The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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For those bragging about not getting caught yet with the basic Chrome script, it's only a matter of time.  You might as well ditch it now.
Dude you were copping multiples, don't try to deter people from using the scripts. 

Totally different story when your name shows up twice on the list
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ok that's what I did however the automator did not work for google chrome. but it did work for safari.  I would like it to work for google chrome though because i want to use it with my link snipper.  Is there anything I can do to make the automator compatible with chrome? thank you
I see what you saying. Yeah. Something about Google Chrome is now allow you to use Automator with it.  Which is strange.  

That sucks.
This. That is what I was trying to say earlier.
I see what you saying. Yeah. Something about Google Chrome is now allow you to use Automator with it.  Which is strange.  

That sucks.

ok that's what I did however the automator did not work for google chrome. but it did work for safari.  I would like it to work for google chrome though because i want to use it with my link snipper.  Is there anything I can do to make the automator compatible with chrome? thank you
I have a fast chrome crx file bot, Pretty good internet speed and still missed on the champ pack. They were so limited I think you had to have a lil luck on your side. I never missed on a ndc release, was able to cop 2pair of db3's. Just think you had to be lucky to get the champ pack
she's not that bad but I had actually called her before. She says she only remembers the people that yelled at her (probably at a lot). She said many orders were canceled
For those who have had their NDC accounts banned:

What exactly are you banned from with that specific account? Is it just the purchase of new releases or all products from the store?

Are you still able to access your account info on NDC or is your account locked from access?

Did you have a Nike+ account set up? And are you still able to access normally from the web and from the Nike+ mobile apps?
she's not that bad but I had actually called her before. She says she only remembers the people that yelled at her (probably at a lot). She said many orders were canceled
I've always attempted to be polite on the phone, but she cops a ***** attitude from the start.

Its like winning the lottery with the odds of being: 108 in # of users online

thats basically what it boiled down to. with that few pairs, even people with bots are forced into a raffle like luck of the draw. i learned that location played alot into this too. people on the east coast and midwest have a considerably better chance to get the pairs since we're closer to the server, which means the ping will be lower than that of people on the west coast

and internet speed doesnt have a huge factor in this. i have a 15 MBPS connection and a C+ national grade on but end up getting most releases i go after on
This is not going to be a good week for Meg...

If you guys expose her FB account, then it would be GAME OVER! 
Check out the Sr. Fraud person in her connections.  They are passionate about their work. Read her bio!
the sad thing is that fraud analyst used to be with people who stole credit cards or with fake credit cards. now it's bots restricting people who want to buy things with legitimate methods of payment-not fraudulent..... :smh:
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Im sorry for asking this but I cant open my add to cart bot with textedit or notepad...I have the crx bot, is that the same as the js bot.....Thanks
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