The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Lol it's funny how the "admin" only acknowledges my "tone" and not my substance. I get t. Name calling is much easier.

You're doing a great job bro.
Lol it's funny how the "admin" only acknowledges my "tone" and not my substance. I get t. Name calling is much easier.

You're doing a great job bro.
and its funny ive given you ample opportunity to PM me so we can talk as men but instead you just carry your "look at me now" approach.
I did, was just checking if I did it wrong because autofill did not work for Nike with me.

Once it's in your cart you just manually type in the CC info. No need auto fill. The shoe will remain there for a certain amount of time for you to enter your info. I messed up my cc number twice and shoe is still in cart.
you can use safari. you are automating the process so it won't matter what browser you use.

just realize if you are switching - you will need to re-record the automation again.
Thanks for the help EvilSide, but it still is not working. I am recording the whole thing and when i try to play it still, It will not work, why is that?
Have your CC info typed out on Notepad or something then just copy and paste when you're checking out.
The CRX File is really good, used it this morning for the gammas to test it, and it worked! Also used the twitter bot. 
its just that being a CRX file will make the add to cart function slightly less undetectable on NDC since a majority of people are using the Javascript function.

The underlying code is the exact same, and behaves the exact same.

all .CRX does is combine all of the files into one easy to add package. All the JS code still runs.

Why are you insisting talking through pm? This isn't a pissing contest, you have YET to give me any reason why this thread is legal and yet continue to mock and judge me.

This isn't about "look at me", its about a thread that shouldn't be here yet you refuse to acknowledge that point in the first place.

Again, all I ask I'd you ignore my supposed tone and reason to me why this thread is NT appropriate. If you don't have an answer, refer me to someone who does.

Why are you insisting talking through pm? This isn't a pissing contest, you have YET to give me any reason why this thread is legal and yet continue to mock and judge me.

This isn't about "look at me", its about a thread that shouldn't be here yet you refuse to acknowledge that point in the first place.

Again, all I ask I'd you ignore my supposed tone and reason to me why this thread is NT appropriate. If you don't have an answer, refer me to someone who does.
  1. There's nothing illegal about using a bot.
  2. There's nothing illegal about talking about bots.
Is NDC policy U.S. Federal Law? NO. So please, go back to your little corner of NT. Stop crying in ours.

Why are you insisting talking through pm? This isn't a pissing contest, you have YET to give me any reason why this thread is legal and yet continue to mock and judge me.

This isn't about "look at me", its about a thread that shouldn't be here yet you refuse to acknowledge that point in the first place.

Again, all I ask I'd you ignore my supposed tone and reason to me why this thread is NT appropriate. If you don't have an answer, refer me to someone who does.

:lol: at Reported.

:lol: at illegal

:lol: at passing judgment

You are doing it to yourself man.

Why do I want to talk through PM? because its a long, long story and its something that id rather not clutter this thread about. Grow up man. You cant even see whats in front of you.
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Lol at "grow up" and "long long story"

Like its a philosophical ideal I'm simply not seeing.

NT is run by resellers. Cool. Carry on.

I just hope to never see anyone complain why they can't ever get online only releases and limited runs of kicks.

Btw your label as admin is laughable.

Edit: I reported the guy who called me an idiot. You gonna do anything about it admin?
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Lol at "grow up" and "long long story"

Like its a philosophical ideal I'm simply not seeing.

NT is run by resellers. Cool. Carry on.

I just hope to never see anyone complain why they can't ever get online only releases and limited runs of kicks.

Btw your label as admin is laughable.

Edit: I reported the guy who called me an idiot. You gonna do anything about it admin?

im about as likely to do something as you are to send me a PM so we can discuss things. glad I do work you can approve.
Lol at that edit.

And you're just a bundle of sticks right? Smh.
I'm offended by you calling me stupid.
C'mon son.
this is what the other NTers must feel like in their threads when we start talking about bots over there. LOL!
All ya'll arguing and I'm just sitting here like "damn, I'm screwed someone hook me up with a bot/script or whatever you kiddies call them nowadays." Loool
its over. jhova718 has been banned from the thread.

For other members, please feel free to PM me about the issue at hand.

I hate bots but I do realize they are a real part of the culture and we don't really want the bot arguments in all the other threads.

That said, if NT rules change and bot talk is banned then this thread will be locked and users will be updated.
"Insufficient thread credits........" 
Here are some ideas to throw out.

I'm thinking maybe Nike only carrys data from the last "add to cart".

It might be worth testing out with the much faster Javascript code the following checkout scenarios after successfully getting a TLO shoe added to your cart:
  1. Sign out then sign back in. Then check out.
  2. Sign out then sign back in. Then try to add another pair to your cart (manually). Wait til you are placed in line. Get out of line. Then check out.
  3. Sign out then sign back in. Then go and add another (non-TLO) shoe into your cart (manually). Go through the check out process (and later remove the shoe).
  4. Sign out then sign back in. Then go and add another (non-TLO) shoe into your cart (manually). Then check out. Return the un-wanted shoe later if everything gets delivered together.
  5. Hit up Meg and tell her that you'll sleep with her (manually).
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open the .js file in a text editor.
document.getElementsByClassName("button-container add-to-cart")[0].click();

My file ends in .crx extension. Can that be edited with the modified code? If so, what program can I use to modify it? I've tried Notepad but all I see is a bunch of weird characters.
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Here are some ideas to throw out.

I'm thinking maybe Nike only carrys data from the last "add to cart".

It might be worth testing out with the much faster Javascript code the following checkout scenarios after successfully getting a TLO shoe added to your cart:

  1. Sign out then sign back in. Then check out.
  2. Sign out then sign back in. Then try to add another pair to your cart (manually). Wait til you are placed in line. Get out of line. Then check out.
  3. Sign out then sign back in. Then go and add another (non-TLO) shoe into your cart (manually). Go through the check out process (and later remove the shoe).
  4. Sign out then sign back in. Then go and add another (non-TLO) shoe into your cart (manually). Then check out. Return the un-wanted shoe later if everything gets delivered together.
  5. Hit up Meg and tell her that you'll sleep with her (manually).
Number 5 seems the most legit. But I have signed out and signed back in on every release thus far.
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