The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Wasn't sure if you guys peeped ... Best Buy has the PlayStation Tv bundle that includes a dual shock for 50
I've put more hours into Halo 1 than probably any other game. When cats were playing 3 I was still playing 1.

I might have put more hours in than anyone in this thread or the xbox thread. I love that game.

Destiny is infuriating and I haven't played in months due to a variety of factors.

I wouldn't use the term love to describe how I feel about it at all.

With that being said, Halo 1 is NOT a better multiplayer experience than Destiny. Not even close. I don't even consider it worth debating.
lmao u already KNOW what time it was with me for destiny. aint been back since. but this fallout tho? SHEEEEEESSSSHHHHHHHH
I can't lie bruh I do miss just messing around with you dudes doing dumb stuff in raids and just ******** on people in crucible but yeah I don't see myself returning.
I can't lie bruh I do miss just messing around with you dudes doing dumb stuff in raids and just ******** on people in crucible but yeah I don't see myself returning.

Hey, the friends I made in Destiny, as people come and go, I know that I have people to play with other games now because of the **** we been through in that game.
Sony confirms PS2 emulation on PS4

Sony is working on bringing PlayStation 2 titles to the PlayStation 4, the company confirmed to WIRED Thursday evening.

“We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation,” a Sony representative told WIRED via email. “We have nothing further to comment at this point in time.”

It seems as if the first PS2 games using this emulation software to run on PS4 are already out: a bundle available now at retail that includes a PS4 console and the Star Wars: Battlefront game also includes a selection of bonus classic games: Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.

The latter three games, according to the Digital Foundry, as reported by Eurogamer, aren’t simply ports of old code to the PS4. Instead, there are a number of signs indicating that they’re running on proprietary emulation software.
Never played COD campaign for the story. I just like to shoot ****... Do they let you shoot ****? :nerd:
havent played a story line in the COD line since COD4 Modern Warfare

This is where things get interesting for developers. You continue to hear how bad the stories are in these games and you continue to hear that people don't even play the single player in comments or blog posts. Overwhelmingly, the research shows that FPS gamers view story as the lowest priority. Not surprising, but it also shows by the end of a players life cycle in an online shooter over 95% of time they spent playing the game is spent in multiplayer. In fact, I saw a recent report that less than 25% of players actually fully complete the single player campaign and barley even 70% make it past the first hour.

So publishers and developers take this data (which hasn't really had much deviation for the past 10 years) and have moved to models where the production cycle is heavily focused on multiplayer and/or the single player campaign is cut entirely. But then what happens? The public flips their **** saying that you're giving them an inferior product. Titanfall tried it and it totally backfired. They thought they were giving the public what they wanted and people felt slighted about no single player. COD gets **** on because it has a lot of modes but "none of them stand out".

FPS single player campaigns have been missing the mark for so long. Developers got it to a point where nobody cares about their half-assed efforts at it, so now they can cut it from development completely. :lol: it totally makes sense from their perspective, but it feels like they're cutting corners when you think about it a certain way.
Craigslist traded my copy of Battlefront for Black Ops 3, really enjoyed the AT-AT battles but with only 4 worlds/maps I felt I'd come back to it later when they package the game with with all the extra maps. I'd recommend the game as a rental, but it ain't worth 60 bucks.
Valkyria: Azure Revolution teaser trailer, screenshots









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Dam it feels good to be back in the waistland. Now to just get 100+ hours of free time to play it.

BO3 multiplayer was a blast imo. Takes a while to get used to using the different classes but my cousin and I agreed it was better than Ghost and AW and we played the **** outta those.

Cant believe theres no steals on the vita for BF. **** I cant believe they still want $200 for it, thats a $50 price drop since launch that was how many years ago? My cheap *** can't cope.
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They want $70 for the deluxe version of star wars too :lol:
I seen angry joe talk about it. Basically pay $10 to unlock the last gun in the game that you get at level 25 and 2 exclusive emotes. Such a waste of 10 bucks lol
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With that being said, Halo 1 is NOT a better multiplayer experience than Destiny. Not even close. I don't even consider it worth debating.

co-op quest in halo 1 was more fun than the entire destiny experience.

i'm not debating.

i'm stating.

