Originally Posted by BangDak

thoughts on this laptop deal?
im thinking about hopping on it.
any help with this?
Originally Posted by KL9

^What size do you wear? There's one for 100 shipped + 8% cashback.

Size is 10, PM me if you're interested and I'll fork over the link heh.
i wear a 11.5-12 thanks though.

my feet grew from a 10.5 to a 11.5 like 1 or 2 years ago. only noticed when i started buying shoes again
looks like next quarter i may be hitting the medical books.
maybe not, but my engineering design project for school is sponsored by UCSD's CancerCenter so we're trying to design a patient positioning system to keep patients still when they have brain tumors removed.
Originally Posted by KL9

Originally Posted by What up

I have never gone to a CSU but I've heard from friends that because of budget cuts, it's really difficult to get all your classes.
It's ridiculous, glad they shut down applicants for a semester (or two) @ SFSU.
Word? SFSU isn't accepting transfers?


That was the main CSU I wanted to apply at.
i think for next semester i'm finally gonna pick a major and go with culinary arts at city. i have no idea how to talk to a counselor though to figure outwhat classes i need to go along with it.
ehh, while on the subject of college. What do you guys think of going to CC and transfering to a CSU or UC route?
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

ehh, while on the subject of college. What do you guys think of going to CC and transfering to a CSU or UC route?
i know ppl that do it for financial reasons, and i know ppl that do it because their high school grades sucked. do it if u want, good grades arequite easy to get at juco so in essence it'll be easier to get into the top UCs if you take the juco route compared to applying straight out of highschool, in most cases.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

ehh, while on the subject of college. What do you guys think of going to CC and transfering to a CSU or UC route?
i know ppl that do it for financial reasons, and i know ppl that do it because their high school grades sucked. do it if u want, good grades are quite easy to get at juco so in essence it'll be easier to get into the top UCs if you take the juco route compared to applying straight out of high school, in most cases.
i would go straight to state, but i got a D in one of my english classes in 10th grade ( @+$% you ms.matusek
) andi dont want to make it up
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

ehh, while on the subject of college. What do you guys think of going to CC and transfering to a CSU or UC route?
i know ppl that do it for financial reasons, and i know ppl that do it because their high school grades sucked. do it if u want, good grades are quite easy to get at juco so in essence it'll be easier to get into the top UCs if you take the juco route compared to applying straight out of high school, in most cases.
i would go straight to state, but i got a D in one of my english classes in 10th grade ( @+$% you ms.matusek
) and i dont want to make it up
Just don't slack off. It's not hard to get out of a CC in 2 years or less (depending if the cc still offers winter courses).
yeah CC ain't all that bad but you gotta be careful not to slack off. there's really nothing there to motivate you. my plan was to have all my GE donein like 3 or 4 semesters but that didn't work out at all since i got really lazy and unmotivated to go to classes.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

I went from SDSU to a CC (CSM) and it's terrible
I'm going back to SDSU next semester.
I went from a CC (CSM/Skyline) to UCSD. My CC experience was one of the best things that ever happened to me. If you have no self control (IE.Playing video games, slacking off) it is

hard to get out in two years. If you are serious about it, you can get out and get out with good grades. I didn't get into any UC's out of HS, after mytwo years at CC I got into every UC i

applied to including UCLA and UCSD and i'm not that smart. It is cheap, and it help you get to where your going.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

ehh, while on the subject of college. What do you guys think of going to CC and transfering to a CSU or UC route?
I think its a good idea if your major is undeclared.

I kinda wish I went that route. Unless your at a college that you truly want to be at, GE classes can be a waste of time and money.
I went to a CC straight outta Lowell and it killed me. Why the $%#! did I go to an academically challenging high school only to go to juco? After 3 semestersat CSM, I transfered to a private college and haven't looked back since. $%#! the motivation BS, you'll do fine. Coming out of Lowell, you already havea leg up on the competition. CSM was like a continuation of high school, only with more freedom/drugs/sex. Word to the wise though, have a plan in place theminute you step foot on a CC campus. Know which classes are transferable so you don't take unneeded courses. See your counselor and make a class schedulefor your first year. Then come back OFTEN to see your counselor to see that everything is in place for you to move on with your life. And lastly, enjoy thefinancial aid checks that you'll be receiving thanks to Cal Grant.
[h2]Don Nelson's pneumonia: It'd be no surprise if he's out until early December[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on November 23rd, 2009 at 9:07 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

There's every indication that Don Nelson is really sick-diagnosed with pneumonia and out for the two-game Texas trip starting tomorrow in Dallas-and that the Warriors have every reason to be sure of it.

