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Man how in the hell do you play that game? I thought I had it figured out and was still getting smacked :lol:

Really? It is waaaay easier than Tetra Master in FF9.

Highest number wins, while letters are worth more in descending order (A being the highest value you can have on a card).

The only time it gets weird is the different rules in different regions. But they really dont complicated until you are well into the game.

I always feel you have the advantage going second. If you can stack decent cards starting in Balamb Town, it gets way easier.

How far into the game are you?
Really? It is waaaay easier than Tetra Master in FF9.

Highest number wins, while letters are worth more in descending order (A being the highest value you can have on a card).

The only time it gets weird is the different rules in different regions. But they really dont complicated until you are well into the game.

I always feel you have the advantage going second. If you can stack decent cards starting in Balamb Town, it gets way easier.

How far into the game are you?
I just finished the mission with Seifer as the captain. I made it all the way to disc 4 on PS1 before the disc stopped working so I never actually beat it but I never ever stopped to really play Triple Triad :lol:
2sappy 2sappy carried me through low rank and a lot of high. Random level 400-600s carried me through behemoth mission.

If you’re on later this weekend shoot me a PM and if I’m free I’ll jump on and help

What level are you?

And Sappy carried me through most of low rank
Tactics games (FF, Ogre, Fell Seal, ect) are basically turn-based RPG's crossed with chess. All combat takes place on a grid and there is a lot of planning. Battles in FF Tactics (especially near the end) can be difficult and take close to an hour. It's definitely a niche sub-genre of RPG's, but if you find yourself enjoying the first 4-6 battles, I think it'll have it's hooks in you. The job system is a ton of fun to mix and match with.

FF Tactics also has a few easter eggs and characters that are fan service.
thanks. yeah I've seen friends play it and remember ppl talking about it when it first dropped but never owned it until a few years back but never took the time to play it.
i'll give it a try. I remember borrowing the strategy guide back in the day and reading through it lol.
Bad Religion Bad Religion nevermind man, somehow I never knew that the numbers in the "middle" of the cards were 2 separate numbers, one on the left, one on the right. I thought it was a double digit number :rofl:
I just finished the mission with Seifer as the captain. I made it all the way to disc 4 on PS1 before the disc stopped working so I never actually beat it but I never ever stopped to really play Triple Triad

You're actually at a great spot. Finish the SeeD exam, go to the ball where you meant Rinoa, and you will have a quick mission with Quistis to a training area.

Once that is complete, Cid gives you a mission (talk to him again to get the Diablo item) to go to Timber.

At this point, go to Balamb town and find the Queen of Cards. Challenge and quit out until she offers the "All" mode. All this does is award the winner all the losers cards played in a match, which allows you to build your deck faster. You just need to beat her with this stipulation and then all of Balamb will have that rule.

Once that is done, challenge the guy in the suit beside her for lower level cards, saving every couple matches to avoid losing cards. Once you are beating consistently, move to the girl near the gas station at the start of the town. Same thing, play until you beat her easily.

Now go back to the Balamb SeeD place and challenge the boy running around the lobby. Once you beat him a few times you should have a decent deck. Now work on special cards in the area:

You should have Ifrit, Quistis card comes from a guy in the "back" of the cafeteria, Cid has the Seifer card, and Zell's mom (a random door in Balamb town) has the Zell card. They all will eventually play their cards if you play them a few times.

Use the lamp Cid gives you to summon Diablo, beat him to aquire him as a GF and his card is awarded.

Now you should have a 5 deck of Ifrit, Seifer, Zell, Quistis, and Diablo cards. Nothing is beating you until well into the middle of the game (dependent on the rules of the region obviously).

Anyway I hope that makes sense. :lol:
There is nothing better than summoning the MH gods though :lol:. Them fools come in and it seriously looks like they came from a different game :lol: :wow:

I just watch them like wtf.
Dudes with
In their names always put in work.
Monster Hunter World at this point is way to late for me to even consider getting into and from I heard is a horrible online grind and level up game.
Monster Hunter World at this point is way to late for me to even consider getting into and from I heard is a horrible online grind and level up game.
It's a grind I give you that but it's also :pimp: with friends
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