The Official Rick Ross Appreciation Thread. TEFLON DON JULY 20th

This is fun.
I don't know what you're talking about but I don't watch Faux News simply off their racist agenda as proved by the way they've handled this Sherrod issue. They planted garbage into the heads of people who watch that garbage and made her out to be the devil and then when it came out that the tapes were actually edited they tried to run with "Oh we FOOLED YOU GUYS! Jokes on you..." How anyone with half a brain could support such racist banter is beyond me. But to each his own.
Not sure if you read The Autobiography Of Malcolm, but he makes an effort for it to be known towards chapter 14/15 about the NEED to "know your enemy"... If you don't whatever effort made against them will ultimatly FAIL...
No they don't deserve the blame. I'm not blaming Meech or anyone for why our community is riddled with drugs.
Word?? So who was the guy that typed THIS:
And Big Meech and Larry Hoover f'd with MILLIIONS. F'd up GENERATIONS.

 Then you're trying to tell me that a guy rapping about selling white is just as bad as someone actually doing it?
  He's WORSE...
You make no sense. How in the hell can yo be a stand up guy and sell white?I'm not even speaking on it being illegal. I don't care. He sold that %%% to his people. His OWN people. You think he was in Beverly Hills or the Hamptons sellin' that %%%? Hell no. And you think that's stand up?? He destroyed mothers, children's lives and their children's lives....yet I should commend him for being a stand up guy? Really? Can you please give me a reason how other than bringing up your DA argument or that its because he promoted Young Jeezy that he's a stand up guy? On some real %%% i've never in my life heard anyone including drug dealers themselves consider themselves standup guys. NEVER.

I don't think Meech or Hoover EVER put a gun to ANYones head and MADE them do drugs... If you have a documented case of that. I'd like to hear about it... They supplied drugs on a large scale to guys that NEEDED it on a large scale... Now those guys provided that drug to dealers & addicts... Does selling drugs to someone that uses them make you a BAD guy?? I'm not really one to judge, it doesn't make you a GOOD guy that I KNOW, but no one is saying their chior boys... If thats the case what makes Habib with the liqour store in the hood that stays open later than the ones in the burbs ANY different?? Especially when alcohol contributes to more deaths then the VERY drugs these guys were convicted of supplying...

He's a stand up guy because they made a way out of no way, EVERYone in this lifestyle knows their gonna either go to jail or die... You're acting as if I'm askin you to shed tears for them, no one feels sorry for those guys... Atleast I don't... But I respect the fact that they took a stand and didn't waver on it, even if it would've granted them freedom... They stood up and took the punishment for the crimes they committed... In a world where the average guy you'll fear on the street will take a plea deal before the papers are even sat in front of him...
 On some real %%% i've never in my life heard anyone including drug dealers themselves consider themselves standup guys. NEVER.
Does that some how surprise you?? For starters, the MAJORITY of them aren't... The MAJORITY of people commiting crimes are nothing more than oppurtunists that don't have certain bounderies...

A stand up guy is ANYone willing to live or die by their word, and actions... Nothing more nothing less... It has NOTHING to do with living a legal or illegal lifestyle, because @ the end of the day, thats nothing more than a way to create revenue, and I never thought the way someone makes money should define them as a person... You don't have to be a drug dealer to be as much, but being a drug dealer shouldn't exclude someone from being as much, the MAJORITY of criminals aren't stand up guys, and thats why they have the witness protection program and various outlets to give up informations against former exploits in order to spare your own life... Because @ the end of the day, like Kweli once said "Ns don't sell drugs cause they wanna see blacks smoke... Ns sell crack cause they broke"
And you think Clipse and Jeezy are on the level of Big Meech and Larry Hoover? Really? Really? You think that's comparable?
I don't think... But THEY do...

And if I'm not mistaken, the same way BMF supported Jeezy and #$!$, all them Ns got locked up, some of them on 848s... As did the manager and cash cow for the Clipse, he's locked up on an 848...
   And if (or when) I find out T.I. snitched I won't $$*@ with him either (As man you take responsibility for your actions.)
Isn't that what Meech & Hoover did?? But you'll STOP listening to his music cause he cooperated with FEDeral authorities?? But Meech and Hoover didn't so their idiots as well... I'm puzzled...

I mean Hoover was locked up a good decade before my family EVER came to America...

You guys act like its a movie, like Casino, you can just go from selling drugs making millions to just go into legit business because you believe thats what Jay Z did so EVERYone should be able to do it?? Do you KNOW how long the FEDs build cases on these dudes?? Its not like a speeding ticket where they see Meech selling drugs Monday and Tuesday morning he's sittin in FEDeral court...

