Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

Originally Posted by az5950

The white bottoms
and white tongue/liner/etc
and it's carolina
and it was a pro that came out when we were getting mad pro's and pro's only.....while everyone wanted a damn foam one retro that took forever and a day it seemed like..... much has changed 
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

who copped the charocal/red flights off the bay today ughhhhh

yo theres a size 10 on the bay again. Type in > RARE Nike Air Flightposite B when you search!
Pines before Armies?
only two flightposite 1 and neither are the eggplants or carbons??

1/2 cents before Volt pro's?

should've let me write that list for you Dame 
That list is booty,

where the Flightposite 1, 2 and 3 Team banks?

Flightposite garnett OBF? Olympic garnett 2?

ultraposite don't even count as foamposite to me,

and why in the world is Uni blue Foams at 36? bugged....
offering $800 for a size 11 galaxy considered low balling? dude just responded "lol"

guess i dont want them THAT bad
Originally Posted by djshabby2005

so mayhem... just picked up something you would love.... gotta come to Sneaks Up to see it though......
this guy.....u know i can't even think about making that trip 
I was gonna say that any top 40 or whatever list like that is purely subjective and then I looked at the whole thing and it's pure trash. I'm sure most people would put royal foam 1's as #1 on any list like that but after that it gets pretty bad. Sure it's a matter of opinion but there's no sense of sneaker history with that list. Galaxy's landing in the top 5 ahead of voltage foam pros, FP1's, eggplant foam 1's, etc.... most of the FP2's and FP3's weren't in there, I don't really know if Penny III's technically count, and Zoom Rookies and 1/2 cents should have made up the bottom 10-12 of that list since those shoes wouldn't exist if not for being a combination of the other shoes before them.
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