In fact, there are many reasons to believe that Nelson will miss more than two games.

If he's this sick, he might also miss at least the Saturday home game against the Lakers and maybe a few more after that, maybe five total.

And then everybody checks back to see where he's at Dec. 2-5 before any deeper measures have to be considered.

Nelson hasn't looked too good for a few weeks. I didn't hear the KNBR interview last week, but I heard he sounded sick.

On Friday night, Nelson joked about putting everybody to sleep in the pre-game presser. Actually, I thought he was going to nod off himself, right there on the podium.

The last few weeks, we kept asking him about his energy level and he kept saying that it was fine, but obviously, he's 69 and not in the best shape possible.

So Nelson should rest and come back feeling better. I hope he feels better soon.

I don't think he's the right coach for this team-and I don't think HE thinks he's the right coach, either-but he's sick and he should take care of himself and come back strong.

I do think that this episode is unsurprising, given Nelson's history and his age and the desperate situation that the Warriors have devolved into.

When things go bad, Nelson has at times fallen ill.

Sometimes that has led to him negotiating to leave (Warriors Part 1, Mavericks). Sometimes… well, I can't think of any past results other than Nelson leaving, eventually.

Losing is tough on him. The scrutiny is not easy, I'm sure, and I realize I'm one of the people putting it on him.

He leads life to the fullest, and that has not included vegetarian dieting or many trips to the health spa.

Plus, Nelson's relationship with this current group of Warriors players is not warm. Sorry if you don't like to hear it, but that's the way it is.

If you're wondering why the Monta Ellis situation seemed to hit a boiling point late last week… and then it got quiet all of a sudden… and then this… Yes, I'm wondering about that, too.

I'm not saying Nelson's sickness is just his way of looking for a way out. Or that it's a diversion. He's ill.

He has this year at $6M and next year at $6M. I'm not counting that "free year" he offered earlier.

He should've retired at the end of last season. There is no way he should've gotten that two-year extension from Robert Rowell and Chris Cohan.

We all know that. Even Rowell probably knows that now. So it's time to hope Nelson gets stronger and for the Warriors to understand that he shouldn't have been put-or put himself-in this situation this year in the first place.
Originally Posted by What up

I went to a CC straight outta Lowell and it killed me. Why the $%#! did I go to an academically challenging high school only to go to juco? After 3 semesters at CSM, I transfered to a private college and haven't looked back since. $%#! the motivation BS, you'll do fine. Coming out of Lowell, you already have a leg up on the competition. CSM was like a continuation of high school, only with more freedom/drugs/sex. Word to the wise though, have a plan in place the minute you step foot on a CC campus. Know which classes are transferable so you don't take unneeded courses. See your counselor and make a class schedule for your first year. Then come back OFTEN to see your counselor to see that everything is in place for you to move on with your life. And lastly, enjoy the financial aid checks that you'll be receiving thanks to Cal Grant.
Kinda this. I went to USF as a transfer from City College and Skyline. Feels like the school and all of the faculty I've come in contact withhave done their best to move me through college at a smooth pace. I'd definitely recommend it over the current state of public schools if you can affordit, and usually private schools are more generous with financial aid anyway.
Tim Lincecum:


dont be a menace:


I don't know. It didn't turn out the way I imagined it in my head. I only took into account the moving and resizing of the Santa Hat, but I didn'ttake into account the moving of different angles of the face/head
. The hat doesn't truly follow Mila Kunis' head movements. Sorry man. I thinkI'm done with trying to make Santa Hat .gifs
. I'll just stick to still images. Anyone else want to add a Santa Hat to a still image? Just letme know.
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