The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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damn very brutal in here...just a yes or no question wont be answered
Yes... start reading from pg1
Does the jquery file need any modification? I've got it in my manifest and from testing it, it seems to be working.
Really Hope Nike creates a CAPTCHA and makes it where you have to to type in a word in order to add to cart or buy a shoe.. This Bot stuff is ridiculous.
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Really Hope Nike makes it where you have to to type in a word in order to add to cart or buy a shoe.. This Bot stuff is ridiculous.
Why would they want to make shopping experience difficult for everyone else?  Not everyone is after J's, Foams and Yeezys... 
Not true at all. Its just obvious when People ask questions "Before" Reading.  

I'm a kind dude then :D, if i knew the answer ill just say yes or no. I have in the past in other threads,no matter how stupid the question is. I aint finna tell someone start at page 1 tho :lol:
Go to page #2 ES has posted the answer
I discovered that after starting from page 1 like you said 

I d/l the jquery file but I don't understand what to do with it. It's like 180 pages long. "2) Modify your manifest .json file to also include "jquery.js" - this is the line where your other .js file is referenced.  Remember to comma deliminate."
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I'm a kind dude then
, if i knew the answer ill just say yes or no. I have in the past in other threads,no matter how stupid the question is. I aint finna tell someone start at page 1 tho
in this situation a yes or no answer would not help, because  we know the next question will be How or Where?. DVDextreme was giving him a "Blues Clue" with the Page details. But honestly if you didn't make it to Page 2, i could care less to help when you can't help your self. 
Does this still work? I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my current .js , but it's not working out.
// ==UserScript==// @name     _Nike auto-buy shoes(!!!) script// @include*// @include*// @require @require @grant    GM_addStyle// ==/UserScript==/*- The @grant directive is needed to work around a design change    introduced in GM 1.0.   It restores the sandbox.*/var targetShoeSize  = "10";//-- STEP 1:    Activate size drop-down.waitForKeyElements (    "div.footwear form.add-to-cart-form span.sizeDropdown a.size-dropdown",    activateSizeDropdown);function activateSizeDropdown (jNode) {    triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mousedown");    //-- Setup step 2.    waitForKeyElements (        "ul.selectBox-dropdown-menu li a:contains('" + targetShoeSize + "'):visible",        selectDesiredShoeSize    );}//-- STEP 2:    Select desired shoe size.function selectDesiredShoeSize (jNode) {    /*-- Because the selector for this node is vulnerable to false positives,        we need an additional check here.    */    if ($.trim (jNode.text () ) === targetShoeSize) {        //-- This node needs a triplex event        triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mouseover");        triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mousedown");        triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mouseup");        //-- Setup steps 3 and 4.        waitForKeyElements (            "div.footwear form.add-to-cart-form span.sizeDropdown a.selectBox "            + "span.selectBox-label:contains('(" + targetShoeSize + ")')",            waitForShoeSizeDisplayAndAddToCart        );    }}//-- STEPS 3 and 4: Wait for shoe size display and add to cart.function waitForShoeSizeDisplayAndAddToCart (jNode) {    var addToCartButton = $(        "div.footwear form.add-to-cart-form div.product-selections div.add-to-cart"    );    triggerMouseEvent (addToCartButton[0], "click");    //-- Setup step 5.    waitForKeyElements (        " div.cart-item-data a.checkout-button:visible",        clickTheCheckoutButton    );}//-- STEP 5:    Click the checkout button.function clickTheCheckoutButton (jNode) {    triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "click");    //-- All done.  The checkout page should load.}function triggerMouseEvent (node, eventType) {    var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');    clickEvent.initEvent (eventType, true, true);    node.dispatchEvent (clickEvent);}
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