The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by RocSole

Anyone ever shoot with a holga before?
Or anything non digital?
A few of us shoot film from time to time, but it's expensive so I don't think we do it very often. I have a Canon EOS Rebel G, but I haven't used it in a month or so. I just got a roll of TMax 400 film for Easter so I'll probably bust it out soon.

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


When shooting at night, what's the best way to get clear shots holding the camera in my hand? Does an external flash REALLY make that much of a difference? I want to do shots similar to Bana (night time club/city) but I can never seem to keep my hand steady enough to get a good shot at night. Maybe I just need to go out and start practicing with manual? Will adjusting my settings manually make that much of a difference at night, or does an external flash put me where I want to be? I'm really close to pulling the trigger on a SB-600 for my D90.

As Bana said, Av/AP or M always. Go for the flash. You'll need one at some point or another. If all you have is the kit lenses, at least get the 35mm f/1.8G and start saving for the 24-70mm f/2.8.

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Do most of you guys shoot in RAW?

Always, as many have said, you never know when you're going to get that one shot that ends up in a portfolio. Did a shoot last week. Will post soon-- it's been too long.

RocSole wrote:
Anyone ever shoot with a holga before?
Or anything non digital?

I do! Holga is great, especially color film. However, 120 is difficult to develop. I process and develop all my medium and small format film. If you haveaccess to a darkroom, that's your best bet. Or you can find a camerashop that will do it, but it gets really expensive. 
There is a conversion thingy for Holgas that allows you to change it from 120 to 35mm. You'll have frequent light leaks with them, but i think that adds to the unique aspect of shooting with a Holga. 
maybe someone can help me in here

this Apple Time Capsule thing, all you have to do is turn it on and it automatically saves your work??? what happens when you delete something off your hard drive???

and does anybody know anything about screen calibrations??? i'm about to get a Macbook pro finally, so does it have issues with the calibrations...the reason i've never posted is because i always shoot in raw and edit color butwhen i would bring it to another computer the colors would be SHIIIIIIITYYYYYYYYYYY...i wan't to avoid that when i get my Mac next week
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

maybe someone can help me in here

this Apple Time Capsule thing, all you have to do is turn it on and it automatically saves your work??? what happens when you delete something off your hard drive???

and does anybody know anything about screen calibrations??? i'm about to get a Macbook pro finally, so does it have issues with the calibrations...the reason i've never posted is because i always shoot in raw and edit color butwhen i would bring it to another computer the colors would be SHIIIIIIITYYYYYYYYYYY...i wan't to avoid that when i get my Mac next week

Here's a how-to on it:
OR you can buy something like this. Screen calibration is very important when it comes to PP and printing.
Check what options your manual settings allows you to do. Usually it lets you alter the exposure, ISO & white balance.

To dude who asked about a Time Capsule. IMO, it's one of apple's greatest products.

It's an internet router (802.11n) that includes a hard drive. If you're a Mac user on the Leopard software or above, your computer has an automatic backup system that can be synced to a specific hard drive (or partitioned to few). With the time capsule, you can access the hard drive wirelessly as well as back up files wirelessly through the Time Machine application. There are also 3 extra ports on the Time Capsule, which allow for features like wireless printing. Click on the Time Machine App and it will guide you through the rest. If you don't have a Time Capsule, Time Machine will automatically detect an external hard drive when plugged in, it will prompt you to make it the primary back-up. If you have a Time Capsule, you can select it via the Time Machine app. Simple way to backup.

If you'd like more info, check it out:

Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Check what options your manual settings allows you to do. Usually it lets you alter the exposure, ISO & white balance.

To dude who asked about a Time Capsule. IMO, it's one of apple's greatest products.

It's an internet router (802.11n) that includes a hard drive. If you're a Mac user on the Leopard software or above, your computer has an automatic backup system that can be synced to a specific hard drive (or partitioned to few). With the time capsule, you can access the hard drive wirelessly as well as back up files wirelessly through the Time Machine application. There are also 3 extra ports on the Time Capsule, which allow for features like wireless printing. Click on the Time Machine App and it will guide you through the rest. If you don't have a Time Capsule, Time Machine will automatically detect an external hard drive when plugged in, it will prompt you to make it the primary back-up. If you have a Time Capsule, you can select it via the Time Machine app. Simple way to backup.

