickr. This will give you a range to work with when you're shooting manual and trying to achieve a picture, even well into a golden hour our cameras can produce some amazing photos, while our eyes will see things different.
Totally get that. I think I'm slowly building up to it but will definitely have to grasp lighting since it dictates how to set your camera.
Shooting manual is really nice.

If I dont "need" to, i shoot quite a bit a lot of aperture priority w/ manual ISO so the camera only pics my shutter speed.

Sometimes I dont like what the camera is doing so i'll bump it back into manual.

Shooting w/ flash I have to shoot manual.

Agree with all of this. It's nice being able to shoot manual, but I shoot in aperture priority 95% of the time. If I don't like what the camera is giving me, then I use the exposure comp wheel which for my use changes the shutter speed. Shooting with flash I'm always in manual.

Few old pics..

OMG by bHandy Photos, on Flickr

film by bHandy Photos, on Flickr

Anyone have any photography resolutions for the new year? This past year I wanted to do a project 365, wrapping that up in a couple of days and it's a huge relief :lol:

In 2016 I want to make more prints, learn more about editing (been watching some Phlearn videos on YouTube and the stuff they do is incredible), and clean up my IG feed (it's a mess after doing my p365)
My main 2016 goal is to make photography "pay for itself" by photographing more weddings and taking gigs as the main photographer. Really just taking on more paid gigs in general :lol:

I already booked one for feb and i've spoken to like 2-3 other brides.

I want to eventually get to a place where I can buy more gear using money earned from gigs. 2016 might just be the year that happens.

I also want to make more prints :lol:
Dang was really about to pull the trigger on the 3DR Solo DRONE, but realized is really a waste of 1200$ because of all the regulations....only time I can see myself having fun with it would be on in NYC you are SOL :frown:
^^^^^Very true. Drones are only as cool as the things they take. I just think open fields and what not are just boring. Hopefully people will push the boundaries of what they shoot rather than it always being a fly up and away shot.

I don't set new year's resolutions but I do want to shoot more journalistic style in 2016. Tell a story rather than just taking one good shot and that is it. I think IG has warped my brain to shoot a certain way and I want to break that. I want to progress faster than this slow pace that I seem to be at. Not complaining about my shots but I do feel they can be way better.
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