The Official "Walking Dead" Season One Thread - Premieres Halloween, 2010

I've never read the comics, but i'm excited for anything zombie related and a series too?
I haven't read the comics but this show looks damnnnn good off the trailer. AMC is definitely putting out top notch material.
it's about time we got off this vampire BS (although i do like true blood) and got into some real !#$. Zombies > all
Originally Posted by el terrible23

I haven't read the comic but I am so looking forward to this. Still in the middle of reading World War Z and then I'm looking to purchase this.

For those that have read the books, do you think this is a good buy?

its a good buy, Ive read all of them, #$%@ is like a movie/soap opera you always want to know who's going to die next or whats going to happen ,the story line is crazy
at that trailer

#@%! got me geeked..... it looks awesome.....

cant wait
might have to check out the books...
Originally Posted by sosly

The Walking Dead! 
  I'm still mad that they killed off Tyreese wayyy too early, imo best character.  Anyway hopefully the tv adaption is just as good.

Just got to that part....

Series is mad dark. I might cry when it airs if they keep it close to the books
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