The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Speaking of BF, both BF4 and Hardline have one free expansion up on PSN.

Dragon Teeth (BF4)
Robbery (BF:H)
I seen that vid you uploaded. I was like he had like one or two hits left
Finally beat that guy, after that vid. I'm on nameless king and the last boss.

I dislike boss fights with two phases.

I deplete the bosses health, then From gives this ..... a senzu bean.


  1. PS4 Unit Sales [15:24]
  2. New Call of Duty Game [17:34]
  3. Uncharted 4's Multiplayer Plans [18:57]
  4. Mighty No. 9 Officially Gone Gold But... [20:12]
  5. Ratchet & Clank Good and Bad News [22:14]
    BrowneBear - With the Ratchet and Clank game being well received, do you guys think that the success of the movie will have a big influence the future of Ratchet and Clank? Will Sony consider re-launching other properties such as Jak and Daxter or Crash if they see the success a movie and game combo can bring to the newer audiences?
    thanks and much love from Ireland, you guys are a daily part of my life at this stage and I owe you so much.
    Kevin Browne
    P.S I Love Shu [23:32]
  6. PS+ IGC Revealed [26:43]
    WillSchuester - Dear Colin and Greg,
    First of all, love what you guys do. Thank you. I've been a long time listener since around Beyond 120ish) but this is my first time writing in. On to my question...
    I've been a PS Plus subscriber for as long as I can remember but I find myself being more disappointed with the free games lineup over the past year. Sure we've gotten some excellent titles from time to time, Rocket League comes to mind but most of the time I download the games and play an hour of it and never touch it again. May's titles appear no different. Many of my friends don't bother to download them at all and only have PS Plus since it's required for multiplayer. What are your thoughts on the state of PlayStation Plus and what if anything do you think needs to be changed? Thanks!
    Charlie [27:10]
  7. New SIEE Trademark Called "Sentinel" [31:55]
  8. New Battlefield Revealed [32:10]
  9. No More Dark Souls, New IP [32:36]
  10. PS4 NEO Maybe Not That Bad [34:14]
  11. Console Ownership in the US [36:57]
  12. Wrap-Up [37:02]
  13. Topic of the Show [44:14]
Man I put it on the lowest difficulty and still can't beat him. I can't seem to do enough damage before he one shots me. I really don't feel like grinding for better equipment this late in the game but I think I'm going to have to. I should have paid more attention to the skills set and equipment. It just seemed to complicated so I just did without it
    What level are you all on ? I beat him on normal level 73 

Man I put it on the lowest difficulty and still can't beat him. I can't seem to do enough damage before he one shots me. I really don't feel like grinding for better equipment this late in the game but I think I'm going to have to. I should have paid more attention to the skills set and equipment. It just seemed to complicated so I just did without it :smh:
    What level are you all on ? I beat him on normal level 73 :nerd:
I been grinding, just hit level 55 :lol:
I already got th 3ds. I play alot of super smash on it.

Right now on the Vita i only got Muramasa Rebirth. Nice game so far and looks real nice.

The Vita all around I like it. Sharper screen, nicer design, more light weight, uses MicroUSB to charge it and not a propietary cable, etc.
Meh, I wouldn't but the Vita again, but I will say I've enjoyed a lot of the games I've played on it.
Don't listen to these traitors. Vita has a TON of great games. It just can't compete with the 3DS in terms of RPGs.

I havent grabbed it yet, but Severed is supposed to be very good. 

My top 5 currently would be:

1. Muramasa Rebirth

2. Banner Saga

3. Freedom Wars

4. Soul Sacrafice

5. Urban Trial Freestyle

Honorable Mentions: Killzone Mercenaries and Luftrausers
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