The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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My file ends in .crx extension. Can that be edited with the modified code? If so, what program can I used to modify it? I've tried Notebad but all I see is a bunch of weird characters.
You have to unpack the extension.  Search for "unpacking chrome extension" on google. and let us know which method works for you.
How can you tell what place you are in line?

People were saying like "I was 650 in line" during the chip pack. 

Would be useful knowing where my coding/network puts me
explain what you are trying to automate.

I am trying to make an automation that will create a new tab or new window. Then go to nike store twitter. After that, click the first link and go to the new site [which would be the product] and then select size and quantity and select add to cart.

I feel like doing this would be the safest because if nike cannot say this is a bot because the mouse is ACTUALLY moving. It's not a script. I have a crx file and twitter link sniper, but I want to have a safe option. I can't be blackmailed at all for nike. I want to be ready for October.
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You have to unpack the extension.  Search for "unpacking chrome extension" on google. and let us know which method works for you.

Thanks. I figured out where the folder is located on my computer and I see a Manifest.json file. I'm able to open it using Notepad but I don't see this in the code:

document.getElementsByClassName("button-container add-to-cart")[;

Am I opening the right file?
Thanks. I figured out where the folder is located on my computer and I see a Manifest.json file. I'm able to open it using Notepad but I don't see this in the code:

document.getElementsByClassName("button-container add-to-cart")[;

Am I opening the right file?

I may be able to help. If I'm not mistaken, for nikes new layout, the script is not button container add to cart, but just add to cart... If that is not there, then i don't know what is going on.
if you have a link sniper then you might have two different folders. one for add to cart. the other for the sniper.

if you have the javascript code then you will see it in one of the .js files.
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Thanks. I figured out where the folder is located on my computer and I see a Manifest.json file. I'm able to open it using Notepad but I don't see this in the code:

document.getElementsByClassName("button-container add-to-cart")[;

Am I opening the right file?

Ok so I opened the .js file this time. I believe this is the correct one. However, my code says:


Should I replace that with:
Let's go over the things that will get your order canceled:
  1. Using the javascript bot.
  2. Using any EC2 instance for ADD-TO-CART **and** CHECK OUT
  3. ... anyone got any others?
Orders to the same name, even if different address/billing type.

Why are you insisting talking through pm? This isn't a pissing contest, you have YET to give me any reason why this thread is legal and yet continue to mock and judge me.

This isn't about "look at me", its about a thread that shouldn't be here yet you refuse to acknowledge that point in the first place.

Again, all I ask I'd you ignore my supposed tone and reason to me why this thread is NT appropriate. If you don't have an answer, refer me to someone who does.
We get it, you're worried about fairness and maybe you've been slighted in the past regarding "the rules". I'm sure some people don't appreciate your blanket statement, that to put it midly are pretty presumpitious on why we're on the hunt for shoes. Do as a favor and respect for the rest of the Forum and take to PM with the Mod requested. Most of us don't want to filter with your back and forth arguing. I'm asking you nicely to PM him, not in here clogging up the Forum. 99.99% of the people in here aren't interested in your fairness crusade. If you win and this topic is closed, so be it, and I'll respect that. Till then make a private matter.Thanks
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We get it, you're worried about fairness and maybe you've been slighted in the past regarding "the rules". I'm sure some people don't appreciate your blanket statement, that to put it midly are pretty presumpitious on why we're on the hunt for shoes. Do as a favor and respect for the rest of the Forum and take to PM with the Mod requested. Most of us don't want to filter with your back and forth arguing. I'm asking you nicely to PM him, not in here clogging up the Forum. 99.99% of the people in here aren't interested in your fairness crusade. If you win and this topic is closed, so be it, and I'll respect that. Till then make a private matter.Thanks
You wrote that and he AINTEVENKNOWIT.....
You wrote that and he AINTEVENKNOWIT.....
I realize that now, lol. A futile effort now I see. Oh well. I was little behind because I started getting busy at work. I got irritated with all his whining. I saw he was banned from the thread, after I caught up, which is good enough. On to our regularly scheduled program.
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Here are some ideas to throw out.

I'm thinking maybe Nike only carrys data from the last "add to cart".

It might be worth testing out with the much faster Javascript code the following checkout scenarios after successfully getting a TLO shoe added to your cart:
  1. Sign out then sign back in. Then check out.
  2. Sign out then sign back in. Then try to add another pair to your cart (manually). Wait til you are placed in line. Get out of line. Then check out.
  3. Sign out then sign back in. Then go and add another (non-TLO) shoe into your cart (manually). Go through the check out process (and later remove the shoe).
  4. Sign out then sign back in. Then go and add another (non-TLO) shoe into your cart (manually). Then check out. Return the un-wanted shoe later if everything gets delivered together.
  5. Hit up Meg and tell her that you'll sleep with her (manually).
From talking with Meg multiple times on the phone.... nevermind
We get it, you're worried about fairness and maybe you've been slighted in the past regarding "the rules". I'm sure some people don't appreciate your blanket statement, that to put it midly are pretty presumpitious on why we're on the hunt for shoes. Do as a favor and respect for the rest of the Forum and take to PM with the Mod requested. Most of us don't want to filter with your back and forth arguing. I'm asking you nicely to PM him, not in here clogging up the Forum. 99.99% of the people in here aren't interested in your fairness crusade. If you win and this topic is closed, so be it, and I'll respect that. Till then make a private matter.Thanks

Well said cause I was having a headache reading one thing and the next one down is his debate lol.
I am trying to make an automation that will create a new tab or new window. Then go to nike store twitter. After that, click the first link and go to the new site [which would be the product] and then select size and quantity and select add to cart.

I feel like doing this would be the safest because if nike cannot say this is a bot because the mouse is ACTUALLY moving. It's not a script. I have a crx file and twitter link sniper, but I want to have a safe option. I can't be blackmailed at all for nike. I want to be ready for October.
Best I think of you doing is this - since I think you might be trying to automate too much.

Use chrome.

Use the link sniper.  Nothing is gonna happen from you using a link sniper.

I'm sure Chrome opens the window in a new tab.  So you would have to record a session where:
  • the chrome window is maximized.
  • the automator record window is visibly close to were the size selection drop down is. 
Go find a shoe that has your size available. Record the automator process of clicking the size selection, selecting the size, and clicking add to cart. End the session.

On release day you would wait for the sniper to launch the link in a new tab. Then you hit play on Automator.
Ok, wouldn't it be easier to run a macro for the add to cart process? I used to have a programmable mouse do it on games. (Assuming the link grabber and add to cart processes have to be seperate.
Is it safe to say that Chrome is the root of all evil? Well not all but a lot of people rely on chromes capabilities?
Is it safe to say that Chrome is the root of all evil? Well not all but a lot of people rely on chromes capabilities?
I use chrome and Firefox , selenium use to get me everything I wanted

How can you tell what place you are in line?

People were saying like "I was 650 in line" during the chip pack. 

Would be useful knowing where my coding/network puts me
I think method said you have to have some console window open, I know what he's referring to cuz when I was trying to make a bypass the line script I would see something like wait, pil-number here have me no chance

Evilside, if I PM you my scripts, will you check my bot homework?

Pm I got u :wink:
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Ok, wouldn't it be easier to run a macro for the add to cart process? I used to have a programmable mouse do it on games. (Assuming the link grabber and add to cart processes have to be seperate.
You could. Just realize any programmable mouse relies on the click areas being consistent. So if  you are not using a maximized window - you might run into some pitfalls.
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