The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Decent enough... I have 3 in the summer 3 in the fall. with other projects scattered around.

I'd like a couple more so I could buy a 5d mark 3 this year, but realistically, its plenty of work :lol:

You got anything lined up?

I kinda wanna push senior pics this year... idk

I have 1 more this month and another in July, but I kind of don't like summer weddings down here. Our heat index is already nearing 105 degrees and July and August will be miserable. If it's an outdoor venue, I'm thinking of turning all of those down if it's for July or August :x

Hope you get that Mark 3 though :smokin

I was thinking of pushing more family and senior stuff as well. I had tried to focus everything on weddings, but I found myself staying busy with those types of sessions.
@astronout thanks man i appreciate that! well i guess before I used to rely on presets as a general guide/template and just mess with the sliders while figuring out what each one affected and changed until I arrived at something i liked; trial and error. i suppose sometimes i would try to make an attempt at being "moody" and others, like more recently, i've tried to process in a way that tried to capture a "life uninterrupted" type vibe where i attempted to make it seem like i wasn't doing too much with the final product. clearly this is not professional in any sense and probably not a credible work flow adopted by enthusiasts lol. i've actually been inspired by @dunksrnice a lot bc his stuff always seems so clean. I've been reading several photography books and they always say to study and check out the works of the greats. I havent gotten around it yet bc a lot of influences i see and exposed to regularly and on a daily basis are people in this thread, ig, and fb. so thats whats most familiar and accessible to me.

on a different note, i'm visiting japan for 5 nights. 3 in kyoto and 2 in tokyo. any recommendations for places to go out for good hip hop or jazz/soul? I went to harlem and jbs once each in 2015. im debating staying out and pulling an all nighter friday since i have to be at narita by 8am anyways. i went last year for about 10 days but now i have a better camera with a faster lens, so i hope that makes things a little bit more opportunistic.
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Sooo, pick them 35mm up yesterday :D
and this was the result
All of the photograph below was shoot wide open at f1.4

^ by Akmal Shihab, on Flickr
Big toys by Akmal Shihab, on Flickr
Bruce lee by Akmal Shihab, on Flickr
Down by Akmal Shihab, on Flickr
Nike Air Footscape Magista "France" by Akmal Shihab, on Flickr

overall score for me : 8.5/10
Bokeh : 10/10
af :Fastt 9/10 (sometimes a littlee missfocus)
sharpness : 8.5/10(i was expecting too much tbh or it will perform better above f1.4, but still a good sharp lens!)

definitely not regreting buying this lens!

next lens target will be : 24-70 II / 70-200 II / 35 II 8)

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Having a little trouble. This recently started happening randomly out nowhere and I don't know why, but lightroom isn't reading any of the images from my SD card
Shot w/ a nude model yesterday. Really fun experience and we got to do a ton of different stuff.

Here's a few NT safe shots




Some fun shots too


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Bringing a variety of cameras along for a trip to Arizona in September. Visiting the traditional spots - Grand Canyon, Antelope, Petrified Forest, etc. Super hyped. If anyone has been and has any tips, let me know!
Got someone selling a T5 with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses for $350 including the 1 year warranty thru canon.

Good deal? or are those garbage lenses?
Bringing a variety of cameras along for a trip to Arizona in September. Visiting the traditional spots - Grand Canyon, Antelope, Petrified Forest, etc. Super hyped. If anyone has been and has any tips, let me know!

Go to the north rim instead of the south rim of the grand canyon. It is rather empty, and much nicer in my opinion. I was there in peak season, and multiple times when I woke up for sunrise, there were very few people around. I'm not sure what you are planning to do for hotels/camping, but if you can get a small place at the lodge in the grand canyon, it is pretty awesome. They have these cabins near the rim, and you can walk around all day in that area. You can also get some drinks and hang out at the lodge, which is right on the edge of the canyon. The south rim is an absolute circus, to the point of where I find it unenjoyable with all the people. It is also a closer drive to page (antelope canyon area), then having to go around the gc to get the south rim. I also think the north rim is a bit more photogenic. Here are a couple pictures from a lookout that takes a while to drive to (especially if staying at the lodge)!8m2!3d36.2789645!4d-111.9786322


I'm not trying to be a downer on antelope canyon, just giving you how it actually is in there, so don't take it the wrong way. Expect piles of people down there. I went about 10 years ago, and even then, it was packed. As you know, it is a winding narrow canyon, and often times you (and other people), just come around a corner and ruin a picture. I almost saw two people get in an actual fist fight because one guy mistakenly walked into somebody's picture. So just be prepared for that. :lol: I think if I were ever to go again, I will be more relaxed and be able to handle difficult people down there yelling at me. I drove by it last fall, and the parking lot looked busier then ever. You can pay more for the photo tours of the canyon, but they will just take you to the same canyon, so I don't know if any of that is worth it.

Zion is my favorite place down there. That place is a beast though. If you plan to go there, there is so much to do. There are also some smaller parks in the area that are also quite beautiful.

