The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^its one of those games where u finish it and never play again?
Yea, if you can even make it through. Flying the dragons is a pain as its done through the six-axis
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^its one of those games where u finish it and never play again?
Yea, if you can even make it through. Flying the dragons is a pain as its done through the six-axis
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by Noskey

Dead Island in 2 days (
!!!). Do we need an official thread? Who else is copping besides Boost and I, and are y'all trying to band together and run that ++**@*% island? Cause I am.

i gotta wait unti lits on sale cus im cheap like that.  but i will get it.  its suppose to be good?

IGN (for what it's worth) gave it an 8. Said it's like Fallout 3 with zombies. For me, that = SOLD.

And Donut I'm gonna @$%@ you in the #+$.

so easy to make an LSU joke but I'll pass.

I'm picking up DI with R3 on Tuesday
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by Noskey

Dead Island in 2 days (
!!!). Do we need an official thread? Who else is copping besides Boost and I, and are y'all trying to band together and run that ++**@*% island? Cause I am.

i gotta wait unti lits on sale cus im cheap like that.  but i will get it.  its suppose to be good?

IGN (for what it's worth) gave it an 8. Said it's like Fallout 3 with zombies. For me, that = SOLD.

And Donut I'm gonna @$%@ you in the #+$.

so easy to make an LSU joke but I'll pass.

I'm picking up DI with R3 on Tuesday
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^its one of those games where u finish it and never play again?
Yea, if you can even make it through. Flying the dragons is a pain as its done through the six-axis

oh ok. thanks for the info!!!!
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^its one of those games where u finish it and never play again?
Yea, if you can even make it through. Flying the dragons is a pain as its done through the six-axis

oh ok. thanks for the info!!!!
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by Noskey

are y'all trying to band together and run that ++**@*% island? Cause I am.

im wit it till i get bored and put 2 in both you and boost's back and claim the island for myself

I'm gonna go ham on the island, leaving both yall behind, gonna run this %%$@ myself
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by Noskey

are y'all trying to band together and run that ++**@*% island? Cause I am.

im wit it till i get bored and put 2 in both you and boost's back and claim the island for myself

I'm gonna go ham on the island, leaving both yall behind, gonna run this %%$@ myself
Is the resistance beta over? I was playing it last night and today I keep getting sever timed out messages
Is the resistance beta over? I was playing it last night and today I keep getting sever timed out messages
Via Twitter

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD will have online co-op through PSN and Xbox Live

The HD version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker offers nice bonuses beyond sharper graphics and dual analog controls. Today, Hideo Kojima announced that Peace Walker will feature online co-op (or CO-OPS, as it's known in-game) on Xbox 360 and PS3 via infrastructure mode.

It is possible to play the PSP version online, but to do so requires Sony's "adhocParty" app, and a connection to a PS3 that is using a wired internet connection. This version will be as simple as it is with any other Xbox Live/PSN game. And, Kojima confirmed, it'll run in 60 frames per second even with 4 players.

While you grudgingly admit that you want to buy the games again, now in the HD collection, here's a little perspective: Peace Walker is being sold separately in Japan, but it's just one part of a bundle here.
Via Twitter

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD will have online co-op through PSN and Xbox Live

The HD version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker offers nice bonuses beyond sharper graphics and dual analog controls. Today, Hideo Kojima announced that Peace Walker will feature online co-op (or CO-OPS, as it's known in-game) on Xbox 360 and PS3 via infrastructure mode.

It is possible to play the PSP version online, but to do so requires Sony's "adhocParty" app, and a connection to a PS3 that is using a wired internet connection. This version will be as simple as it is with any other Xbox Live/PSN game. And, Kojima confirmed, it'll run in 60 frames per second even with 4 players.

While you grudgingly admit that you want to buy the games again, now in the HD collection, here's a little perspective: Peace Walker is being sold separately in Japan, but it's just one part of a bundle here.

Freddie Wong and Insomniac show us the future of motion control

We're not entirely sure, but Freddie Wong's alleyway may be the most interesting, exciting, and down-right dangerous place on planet Earth. The intrepid YouTube star been Crossfired to death and rolled up by a Katamari along the same narrow stretch of road, and now the asphalt backlot has become a testing ground for the future of motion control gaming.

