**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

at pics of your girl in the middle of the shirt pics.

my man.
^ If I were you, I would wait for Memorial day. I'm pretty sure Macy's will have some sort of 25% to 30 % sale going on like they always do. I know Bloomingdales  is having a really good sale
Had to rep you for being gullible and trill at the same time. Usually new members wont post their girl for the beasts.

On a side note :lol: that a dude whose nickname in real life is Polo starts the Official Ralph Lauren Polo thread #2 on NT.
That mane got more Polo than a little bit.
if you're still looking for the hats, hit me up. i have every color except the yellow one. there is also a green version that's not on the site.

i need this. but only for the right price


the hat to go with it as well.

any ideas if this item will go on sale before it sells out or should i bite the bullet
^ If I were you, I would wait for Memorial day. I'm pretty sure Macy's will have some sort of 25% to 30 % sale going on like they always do. I know Bloomingdales  is having a really good sale
i didnt wait because most polo items dont go on sale if they do its 25% a most. which is why i puchased the item duing there pesale event or 135. im just trying to get at price adjusmet if the price droppsss to like 100
if you're still looking for the hats, hit me up. i have every color except the yellow one. there is also a green version that's not on the site.
i know where to findem. it just 45.00 for a cap and tax isnt included is too much. do you know a place that have the green an blue cap on sale. i could of hoped on the presale but i passed, kind of regret it
That jacket is TOUGH!

JayRocksLo, it was just a regular bear sweatshirt that I threw on because I didn't want to iron anything. Glad someone liked it.
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