Originally Posted by axel f0ley

this whole thread is a joke
That dude DP is a joke
i like that episode a lot too.

the basketball one is probably my favorite though, just because of Stanley, his dribble always gets me
Originally Posted by What up

DP were you able to find the t-shirt Baron had on in the video shot in NYC?

I was on the company's site, but I couldn't read *+*+ because it's not in English
.  I think another NTer said they are opening up a shop later this year somewhere in the US.
I see our thread has jumped 4 pages since the game ended. Thought something happened......but no. Just DP up to his usual tricks.
DP nearly hogged page 300 to himself...

I had to double take at the username when the NEW GIFs were posted.
The artist formerly known as Cap’n Jack will not be walking gingerlyinto the lions’ den (also known as Oracle Arena) tomorrow night:“Charlotte Bobcat Stephen Jackson forced his way out of the GoldenState Warriors, so he’s not deluding himself about how he’ll be treatedin his return to Oakland Friday. ‘I know I’m going to get booed,’Jackson told the Observer Tuesday night.

 ‘I was booed while I wasplaying there, so I know I’m going to get booed. But I won’t pay anyattention; I get booed in 15 (NBA) arenas. This won’t be any differentto me.’ Jackson pushed for a trade because he felt the Warriors weren’tcommitted to winning. Wouldn’t the fans understand that with all that’sgone on since the Warriors upset the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs afew seasons ago? ‘Just some people are bitter. But that’s part of thegame,’ Jackson said. ‘It’s not really going to be a factor of what theoutcome of the game will be. This is about us being focused.
It sucks that the coaches in the league have something against the Warriors
. After last night, I really don't blame them for not naming Ellis an all star. He really isn't. Don't be mad at me, but Monta isn't a dominate player. Has he ever taken over a game an won it for the Warriors? I can't remember one game that he has done this.
Well there aren't too many wins to recall either, but I've seen stretches where he gets straight buckets and does have to take over. It doesn't help that he's surrounded by D-leaguers (lol @ the question of the game versus Suckramento - "Whose your favorite former D-leauger who plays for the Warriors" or something like that).

I have mixed feelings on it, I had to do a double-take that D. Williams hadn't even made ASG yet.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I just want this season to end already
. The only bright spot is the development of Curry and the possibility of a new owner. everything else is a waste.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I just want this season to end already
. The only bright spot is the development of Curry, everything else is a waste.
Seriously. Curry's development is the only thing that makes this team watchable.
lol Crunk Steinmetz basically just re-worded your question to an answer and skipped the actual substance.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Matt totally went around my question


Good question.  I'm starting to fall in love with Monta all over again so man that'll be a tough one to part with him.  Steph is cool too but Monta is a "WarriorS for life"

Also, regarding tomorrow's game.  I for one, am against booing Capt Jack.  I don't blame him one bit for wanting to leave.  Mgmt played themselves in the FIRST  place by offering him that ******ed contract and then we show him we are commited to winning by going out and getting WORLD CHAMPION Deveon George.
I wouldn't boo Jackson. He is the bad guy because he is the only player that actually stuck it to management. Warriors fans will boo, a lot of them don't keep up with the team.
They can boo him all they want. I don't care. I still remember his 4-18 shooting nights, his constant complaining to the refs in the backcourt, and his ugly crossover dribbles resulting in turnovers going the other way.

Oh and when things weren't going well, I remember Stephen Jackson deflecting criticism going his way and redirecting it toward his teammates instead.

I am, however, secretly wishing Charlotte to make the playoffs to stick it to Warriors Management.
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