If you'd like more info, check it out:

Hope that helps.
oh ok, but one more question
when i get my Mac i'm not planning to save anything onto it directly, or even if i did, i would soon move it to an external HD so the computer wouldn't start lagging, so how would the capsule react when i deleted these files off my computer??? would it automatically delete them off the the capsule or save it???
Originally Posted by KlassSickFresh 87

Did you produce multiples Tony? I'd cop in a heart beat. 
Wow! Makes me proud knowing you'd cop. Thanks. Naw I didn't print multiples, but I could though.

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

^Where did you get it printed and how much (assuming you're in LA)?
Yeah I stay in LA. 20 bucks... small printing shop near my house.

Originally Posted by M Eazy724

@Tony: good job! What size is that and how much did it run you?

Keep sharing guys!

   27 by 15. Cost me 20 bucks. The dude said that for that size I could've paid around 40 bucks somewhere else.

In case you guys didn't know, that huge "MTA" piece that comes out in that picture I shot was painted over by the city.
At the time, it was one of the biggest graff pieces in the world, if not the biggest.
So,  you can say I captured a piece of history in a way.
^You sure did Tony. That has to be one of my favorite pictures I've seen posted in here. It looks great printed out as well.
I havent shot in so long ... anyone know how to get into there flickr if they lost both the secondary email and the wrong birthdate? can i call yahoo? i used my credit card to go pro does that help.. ?

   27 by 15. Cost me 20 bucks. The dude said that for that size I could've paid around 40 bucks somewhere else.

In case you guys didn't know, that huge "MTA" piece that comes out in that picture I shot was painted over by the city.
At the time, it was one of the biggest graff pieces in the world, if not the biggest.
So,  you can say I captured a piece of history in a way.

Saber's piece was better.
Although MTA did a solid job as well. Props to both. It's a shame the city spent money on buffing that rather than on other stuff like education.
newbie here... just got my t2i not too long ago with the stock lens... waiting for my 50 mm 1.8 to arrive.
Im so ready to learn!!!
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by rocafella kidd




Were you going for the washed out look? That really bothers me.

Yea, great photos but i think the contrast or light may be a BIT too bright. Her face doesn't look natural if you know what i mean?

And about time capsule... You back it up to your external and when you delete files from your computer, it recovers them. If you peep the links i posted i'm pretty sure it goes into detail about how it works
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by rocafella kidd

Were you going for the washed out look? That really bothers me.

Yea, great photos but i think the contrast or light may be a BIT too bright. Her face doesn't look natural if you know what i mean?

And about time capsule... You back it up to your external and when you delete files from your computer, it recovers them. If you peep the links i posted i'm pretty sure it goes into detail about how it works
yeah was just messing around with some processing ill mess with it a little more
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


When shooting at night, what's the best way to get clear shots holding the camera in my hand? Does an external flash REALLY make that much of a difference? I want to do shots similar to Bana (night time club/city) but I can never seem to keep my hand steady enough to get a good shot at night. Maybe I just need to go out and start practicing with manual? Will adjusting my settings manually make that much of a difference at night, or does an external flash put me where I want to be? I'm really close to pulling the trigger on a SB-600 for my D90.
to be able to get the shots she gets, you are gonna need a very fast lense and a camera that can handle extremely high not a nikon shooter but i dont think a d90 is much better than say a 50d or 40d...neither which can in all honesty go above ISO 3200 and if you do you will need some sort of editing software which will help you get rid of some of the noise artifact and you still wont be able to achieve those shots, because im almost positive she pushes her camera's high ISO limits, the speed of her lense and PP's her shots, her shots is a combination of good practice shooting in low light and a camera which is amazing at handling lowlight conditions, for now you can get the practice...for when you upgrade you'll be able to know how to achieve the shots with the right equipment....till then get an external flash bro.
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