If you are going to monument valley area, there is a great place to camp near the goosenecks park. it is an awesome overview:
Dragicon - Thanks for the advice on GC. We have a place inside the park, but we have two additional open days that we are trying to fill. North sounds like the move. Your shots are amazing!

Everything I'm reading pretty much confirms the point you made about Antelope, but it's something I can't not see.

Right on par with the other places you mentioned. We'll be at Monument Valley, Zion (two days), Horseshoe Bend as well. Any trail recommendations at Zion would be appreciated (PM or on this thread) - I'm in shape and am fine with heat & terrain, but I don't think I have the realistic trail experience for The Narrows or The Subway, unfortunately.

Did not win the online lottery to see The Wave, but going to try and enter the in-person lottery three mornings. Pretty wild (Not my photo):

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Got someone selling a T5 with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses for $350 including the 1 year warranty thru canon.

Good deal? or are those garbage lenses?

Pass, this exact kit sold for around $250 via Canon Refurbished site a couple days ago. The 75-300 is not a great lens. The 55-250 STM refurbished is a much better lens for around $130. Get the cheapest body you can find and get the 24mm STM or check out the 10-18, 50, 85, 55-250.
The -i bodies have more features I think compared to the the regular ones. It would be similar to getting a D5xxx vs a D3xxx series camera. Both are fine though from my understanding.
Got someone selling a T5 with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses for $350 including the 1 year warranty thru canon.

Good deal? or are those garbage lenses?

As far as Rebels go I'd only get the "i" ones.

Why is this?

I just don't see the point. If you're really set on say a T6 because it's cheaper than a T6i, get a T5i, and so on.

Huh?? i was just wondering what makes the 'I" ones better than the ones without "i" :lol:

like what makes a t5i superior to a t5?

Do the "i" versions create high quality images or something?
Got someone selling a T5 with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses for $350 including the 1 year warranty thru canon.

Good deal? or are those garbage lenses?

As far as Rebels go I'd only get the "i" ones.

Why is this?

I just don't see the point. If you're really set on say a T6 because it's cheaper than a T6i, get a T5i, and so on.

Huh?? i was just wondering what makes the 'I" ones better than the ones without "i" :lol:

like what makes a t5i superior to a t5?

Do the "i" versions create high quality images or something?

More features, better specs.
Dragicon - Thanks for the advice on GC. We have a place inside the park, but we have two additional open days that we are trying to fill. North sounds like the move. Your shots are amazing!

Everything I'm reading pretty much confirms the point you made about Antelope, but it's something I can't not see.

Right on par with the other places you mentioned. We'll be at Monument Valley, Zion (two days), Horseshoe Bend as well. Any trail recommendations at Zion would be appreciated (PM or on this thread) - I'm in shape and am fine with heat & terrain, but I don't think I have the realistic trail experience for The Narrows or The Subway, unfortunately.

Did not win the online lottery to see The Wave, but going to try and enter the in-person lottery three mornings. Pretty wild (Not my photo):


Sorry man for not answering earlier. I would really try to do the narrows, and do it as a two day trip and try to get a camping permit. It is a really fun and easy hike (based on what you said of your fitness), and it is really easy to navigate. There are companies that drive you up to the ranch at the start, and you hike down from the top. I did it about 5 years ago, and it was awesome. I camped in one of the designated campsites (you need a permit), and woke up super early the next morning to go hiking through the actually narrows part. There was nobody but my friend and I in the area. It was fantastic. As we hike down through the narrows, and out, there was a constant stream of people going up the opposite way. By the time we had hike out (around 9-10AM), it was a circus at the trailhead, with people hiking upstream. I was so happy we had done it that way. The subway is a bit of a beast when it comes to hiking. It is exposed, and even though you are next to a stream, it is rather hot. After you hike to the subway, and then return back the way you came from, the final half mile is on a brutal uphill section that was most likely baking in the sun all day.

One of the "hidden" (I use that term loosely since the whole park is a madhouse from april - november) trails that I really like a lot is the overlook. The trailhead is right before the tunnel, if approaching from the east. It is also right after you exit the tunnel if approaching from the west.!8m2!3d37.2136106!4d-112.9434719
It has really impressive views from the top, and it is a good short 20 minute hike, one way.

There are the classics also, such as angels landing, and others. But those two are my favorites in the park.

Make sure to hit up monument valley at sunrise/sunset. During the middle of the day, there are just hoards of people, and the lighting is no where near as magical as it is during the early/evening hours.

Also, as a side note, my sister recently was in the area, and tried the lottery in person for 3 days. She said there were on order of around 75 people there for that early morning lottery.... Needless to say, she didn't get it. So I wouldn't go out of your way to try and get it. Don't plan for too many days in that area, as it is rather secluded from the rest.
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Got someone selling a T5 with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses for $350 including the 1 year warranty thru canon.

Good deal? or are those garbage lenses?
Pass, this exact kit sold for around $250 via Canon Refurbished site a couple days ago. The 75-300 is not a great lens. The 55-250 STM refurbished is a much better lens for around $130. Get the cheapest body you can find and get the 24mm STM or check out the 10-18, 50, 85, 55-250.
Good looks. Didn't even know there was a refurb. section on the canon site...
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