The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

And what is with the sudden flux of people having french bulldogs. I go around everywhere in the city and see them like crazy now. It's like the new Pug.

....are you guys really shooting at 21mp? Or do you bump it down to say 10-12mp?

wow, frenchies are the new hype? crazy....i've never liked how pugs looked, tbh.

i'm shooting at 9.9mp. i must be in the dark too, i don't know of any advantgs shooting at 21mp






*my fav thread at the moment* keep posting pics yall, i like the diversity of whats in here

I think i may have posted this same pic awhile back without any PP... but i finally got

around to doing some work on it and i like the way it turned out
yeah im curious to know what advantages shooting at 21mp offers. only thing that comes to mind is bigger physical size images without grain and such but what else?
some pictures I took while I was in NYC last month, they came out ight










sorry for all the pics, does anyone have any tips on shooting at night?, most of my photos came out blurry and do I really need a tripod? thanks
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by Im Not You

That's it. I'm getting the Mark II.

yup...time to start saving

You and me three.

And question for you Mark 2 owners out there.....are you guys really shooting at 21mp? Or do you bump it down to say 10-12mp? Just seems like shooting photos at the max will kill your harddrive space or whatever. I doubt there is really advantages but maybe you guys can tell me something I don't know.

Originally Posted by ThA BLK NiTE

yeahim curious to know what advantages shooting at 21mp offers. only thingthat comes to mind is bigger physical size images without grain andsuch but what else?

I ALWAYS shoot at 21mp. The quality is so incredibly crisp, it's unreal. IMO, you never know when you're going to take a shot that you may eventually want to use professionally or blow up to a large size (for a fine art print). I use a 16GB UDMA card, which i fill up every couple weeks depending on what im shooting.

I have TWO portable 500 GB western hard drives which i backup to each other and then i back those up to  1 western digital terrabyte hard drive. I keep double copies of all my images (on the two externals), none stay on my internal harddrive. I label all of my work by year -> month -> day. For example, my hard drive folders read "2008" "2009" "2010", then within each folder i label by month 01 JANUARY, 02 FEBRUARY- then each of those folders by day or sometimes multiple days of photos, labeled to the event or the people in the folder (a GREAT way to find images of specific people). For example, if i remember a night i went out to the club whiteroom with my friend Melissa, i would've named the folder something like 02 Whiteroom Melissa Gabe Fabian, etc. Ok, i may be getting too into detail.. but this system WORKS. Trust. I worked at Apple for two years and i have seen all kinds of organizing systems, i find mine to be the most accessible and easiest.

I keep the 2 most recent months on my internal and once i start running low on hard drive space (usually when i have 20-30 GBs left of free space), i make the move to my portables and when i have time i back up to my terrabyte (which btw, i ALSO back up to another terrabyte but an Apple time capsule. yes, im nuts, but with digital technology you can never back up enough).

Trust me, if you have the Mark II you'll always want to shoot at 21MP. It is such incredible quality, every image can be blown up to billboard size without distortion. You never know when you're going to take one shot that will be amazing, so always shoot RAW at 21MP.

External hard drives are fairly cheap these days, and are very compact for travel. You can buy the 500 GB western digital hard drives for dirt cheap online... i found my last one on eBay for 50 bucks, but they range between 50-100.
[h1]House Season Finale Shot Entirely on a Canon 5D Mark II[/h1]
Wow, the House (great show, btw) season finale was shot entirely on a Canon 5D Mark II. You think that the HD video quality of dSLRs is challenging pro video and film gear yet?

House director Greg Yaitanes announced the news on Twitter, then he preceded to take technical questions from the audience. Apparently the 5D was a perfect fit for the "tight spaces" of the finale. They used Canon prime lenses along with the 24-70 and 70-200 zoom and, believe it or not, they didn't use an image stabilization rig of any sort for the non-tripod shots.

(I attempted that maneuver when filming my mom using the iPad with the 5D for our iPad review. The footage was gorgeous, but much was just too jittery to use, even for jittery footage.)

The House finale airs May 17th if you'd like to tune in. Even if you don't watch the show, it should be a great case study for photography geeks everywhere. Plus, Hugh Laurie's inevitable cracks about the size of Yaitanes' "camera" are probably worth the price of admission alone. [Petapixel via PhilipBloom via Engadget]

Send an email to Mark Wilson, the author of this post, at /">">[email protected].

How bad asss is this?!? That 5D is a beast.

edit: I didn't realize Fong posted this last page... I'll keep it up since it's a different source.
thanks bana for the insight on that. o i want that bad boy soo badly. lol i do the same with backing up everything. I DJ and have my music backed up on three different hard drives. My laptop has nothing on it except for prgms.

Everything is a saved to a wireless hard drive and then saved to another one. I have two terabytes, 500 and a 250. I need a time capsule. I love how aperture (mac) organzies everything so I just copy that over every couple of weeks.
Originally Posted by KobeBeef

almost pulled the trigger on a 50D today, but held myself back with rumors of the 60D dropping soon.

Serious? That 50D is fairly new. Maybe the 60D will be with video.
Originally Posted by CaliKix88

Is this in Pensacola?

^sup man. yeah Pensacola, bayfront.

bana: ahh i see, i never looked at it from your point of view. i appreciate the insight, gotta up my little 4gb card to a 16 now.
Originally Posted by dream5hift

did you use a tripod to take pics of you and your girl typeS?
me and my girl? if youre talking about the photo above, thats not me lol. those are friends who wanted photos done for their 1st year anniversary.

but nah i dont use a tripod. only on car shoots and whenever im doing long exposure shots.
Oh I thought the couple in the first pic was you haha. And did you mess with the curve settings to make the last pic look vintaged?
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