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i can finally beat San Andreas 
 don't judge me
I'm excited but I'm thinking most of the games I want to play won't be available right away. That PS2 classics list on PS3 was awful :frown:
I just ready that PS4 has more Star Wars, players than PC and Xbox One combined :wow: I wonder how many bundles they sold.
Always wanted a decent camera for shots like this amongst others but the price always put me off. Need to put it on the to buy list now.
Forgot to reply to this, but do it!  Entry-level DSLR's are pretty reasonably-priced nowadays... plus messing around with GT's Photomode actually helps you learn about using the manual settings on a camera. 

It's a shame the photomode in Project Cars isn't as user-friend as GT's.  
Just finished Tales of Zestiria, If you like jrpgs I would try it. It's a really fun game :smokin

About to start Fallout 4 right now.. RIP
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Just finished Tales of Zestiria, If you like jrpgs I would try it. It's a really fun game :smokin

About to start Fallout 4 right now.. RIP
I had to put it down for awhile due to my new job. I hate not knowing whats going in JRPGs when Ive been away too long.
View media item 1797958

Forgot to reply to this, but do it!  Entry-level DSLR's are pretty reasonably-priced nowadays... plus messing around with GT's Photomode actually helps you learn about using the manual settings on a camera. 

It's a shame the photomode in Project Cars isn't as user-friend as GT's.  

Yea photo's from games and this site and other places got me interested.
I'm looking to get the Sony RX100 II to get started because it's compact and takes good pics from what I've heard even though I have no clue on how to read the specs.
i can't pinpoint where the plot was lacking exactly either lol. i feel like the whole spirit stuff is where it loses interest especially toward the end. the concept itself just wasn't strong enough in the story at times and it just wasn't as interesting compared to the more somber moments of the game imo. the native american section was damn good too i wish they would've approached the spirit stuff from that view more in the game

the aiden sections are pretty boring i see them as being more of a chore to get through although taking over people is pretty cool besides that i dont like him for much else 

i think Detroit will be good i think the concept is really cool and a lot can be done with it. so hopefully its around heavy rain status. id deff buy heavy rain again for the ps4 to play. i just wish they could've came out with more DLC for it i would've loved to know more about Scott Shelby's past or Norman Jayden
By that chapter, I clocked out mentally. I was just waiting for the inevitable boss battle. I agree about aiden concept not being strong enough. I remember thinking who is aiden? Why is ellen page special? Are there others? I thought those teens she hanged out with would have "aidens" too.

Then they show up to the party on some "lemme show you my aiden" type steez.

Aiden sections being boring made me kind of glad QuDr decided to cut the spiritual elements of HR.

QD's a proven dev in my book. Just need to finish Indigo Prophecy on xbox.

Norman Jayden was the strongest character imo. DLC for him would have been appreciated.

But then again, his story was pretty much told. Scott Shelby dlc seems better.


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