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4v4 is too hard to score when one is back playing goalie/defender.  I notice a lot of people do a lot of ball watching as it's in the air.  I use this time to practice flight mode and try and win balls before they fall to the ground.

Game is fun though, if my girl hadn't told me it was 0100 I would've kept playing until work right now.
4v4 is too hard to score when one is back playing goalie/defender.  I notice a lot of people do a lot of ball watching as it's in the air.  I use this time to practice flight mode and try and win balls before they fall to the ground.

Game is fun though, if my girl hadn't told me it was 0100 I would've kept playing until work right now.

That's the bit that I'm not sure if I want to put in the time to master

Triangle to lock onto the ball in mid air, then jump, hit boost and tilt the analog stick backwards to propel the car up and then hit it in the right angle so it goes where you want.
Either that or just wait for the ball to land :lol:

I mean, it must feel good when you can do that consistently but it's hard. :smh:

Had a goal keeper once in one of our matches who could do this consistently and he shut down every loose ball that was coming in from the side. He won the match for us.

One of these days when the servers are down, I think I'll put in the work in training mode.
Enjoying Rocket League a lot. lol. Trying to be a team contributor other than wanting to score haha.
I beleive those songs will transfer over into rb4 ps4, if you bought them on ps3.
I'd recommend waiting for a full legacy dlc compatibility list.
Drums is where it's at though.
Anyone have recommendations for rubber grips on the ps4 controller? The rubber on the L3 button,  finally ripped

Too much Rocket League lol.
Yo it maybe online and easily answered, but what is the storage solution ? My hd is full , my whole catalogue is digital with excpetion of few games. Can i attach external hd and use it to store games? Or do i have to take my ps apart
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NT doing any Rocket League  VS matches? I played it a little but not online, tempted to block @iYen  with his RL > Fifa talk but that's the homey so I'll let him rock lol
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