If the holographic baddies in the Wong's concept video look familiar, they should; Insomniac actually halted production of Resistance 3 for an entire day in order to animate custom Chimera soldiers for the production. Wong claims that the majority of the technology required to build a motion gaming rig like this already exists, albeit in not-quite-so-advanced forms. Much like the angular, massively-wheeled concept cars we have all over our walls oogled as children, Wong's video gives us a glimpse into a future just barely more awesome than the one we'll actually get

Too dope.

Freddie Wong and Insomniac show us the future of motion control

We're not entirely sure, but Freddie Wong's alleyway may be the most interesting, exciting, and down-right dangerous place on planet Earth. The intrepid YouTube star been Crossfired to death and rolled up by a Katamari along the same narrow stretch of road, and now the asphalt backlot has become a testing ground for the future of motion control gaming.

If the holographic baddies in the Wong's concept video look familiar, they should; Insomniac actually halted production of Resistance 3 for an entire day in order to animate custom Chimera soldiers for the production. Wong claims that the majority of the technology required to build a motion gaming rig like this already exists, albeit in not-quite-so-advanced forms. Much like the angular, massively-wheeled concept cars we have all over our walls oogled as children, Wong's video gives us a glimpse into a future just barely more awesome than the one we'll actually get

Too dope.

Meet Amy's shiny-eyed support characters, Father John and Prof. Raymond

We still don't have much solid information about Amy, the survival horror/adventure title due on PSN this fall and XBLA "eventually," but thanks to the videos posted up top and down below, we do know that the game's developer is taking the human face very seriously.

Father John (above) is convinced that rampant global catastrophes and the viral outbreak affecting Silver City are sure-fire signs of the End of Days, and like any good man of the cloth he's taken it upon himself to train survivors from the safety of his "shelter-church." Professor Raymond (after the break) is shrouded in even more mystery, if you can believe it: all we know so far is that he's sometimes mentioned by the main character during phone calls, and that he looks completely unimpressed with floating through a featureless black void.

We can't help but be impressed with how much facial fidelity is being squeezed into a PSN title, but publisher Lexis Numerique claims that emotive non-verbal communication is of "critical importance" to the title's design philosophy. "If Amy sees a gruesome creature behind you, she won't have to yell: you will know."

Meet Amy's shiny-eyed support characters, Father John and Prof. Raymond

We still don't have much solid information about Amy, the survival horror/adventure title due on PSN this fall and XBLA "eventually," but thanks to the videos posted up top and down below, we do know that the game's developer is taking the human face very seriously.

Father John (above) is convinced that rampant global catastrophes and the viral outbreak affecting Silver City are sure-fire signs of the End of Days, and like any good man of the cloth he's taken it upon himself to train survivors from the safety of his "shelter-church." Professor Raymond (after the break) is shrouded in even more mystery, if you can believe it: all we know so far is that he's sometimes mentioned by the main character during phone calls, and that he looks completely unimpressed with floating through a featureless black void.

We can't help but be impressed with how much facial fidelity is being squeezed into a PSN title, but publisher Lexis Numerique claims that emotive non-verbal communication is of "critical importance" to the title's design philosophy. "If Amy sees a gruesome creature behind you, she won't have to yell: you will know."

OpTic Gaming wins the $400,000 prize in the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar tourney

The prizes have been passed out at the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar Tournament in Los Angeles, and the US' OpTic Gaming has taken home first prize, totalling a whopping $400,000. OpTic picked up the lead early in the round of final matches, capturing flags on the Dome map in the first game, and picking up and holding two out of three points in the two Domination maps on Resistance after that. The UK team Infinity caused some trouble in the Kill Confirmed round (after winning a tiebreaker Team Deathmatch to make the finals), but OpTic dug in for the final rounds in Search and Destroy to win the tourney. "No college debt -- that's how I feel, baby!" said one of OpTic's players right after the match.

Infinity is stuck with second prize, which is "only" $200,000. Almost a quarter of a million dollars for playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3? Still not a bad weekend. The other big winner at the conference was Call of Duty fan Brandy Miller, whose picture won a competition on Facebook, and allowed her to take home that brand new Call of Duty edition Jeep Wrangler.

Everybody else? They won a few bruises from the paintball court outside. And oh yeah -- everybody who paid the $150 for a ticket (the proceeds of which go to the Call of Duty Endowment) also picks up a Hardened Edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Along, of course, with all the hearing damage of listening to gunfire and explosions all weekend long.