When you sell drugs you're gonna die or go to jail... Its almost a fact, and the only thing they'll do that we won't is spend multiple years in prison, we ALL gotta die sometime...
Some of y'all are extremely naive if you think that rappers like Ross lying to the youth and promoting a destructive lifestyle doesn't have a strong, negative influence on young people in the hood.  I see it everyday.  Yet y'all justifying and defending dudes like Ross while condemning the guys whose lives he's rapping about.  So you like music that glorifies these cats and their lives in music but in real life you condemn them?  You singing the lyrics "I think I'm Big Meech... Larry Hoover!" then when the songs ends you get on NikeTalk and post "*#$! them dudes Big Meech and Larry Hoover... but Ross is cool for rapping about them though, that ###$ knocks."
  Do y'all not see the hypocrisy and hilarity there?

And if y'all can't understand that someone like Hoover is considered a "stand-up guy" because he lived by a code and didn't violate it even when faced with the reality that he will die in prison, then I'm not sure what to tell you... I can't speak on Meech because I don't know that much about him.
Teflon Don is the best album this year so far .
Ye and Wayne will have to bring it , if they drop this year .
J.Cole as well .
I see this being replayable forever , meaning it may end up being a classic .
So basically people should only rap about what they live, and the listeners should only listen if they live that lifestyle?

If I enjoy Uncle Murda's music, but I hate the dude in the hood that robs and murders people, am I contradiction in my own right?

*throws more gas on the flames*
Originally Posted by red mpls

Some of y'all are extremely naive if you think that rappers like Ross lying to the youth and promoting a destructive lifestyle doesn't have a strong, negative influence on young people in the hood.  I see it everyday.  Yet y'all justifying and defending dudes like Ross while condemning the guys whose lives he's rapping about.  So you like music that glorifies these cats and their lives in music but in real life you condemn them?  You singing the lyrics "I think I'm Big Meech... Larry Hoover!" then when the songs ends you get on NikeTalk and post "*#$! them dudes Big Meech and Larry Hoover... but Ross is cool for rapping about them though, that ###$ knocks."
  Do y'all not see the hypocrisy and hilarity there?

And if y'all can't understand that someone like Hoover is considered a "stand-up guy" because he lived by a code and didn't violate it even when faced with the reality that he will die in prison, then I'm not sure what to tell you... I can't speak on Meech because I don't know that much about him.

Atleast someone else is dealing with reality...
So basically people should only rap about what they live, and the listeners should only listen if they live that lifestyle?
What's SOOOOOOOO wrong with being honest?? No one is sayin you have to live a life that paralels that of you're fav rapper, but it seems that these cats don't even understand the BASICS of the lifestyle, but are condemning those who lived it, while supporting rappers that exploit it... I don't understand that...
If I enjoy Uncle Murda's music, but I hate the dude in the hood that robs and murders people, am I contradiction in my own right?

Pretty much... Why is it OK for Murda to promote that lifestyle to the masses, and swear damn near by his life that he LIVES it himself, but you HATE the guy that may have been FORCED to live that life by a means of survival??... But support the one that exploits it for no other reason other than to make money regardless of who's affected by his words??

That makes sense to you??
Originally Posted by jupiterjaywall

Teflon Don is the best album this year so far .
Ye and Wayne will have to bring it , if they drop this year .
J.Cole as well .
I see this being replayable forever , meaning it may end up being a classic .

Totally agree.

And it is a classic right now, IMO.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

^ son....Do you have ANY outside life? I'm not even trying to go in on you its a serious question.

Ask the Ns that seen me in REAL life...

I don't know where you live but its a HEATwave in the city I live in...

You could never "go in" on me, cause you're nothing more than an internet s/n...

If we had another PYP in the music forum you'd be one of those guys we just laugh @... (if you'd even be willing to show your face)
Originally Posted by The Kid Nimley

Originally Posted by undefinedinc

^ son....Do you have ANY outside life? I'm not even trying to go in on you its a serious question.

Ask the Ns that seen me in REAL life...

I don't know where you live but its a HEATwave in the city I live in...

You could never "go in" on me, cause you're nothing more than an internet s/n...

If we had another PYP in the music forum you'd be one of those guys we just laugh @... (if you'd even be willing to show your face)
Soooo is that a no?
A drug dealer is a stand up guy now?
You dudes are so confused. This is just all ridiculous. You dudes are mad at Rawse for being a "fake drug dealer" and commending real drug dealers for poisoning our community. You dudes can't be serious with this logic. Just can't. I mean I did the whole idolizing of drug dealers when I was in middle and high school but man some of you dudes are too old to still idolize a drug dealer.

True sh!#.
_s arguing over *#*!%%%%. Everybody tough as hell on a messageboard, even got Asians on this +$#%+ acting like Szechwan Dons and %%%%....Y'all need to chill amd enjoy this banger
Lol I was about to do it...but then I stopped caring, it ain't no arguing with _s who already got they minds made up. I was so fried the other day and was thinking of all kinds of arguments about this being a classic...$@!+ I might roll this L up now and post that $@!+, ain't $@!+ poppin' this way, its Tornado sirens blaring around this *%+#$.
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