The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Yes, only replace line 8 with it or the equivalent in your script.

Just realize that the above script does not work on the recent NDC.  Needs the element name changes that have been hinted through out this thread.
Evilside - Having some issues updating line 8 with "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]var i=sizesList.length-1; i<0; i--[/color]  " the script works with its original function but when trying to update it with your is unable to work.  Any hint as to what might be the disconnect?
Got word that a couple of folks at NikeDC got fired for the events last week.

RSVPs will take place for the Fear pack.  Still in-house from what I hear.  And still the same damn process.

Gonna be another one of those weeks.

May the best RSVP bot win.
Bummer!  SMH @ getting fired for not following company's protocol.  I wonder if the casualties were managers or just low level staff.
Evilside - Having some issues updating line 8 with "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]var i=sizesList.length-1; i<0; i--[/color]  " the script works with its original function but when trying to update it with your is unable to work.  Any hint as to what might be the disconnect?
Ok, I found the disconnect.   The function should read var "i=sizesList.length-1; i>0; i--"
thanks for the change to the script ES, ill test it out on a saturday release soon. glad to hear about NTDC, but unless it was managers i doubt anything will change, ill still try though.
thanks for the change to the script ES, ill test it out on a saturday release soon. glad to hear about NTDC, but unless it was managers i doubt anything will change, ill still try though.
I can't probe with too many questions since I don't want my source to question my interest. 
Ok, you think these scripts will work for tampermonkey on android? I don't see why not, except it's harder to write them on a tablet.
Something like ... 

A number of last season’s hottest footwear styles are back for a limited time. Get yours here http://
i thought so, thanks. i figure using "limited" would give me more use in the future than "back".  1 more question, and im sure its a dumb one, but with the basic linkgrabber floating around, what changes would have to be made to use more than 1 keyword in the same script.

edit: nevermind, read your signature and wont ask for help?
FYI... The restock link will just take you to a search result of a bunch of shoes that have restocked.  So unless you have something that then takes you to the individual shoe pages themselves, I don't think this is going to help you.
To answer your second question, there are so many things you can trigger on a page.  Its a matter of figuring out what triggers are available for each CSS selector and launching them off in the proper order.

So, unless you've pretty much triggered everything, naturally possible, I still think you run the risk of getting flagged by NDC.  

But, I have yet to hear about someone getting caught with the jQuery script.  The more people step up - the better we can respond with more mouseevents or ideas to avoid getting flagged.  
Thanks for the info as always.

 I just feel that those that have gotten banned from NDC are kind of cryptic about how they were banned and exactly what steps they took.

If that was me that was banned, I would share the exact setup I did so others could avoid it because seriously right now, even the basic free add to cart bots still get through and I feel that NDC is just still looking at things randomly instead of systematically stopping the holes that they do know about.

my bad. that sign should have flipped
after i update line 8, where do i input the index value for the sz i want? for instance, i always  go for sz 10.5 (index value 7) so how can i update my script so it selects sz 10.5 from the start instead of the script going thru all the smaller sizes before it reaches and selects sz 10.5? my question may be stupid but that is how i am understanding how the script works from reading your recent post, the script has to iterate 6 times before reaching and selecting my sz (10.5 or index value 7), but if i can update line 8 and input the correct index value then the script will select the sz i want on the 1st try instead of iterating 6 times before getting to my sz.
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replace the entire for loop:

 8         for  (var i=0; i<sizesList.length; i++)


 9           if(sizesList.options.text == size_i_want)


10             document.getElementsByName("skuAndSize")[0].selectedIndex = i;

11             setQuantity();




 10             document.getElementsByName("skuAndSize")[0].selectedIndex = 7;
replace the entire for loop:

 8         for  (var i=0; i<sizesList.length; i++)


 9           if(sizesList.options.text == size_i_want)


10             document.getElementsByName("skuAndSize")[0].selectedIndex = i;

11             setQuantity();




 10             document.getElementsByName("skuAndSize")[0].selectedIndex = 

so the entire script should look like this:

var size_i_want = "10.5";

var how_many = 1;

function addToCart() {

var sizesList=document.getElementsByName("skuAndSize")[0];

function setQuantity() {

document.getElementsByName("qty")[0].selectedIndex = how_many-1;


function setSizeValue() {

[color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]document.getElementsByName([/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"skuAndSize"[/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)])[[/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]0[/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]].selectedIndex =[/color]  7[color= rgb(238, 130, 238)];[/color]


if(sizesList != undefined) {



} else {

   setTimeout("addToCart()", 250);



setTimeout("addToCart()", 250);

i tried that and it didnt work, do i need to change anything else? also, if i just change the 250 to lets say 100 does that spped it up and if so does that hurt the script or increase the chance of getting flagged in anyway. thanks for your help, i really appreciate it!
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it should be

function setSizeValue() {

[color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]document.getElementsByName([/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"skuAndSize"[/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)])[[/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]0[/color][color= rgb(238, 130, 238)]].selectedIndex =[/color][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]  [/color]7[color= rgb(238, 130, 238)];[/color]



keep in mind, i tested this on flyknit+ i think and it added a size 9 and for lebron x it aded a 10, so i guess 10.5 would really be 8 instead of 7.
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so is the bot no longer working i tried with the glows with zero success sorry if this has been spoken about i just joined this site today. Anyways the only thing i can think of is it wasn't TLO and from the up coming releases its not TLO anymore so its all manually clicking the link ?
so is the bot no longer working i tried with the glows with zero success sorry if this has been spoken about i just joined this site today. Anyways the only thing i can think of is it wasn't TLO and from the up coming releases its not TLO anymore so its all manually clicking the link ?

start reading from page 1.
it should be

function setSizeValue() {

].selectedIndex =


keep in mind, i tested this on flyknit+ i think and it added a size 9 and for lebron x it aded a 10, so i guess 10.5 would really be 8 instead of 7.

My bad. Im human.
i have everything complete even the .crx conversion thats not the issue the issue is not TLO anymore i have read....
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