Congrats to Optic!

OpTic Gaming wins the $400,000 prize in the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar tourney

The prizes have been passed out at the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar Tournament in Los Angeles, and the US' OpTic Gaming has taken home first prize, totalling a whopping $400,000. OpTic picked up the lead early in the round of final matches, capturing flags on the Dome map in the first game, and picking up and holding two out of three points in the two Domination maps on Resistance after that. The UK team Infinity caused some trouble in the Kill Confirmed round (after winning a tiebreaker Team Deathmatch to make the finals), but OpTic dug in for the final rounds in Search and Destroy to win the tourney. "No college debt -- that's how I feel, baby!" said one of OpTic's players right after the match.

Infinity is stuck with second prize, which is "only" $200,000. Almost a quarter of a million dollars for playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3? Still not a bad weekend. The other big winner at the conference was Call of Duty fan Brandy Miller, whose picture won a competition on Facebook, and allowed her to take home that brand new Call of Duty edition Jeep Wrangler.

Everybody else? They won a few bruises from the paintball court outside. And oh yeah -- everybody who paid the $150 for a ticket (the proceeds of which go to the Call of Duty Endowment) also picks up a Hardened Edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Along, of course, with all the hearing damage of listening to gunfire and explosions all weekend long.

Congrats to Optic!
Via Eurogamer

Sony's Rob Dyer criticizes Microsoft's content policies

"Publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft," Rob Dyer, Sony's SVP of public relations, told Industry Gamers in a recent interview concerning Microsoft's publishing policies. But we're getting ahead of ourselves here -- Dyer was provoked by the following information from Microsoft's Content Submission and Release Policy, which forbids its games from being released first or with exclusive content on other platforms:
 "Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available. If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."
Xbox Europe's Chris Lewis defended this policy to Eurogamer, saying, "We're a little biased, so obviously we're going to look to protect our own space as best we can and get exclusivity." And that's where Dyer steps in.
 "I think what Chris and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology," Dyer said. "I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray or you have extra content above 9 gigs or you want to do anything of that nature, you'd better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can't handle that."
While Microsoft tries to force path-dependence on its publishers, Sony's more open policy has earned it a relationship with Valve, which Dyer says is a stark advantage for the company and gamers alike. Microsoft has a relationship with Valve too, but it seems like more of a long-distance, second-cousin-once-removed sort of deal.
Via Eurogamer

Sony's Rob Dyer criticizes Microsoft's content policies

"Publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft," Rob Dyer, Sony's SVP of public relations, told Industry Gamers in a recent interview concerning Microsoft's publishing policies. But we're getting ahead of ourselves here -- Dyer was provoked by the following information from Microsoft's Content Submission and Release Policy, which forbids its games from being released first or with exclusive content on other platforms:
 "Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available. If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."
Xbox Europe's Chris Lewis defended this policy to Eurogamer, saying, "We're a little biased, so obviously we're going to look to protect our own space as best we can and get exclusivity." And that's where Dyer steps in.
 "I think what Chris and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology," Dyer said. "I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray or you have extra content above 9 gigs or you want to do anything of that nature, you'd better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can't handle that."
While Microsoft tries to force path-dependence on its publishers, Sony's more open policy has earned it a relationship with Valve, which Dyer says is a stark advantage for the company and gamers alike. Microsoft has a relationship with Valve too, but it seems like more of a long-distance, second-cousin-once-removed sort of deal.
Via Amazon

Call of Duty XP Event: Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition priced at $99.99

Activision has confirmed the suggested retail price for the Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition: $99.99, which is $20 more than previous Hardened Editions. The Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition comes with a one-year membership to Call of Duty Elite, bonus in-game content, a Juggernaut XBL avatar skin, a 100-page field journal and new disc art, all in a fancy steel case.

So far, Gamestop and Amazon have the Hardened Edition listed at $99.99, while EB Games Australia is charging $158 for the same package. Modern Warfare 3's jump in price may be attributed to the one-year Elite access alone, which is valued at $50 and bumps users up to "Founder status," which includes an in-game emblem, player card, camouflage and an XP boost. Or, it may all go to pay the air-conditioning bill at the Call of Duty XP Event -- we hear it's awfully temperate in that hangar.
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