(you, yourself, played halo 1 until halo 3 was out. You also couldn't play destiny anymore. you just want to contradict me to fit in with these other weirdos. it's okay, i forgive you.)
The king of releasing unfinished games has confirmed game of thrones season 2.
Playable next week, will be finished in 2018.
I don't understand bringing up Halo in a Destiny convo, they are different games.

this is a destiny fan's way of not admitting halo 1 was more fun than destiny is.

my point is that halo 1 came out in 2001 and gave a better experience than destiny did in 2014.

you can't contradict this fact, so, instead, you say "they're different games, you can't compare them"


you right, there is no comparison.

Holy **** does this dude need to respond to every comment on separate posts



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I don't understand bringing up Halo in a Destiny convo, they are different games.

this is a destiny fan's way of not admitting halo 1 was more fun than destiny is.

my point is that halo 1 came out in 2001 and gave a better experience than destiny did in 2014.

you can't contradict this fact, so, instead, you say "they're different games, you can't compare them"


you right, there is no comparison.
That argument makes no sense, they are different types of games. What is there to contradict? "Goldeneye gave me a better experience thank FF7" That's some stupid comparison you would make. Additionally why are you preaching about an Xbox game on the PS thread when most of these guys hate Xbox, they don't care about your backwards *** opinion.

You don't play Destiny

Good for you.

Millions of folks around the world enjoy(ed) the game. Must be providing some sort of reasonable multiplayer experience. And no one turned the game on to think about Halo, that is a FPS with a deep lore, Destiny MMO elements makes it totally different. Maybe you just need some friends. The NT Destiny PS community was pretty tight you could of just asked for an invite.
LOL your logic is so poor.

comparing halo 1 to destiny is like comparing golden eye to final fantasy? only one of those games isn't a FPS, and surprise, it's the one you added.

We can actually compare golden eye to destiny, seeing how they are both multiplayer FPS games. Goldeneye, which i think is overrated due to nostalgia, is STILL better than destiny, too.

You're going way too hard to contradict me.

I was responding specifically to a discussion that was already going on before i got here.

You not putting in 3-4 posts in 10 minutes to contradict anyone else in the convo BUT me........... to fit in with these other weirdos.

look, tek is slandering your precious destiny, too. Where are all the posts quoting and contradicting him?

I'm not gonna respond to the rest of your whining about how i should like destiny more.

the game was trash.


(and probably won't say destiny is better than goldeneye, either.)

you went from "they cant be compared" to bringing in an RPG, to saying its an xbox game and i'm in a ps4 thread, to saying i don't have any NTers to play destiny with...LMAO

I played with mex and cuzzo, among dozens of other NTers when the game first game out. (where were you?) Game was still trash.

"Millions enjoyed it"

Millions enjoy anal sex, too.
ya'll take my opinion way too personally.

if you told me fallout was trash, i would think less of you. (because it speaks volumes about you, as a gamer)

I wouldn't argue back and forth, trying my darnest to change your mind about my precious fallout.

the difference is, destiny is actually trash.
Not quoting your novel.

But I played the game completely, you barely made it past the beta if you only played to mars. But you are comparing two different styles of FPS, they aren't comparable. I understand Tek's frustration with the game, it common amongst a few of us who played the game fully. I've been seeing your posts since yesterday on the matter, just confused why you are going to hard to discuss Halo and Destiny.

Destiny is more comparable to Borderlands, just because Bungie developed both you are stuck on a game with a liner campaign and competitive multiplayer compared to another FPS where you are hunting for weapons, completing raids and quests. They play different, I will party up and play a competitive match on Halo, Crucible has no real benefit to care or go hard in. However I've raided mad times with folks, after I beat Halo on legendary that's it. That's why you're Goldeneye to FF7. just because you shoot in both games, they aren't comparable. That's like comparing COD to Rainbow 6.

I'm not gonna say Destiny is better than Halo because I like both games, had fun with friends on both and got a different experience from both titles. You failed to realized that's an option.

You have something to tell us? We don't care if you enjoy anal sex bruh, this is a video game thread not a coming out the closet party.
I am not taking your opinion personally but at least have logical reasoning instead of filling the thread with garbage.

"Destiny is trash because I had more fun on Halo 1"

Bruh no one cares.
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