Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Who else saw Barnett staring down Monta after the game with his mouth wide open?

.gif anybody?
just rewound it and saw it
, kinda hard to see cause itskinda quick
[h2]Raja Out 3 Months At Least[/h2]
By Marcus Thompson
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 at 3:27 pm in Uncategorized
1 Comment

The team announced Raja Bell is out at least three months after successful surgery to repair ligament damage in his left wrist.

The next six weeks, Bell's wrist will be immobilized. If everything is clear at that point, he will begin rehabilitation. The Warriors are thinking that based on Bell's history and work ethic, he could be back in in March. That is optimism at its best, but that is what they are saying now (remember, before it was four weeks or four to five months).

What does this mean?

It means they are holding out hope he returns. Or, they are keeping the market open.

Did some digging and it sounds like the Warriors aren't just looking at Bell as an expiring contract. They want him on the team, and it's going to take a good deal for Bell to be involved. They want a defender and a locker room guy in addition to someone who can play. They like Bell a lot. And even if he doesn't play this year, Warriors insiders say they are looking at Bell for next season, too.
Why should anyone be upset with these losses? This season is a wash anyway. We're competitive for a team that's poorly constructed and only plays 8players but what would we be gaining with victories? I want a legit shot at John Wall.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

what did monta do wrong? i didnt watch the game

Warriors had a chance to tie the game up. they inbound the ball, monta gets it, turns around and steps with out dribbling. TRAVEL. warriors lose
Wait what? We lost?! I stopped watching with about 5 minutes left in the 4th and we were up by like 8...

What, besides the Warriors being the Warriors, happened?!

Oh yeah, and it just dawned on me that I'm probably not going to witness a single win in person this season
The 4 Pack I bought included the Rockets, Lakers, the Magic this Saturday,and the Spurs on the 16th.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

ehh, made it with my iphone, not the best quality
Thanks for that. I missed it when the game was on.

I don't really blame that much on Monta. More on Nelson than anything. Everyone saw that play coming. It was the same thing he uses all the time. Onlydifference is number of screens. I liked Montgomery's inbound play calls when he was coaching. He wasn't getting any respect from the team (especiallyBD), but I always thought he would be a solid assistant coach and would be great for calling inbound plays.

Create a play going towards the basket and have a bigger inbounder who can pass. Use one screen for Monta going to the basket and if the defenders switch thenrun the play out towards the three or call a timeout. There was no setup on the play except give the ball to Monta.
Originally Posted by gusyouout

I don't really blame that much on Monta. More on Nelson than anything. Everyone saw that play coming. It was the same thing he uses all the time. Only difference is number of screens. I liked Montgomery's inbound play calls when he was coaching. He wasn't getting any respect from the team (especially BD), but I always thought he would be a solid assistant coach and would be great for calling inbound plays.

Create a play going towards the basket and have a bigger inbounder who can pass. Use one screen for Monta going to the basket and if the defenders switch then run the play out towards the three or call a timeout. There was no setup on the play except give the ball to Monta.
I agree. Everybody knew the play was going to Monta. Barnett had it diagrammed even before the play started, and Rick Adelman had it defendedperfectly. Don Nelson should be at fault here for his pathetic play out of a timeout. C'mon, we have 2.1 seconds left in the game. Nelson draws up a playfor Monta going away from the basket near mid court? Monta has to run full speed to separate from his defender to receive the ball, then stop on a dime, thenturn around to maneuver around his defender, and probably another help defender, and then create his own shot all in 2.1 seconds? Give me a break.
The reason Monta traveled is because he thought Ariza was going to be on his left, so he tried to spin right, but Ariza was actually on his right and when henoticed, he tried to move and caused the travel.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

The reason Monta traveled is because he thought Ariza was going to be on his left, so he tried to spin right, but Ariza was actually on his right and when he noticed, he tried to move and caused the travel. Don Nelson doesnt have the slightest clue how to successfully draw up a play that would put his players in a good position to succeed.

Not monta's fault, nellie loses another reason. No reason to leave maggette in the game when radmanovic was playing so well
Mine was ruined by last night's loss, but I saw it coming when Maggette played a huge chunk of the 4th quarter as Center.
[h1]Warriors Ask Sick Nelson To Stay Away[/h1]
Dec 04, 2009 7:54 AM EST

Warriors coach Don Nelson has been asked to stay away from the team so that his health can be re-evaluated.

He has missed five of the team's last six games due to pneumonia, returning for Golden State's loss to Houston on Thursday night.

Nelson has suffered two dizzy spells since rejoining the team and general manager Larry Riley told Yahoo! Sports he asked Nelson to take Friday's practice off to rest.

"I'll have him slow down [Friday]," Riley said. "I'm concerned for him personally, but he'll be all right. We'll see. It's a slow process."

Nelson has also expressed doubt about whether he'll physically be able to travel with the team on their upcoming four-game road trip, which begins Sunday.

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