**The Official Pick-up Post for 2008!**

A couple of packages ....only kept 2
( Sorry for thephone pics..)
Originally Posted by tha23greatest

Originally Posted by Han1206

nice pick-ups everyone here's mine for today loving the vintage feel

Was this a limited release?​
yes it is...

dunkman16-it was release in Singapore already not sure about the states and yes they hold a small limited amount of these and i manage to get them easily,guess not many peeps are into these release

purple sneaks- thanks for the comments
recent pickups..

mags to check out shops and address before i visit jpn

came w/ this cool pair gloves haha

wii games

nbhd tees were on sale

not really a pickup, but been more than a year since i seen this jacket, thanks mom for bringing it back from storage haha
damn, I wanna go to JPN... I expect you to make the most of your Leica...

BTW, how long did you have to wait for those Wii games?
mags to check out shops and address before i visit jpn


Do me a favor, when you put a list together, you mind sending it to me? I am going to Japan on work in 2 months or so and I want to check out some shops whileI am there. No sense in re-inventing the wheel!


the leica will def be by my side the whole time, thinking i should start a photoblog or something hahaa
games took 10 mins which is
, def check out the mario olympic game, its pretty fun

ill see what i can do brickSB, im leaving most for my girl to plan, just told her what shops i mustcheck out
i think some one went a little over board on the pack i hop your selling them to make money thats what i would do
^^^^Lol yea they didnt make it home but gettin them to my car was a !+$%$..
I dont really trust ppl around these ways and it was pretty dark outside
I dunno what i was thinking but i made it home in one piece..
I want those coverboys A.R.T., Food4Thgt- geez people are actually going to jack you for the Countdowns. Man, thats a tough neighborhood. You end goinghome with 2 pairs of shadows.
haha y u hatin on flipjays shine, lol but yea he's like the few with an INHOME account, lol plug me in
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