And Paul....Im not familiar with either of those guys, but GL. Just because I dont really know them, doesnt necessarily mean they are bad cappers.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I bought an invisible shield for my new phone and it has air bubbles all on it
. I knew I wouldn't put it on right.

It took a few days for mine to come out. I hate their policy on getting new ones though. Have to send ur old one back to get a new one waived off. Btw I hadthe nachos and the chicken tenders w/ fries. I think it was the chicken since it seemed under cooked.
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Originally Posted by daprescription

I bought an invisible shield for my new phone and it has air bubbles all on it
. I knew I wouldn't put it on right.

It took a few days for mine to come out. I hate their policy on getting new ones though. Have to send ur old one back to get a new one waived off. Btw I had the nachos and the chicken tenders w/ fries. I think it was the chicken since it seemed under cooked.
thats why i eat before i go to oracle and its really expensive.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Yeah, I try not to eat food at Oracle, but one time I had the cheese pizza, and it wasn't bad at all.

At the Giants games, it's a different story. I get the garlic fries and bratwurst there.

Sheboygans are a must. Best stadium dog/sausage ever. Every game, without fail. Is it April yet?
For real... is it April yet?

Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Originally Posted by daprescription

I bought an invisible shield for my new phone and it has air bubbles all on it
. I knew I wouldn't put it on right.

It took a few days for mine to come out. I hate their policy on getting new ones though. Have to send ur old one back to get a new one waived off. Btw I had the nachos and the chicken tenders w/ fries. I think it was the chicken since it seemed under cooked.
thats why i eat before i go to oracle and its really expensive.
I try to wait and eat after the game.
Damn, that's hella bubbles.

I recently put a screen protector on my Tilt 2 and it's got a few bubbles here and there, but not as much as yours.
I think I'm going to ask one of the mobile guys at work to do it for me. I knew I was going to fail before I even put it on.
damn i got a droid too (RIP Treo 755P)
but i don't have a screen protector for it-- i just don't really see the need

can't wait for Android 2.1 to update.
Originally Posted by offbad

damn i got a droid too (RIP Treo 755P)
but i don't have a screen protector for it-- i just don't really see the need

can't wait for Android 2.1 to update.
I just hate fingerprints.
I think I should just have one of the mobile people do it for me, they're always free anyways.
like i said DP don't trip about it. didn't it say on the instructions that the bubbles will go away?

i'd eat before the game but i'll just get hungry again. but i'll try and maybe get a better meal before.

btw what happened to the summit at the thunder game on 2/6?
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

like i said DP don't trip about it. didn't it say on the instructions that the bubbles will go away?
Yeah, but these aren't. I think I went over it too much and ruined it
In case you guys havent caught it, and have like 15 minutes of free time, you should peep the Marvin Harrison GQ article. Wow.
Speaking of the D-League, there's a D-League big man with NBA experience who currently boasts the following stat line: 17.9 points per game, 10.3 rebounds, 1.5 blocks and 58.4% 2-point field goal percentage. Here's the best part: He's also making 45.5% of his 3-pointers, while making 83.8% of his free throws. Some NBA team, I'd wager, could use this guy. Can you name him?

man i was sleeping all day and missed out on the red AM1s for $37.99 at vacaville. i just got my sz 12 a while back for $59.99 but got a sz too big. i'lltry calling again tomorrow though
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