How hilarious would it be if after months of media and fans praying we get rid of Alshon, he comes back and balls and Wentz returns to form and they go on like a 5 game win streak :lol:
gee wentz getting knocked for wear his hat backwards now.. 2 bad games and now this

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gee wentz getting knocked for wear his hate backwards now.. 2 bad games and now this

Colin Clownherd wylin for this. If Lebron James walked into an advertising meeting with his dicc out he'd still get the endorsement deal. If you're a star athlete nobody gives a **** what direction your hat is facing
Orlovsky the only one loyal to Wentz. He's said he's playing like garbage so far but has positive comments and is optimistic he'll improve. Dudes like Cowherd will suck Wentz off then the media doesn't like him anymore so he has to jump on the train
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