Give Fulgham JJAW's snaps, Doug.

Send Gerry away on a raft and give Singleton more burn
A lot of bad moments, especially that Aiyuk TD where he was hurdling dudes like they weren't even there, but Sweat looked awesome. Carson wasn't forcing **** but still found times to make plays with his feet, Hightower still doing enough that when JJAW is healthy he'll never play, Driscoll still making great progress, Slay locking down WR1 again.

Only negatives I saw were that Mills and Nathan Gerry are garbage and always will be.

Are we the most hurdled over team? I swear someone's always jumping over our heads weekly.

And I'm shocked we won and are even in first. I might actually finally fire up Madden although half this roster probably won't even be in the game, right?
Are we the most hurdled over team? I swear someone's always jumping over our heads weekly.

And I'm shocked we won and are even in first. I might actually finally fire up Madden although half this roster probably won't even be in the game, right?
there will probably be an update this week. Not sure if Fulgham is in there yet but I know I was dropping dimes to Marquise Goodwin :rofl:
the defense this season is 1 more good CB, a serviceable LB, and a great safety away from being top tier. Of course Howie will fill those needs in 2 years when most of the D line is washed.
I would've loved Diggs but the Vikings would've never given Diggs to an NFC team that could face them in a future playoff game where Diggs could have a monster revenge game. They knew he was a stud but didn't wanna pay him or run the offense through him like he wanted it to be.

Also, Bills gave up a 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th pick and we have too many holes to trade 4 picks even if Howie drafts like garbage.
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