The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

bf4 coming to next gen... this must mean cod10 is coming out for the ps4 this november.

yall think they still will make it port on this gen?

It hasnt been announced for next gen...
It will next month, when Microsoft host there own 720 event.

Still doubt it will touch BF4 graphically, gameplay and story wise, but all they have to do is show multiplayer and it's a wrap for EA/DICE :{
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this bandaged dude showing up at the GDC presentation

shooting the unicorn
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Where are you guys seeing this!?

Is there a live stream!?

EDIT: Found it!!
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Snake in a conference room, and that wildly random lil ***** w/ no shirt on :lol
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So I see a tweet saying the phantom pain is officially mgs5?

Damn. I was greedy and wanted two separate games. Guess that was a lot to ask for haha
Yeah, they're one game. I'm glad it's not two separate titles, for something as momentous as MGS5, I wouldn't want them spreading themselves thin when they don't need to. imo
I guess... All I know is that Kohima needs to shut up and take my money.

I hope we get more about the philosophers and patriots. I think the story got so convoluted and crazy in MGS2 that he's just more comftorble with exploring big boss and that period. As we see with his choice to make mgs3 and and peace walker and the phantom pain not continue on with moving the story forward in a linear way

Mgs3 story was classic. Mgs4 did everything it could do make mgs2 make more sense in the grand scheme of things
Day time Ground Zeroes Trailer is awesome.

Did anyone catch that? 8o



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That lighting... 

Can't wait to see it in its full-HD glory.

PS4's friend list is being expanded
Play Remote Play on Vita through home network or Internet
No support needed from devs for Remote Play besides Vita controller configuration
No support needed from devs for any streaming/uploading of videos
Controllers charge when off
Controller buttons are digital not analog
Controller keeps copy of user profile
Games are downloaded in chunks
Buy games/download demos from Playstation app on Android/iOS, immediately starts downloading on PS4
PS4 Eye can switch split-screen depending on where each player is sitting
Dedicated port for Camera, not using USB
Display true name on profile is optional, will be enabled if profile is imported from a social network, can then be turned off
Platform is 64-bit x86. Dev environment is Win7 64-bit VS2010, LLVM/Clang with C++11 support
new UI Looks a little AppleTV Netflix app with social integration crossed with flipboard
The PS4 will show the player's network at boot by default.
UI is meant to give you at a glance info without loading the game, new DLC, what friends are saying
Touchpad resolution is 1920 x 900
Controller keeps copy of user profile

There's very cool things that can be done with the profile storage in the controller. I hope this is fully fleshed out and described at E3. The controller has the ability to interface with other devices. I'm not sure if this will be in the final launch product but it's really cool.
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Too soon.

I've been keeping up with the Durango (720) info as well, and the fact that all games have to be installed and play from the HDD is rather stupid IMO. It' too soon to make disc based games obsolete, even though the trend is hitting there in other outlets, gaming just aint ready yet for that.

Thanks for the input fellas.

I don't know how I feel about the Durango yet but I'm hype for the ps4

Is BF4 going to be a launch title? Because I need that joint ASAP!

I can't wait to see how games like "the show" and NBA 2k are going to run next gen.

I really can't wait until E3
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