The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Did any of u download FF7 on their smartphones or iPads??? Seen someone playing it on the subway lol
Did any of u download FF7 on their smartphones or iPads??? Seen someone playing it on the subway lol
Tried it with VI. I cannot get over playing it without tactile buttons. 

Vita is the closest thing I would use to play it on mobile.
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Guess you on that hype train

There is no hype train. I beat and platinumed the first game. It was the best JRPG of last gen. 

This is a sequel.

You may not have liked it, but you my friend, would be in the minority.

Yeah my roommates fiance loves it and she hates gaming. LIKE HATES GAMING but loves Ni No Kuni. I hope the first one appears on PS4 because I didn't get a chance to play it.
Dark Cloud Trophies up, along with a few other PS2 emulations. Platinum confirmed. 
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Tried it with VI. I cannot get over playing it without tactile buttons. 

Vita is the closest thing I would use to play it on mobile.
Yeah least with an iPad the buttons are bigger..I have FF dimensions on my iPhone..u get used to it after a while
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There is no hype train. I beat and platinumed the first game. It was the best JRPG of last gen. 

This is a sequel.

You may not have liked it, but you my friend, would be in the minority.

The best, wow

I should go back to it but I hate going back to JRPG's after a long break. Can't remember anything :lol:
To be fair, what was it really up against.... Lightning Returns? 
 Valkyria Chronicles was up there for me as well, but this was more of a mainline RPG.

It isn't a perfect game by any means. I had issues with a few story elements, difficulty spikes did happen, but all my gripes were minor.
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To be fair, what was it really up against.... Lightning Returns? :lol:

It isn't a perfect game by any means. I had issues with a few story elements, difficulty spikes did happen, but all my gripes were minor.

Now that's a game I need to buy to complete the saga.

Honestly FFXIII wasn't great by FF standards but I did enjoy it and FFXIII-2. FFXIII-2 lost me on the story but I did like the gameplay and villain.
Lightning Returns was a good game. I enjoyed it alot but I am a little bias when it comes to that series, obviously.
Also, this may be the worst trophy image of any I have ever seen.
[table][tr][td] [/td][td]Gill Buildin'
Set the standard with Bill Gildan in BIT.TRIP BEAT.[/td][td]  [/td][td]

There is no hype train. I beat and platinumed the first game. It was the best JRPG of last gen. 

This is a sequel.

You may not have liked it, but you my friend, would be in the minority.
Seems like I have to try it I remember you and a few others talking very highly of it before


Also for the people who wanted turn based or ATB, look at the menu on the bottom left.
It also clearly shows character switching.

I think SE will make both sides happy.
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