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To play Devil's Advocate (because I have no idea what or how it occurred), this disgruntled employee story fits his recent narrative of pushing for unionization.

Again, I think he is one hell of a journalist and have no idea what happened, but no one is truly objective.
why are you doing this?
PlayStation 4
Mixed or average reviewsbased on 11 Critic Reviews
Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive:1out of 11
  2. Mixed:9out of 11
  3. Negative:1out of 11

  1. Video Chums
    Apr 25, 2020
    Predator: Hunting Grounds is a fantastic game to enjoy whenever you're in the mood for some chaotic and overly violent online multiplayer action. With that being said, playing it in long sessions will make the experience wear thin sooner rather than later.
  2. Game Informer
    Apr 27, 2020
    Hunting Grounds treats the character and setting with reverence, which, as a fan of the movies, is easy to appreciate. If you’re looking for an authentic predator experience, this is about as good as it’s gotten. And fittingly, it’s perhaps best enjoyed the way the predators have interacted with humanity: drop in, enjoy the hunt, and get out while you can.
  3. Vandal
    Apr 27, 2020
    Predator really nails the tension of being in any of both sides, although now there isn’t much content and the matchmaking times are extremely long. With a solid foundation, we can only hope regular updates make the most of it.

  4. PlayStation Universe
    Apr 27, 2020
    Predator: Hunting Grounds has a lot of charm and respects the source material. However, it is a flawed experience, and can be frustrating to play at times. Regardless of those flaws, I can still see myself returning especially to play as the Predator.
  5. TheSixthAxis
    Apr 27, 2020
    Predator: Hunting Grounds is a decent multiplayer romp with just enough content and ideas to make it worthwhile. It’s a huge improvement over Ifflonic’s last game, Dead Alliance, and one that’s definitely pumped up thanks to having a popular license to lean on.
  6. IGN Italia
    Apr 27, 2020
    Little content compared to the competition. It has various structural, as well as technical, issues. Fun only in the short term and only with the right company.
  7. IGN
    Apr 27, 2020
    Predator: Hunting Grounds doesn’t quite let you live out that power fantasy of being an extraterrestrial master hunter, nor does it provide top-tier co-op FPS gunplay. Brief moments playing on either side of the battlefield create genuinely exciting action scenes, but they’re all too infrequent and end far too abruptly when you find them because the Predator is too often outgunned and has few means of dividing and conquering his prey. There’s a consistently enjoyable experience buried somewhere in the janky jungle of Predator: Hunting Grounds, but it’s just not that easy to find yet.
    Apr 27, 2020
    Quotation forthcoming.
    Apr 26, 2020
    Hunting Grounds is, in short, a poorly finished product, small on the interface and shaky in the gameplay department. Recommended only for those with a close-knit team, for those who do not want to surrender to the curse of the asymmetric multiplayer, or to diehard fans of the film saga; and even in that case the suggestion remains to wait for an advantageous offer.
  10. Screen Rant
    Apr 26, 2020
    So far, the game has been plagued by bugs, balance issues, bad AI, and worst of all, awful matchmaking times - so much so that the developer's live streams and social media presence has been hounded by unimpressed players. The game has some of the charm and the popular IP to gain an audience, but lacks the unpredictability, quality, and thrills of other titles in its genre. If you've been waiting 10 years for a Predator game and don't mind the premium price point, this might be one for the trophy case but do your research first.
  11. Push Square
    Apr 27, 2020
    Predator: Hunting Grounds wouldn't look too out of place amongst the tacked-on multiplayer modes of the PS3 generation. It offers a handful of hours packed with enjoyment but quickly comes apart at the seams as you realise how lacking in content it really is. While playing as the Predator and a good amount of customisation may be its saving graces, this is an experience you can safely skip.
how many gonna be ps4 remasters???
Probably the same amount of Wii U remasters that the Switch got.

On a serious note, I don’t think we’re going to get remasters like we did PS3/4 gen. Xbox already giving out free One X enhancements and CDPR has stated that Cyberpunk will release an enhancement patch, no separate SKU. I’m not saying it’s not possible but highly unlikely...hopefully.
I’ve heard this before but I don’t understand it. TLOU is releasing without a multiplayer component (as far as we know) and will release roughly a month before Ghost. I’d bet majority of people will be finished with TLOU by the time Ghost releases. Why not have another game release if you have one ready to go? To me it seems like a great way of keeping your consumers invested in the PS ecosystem. Most people will finish TLOU and never tough it again.

Again not saying you’re wrong, I just don’t understand why people keep suggesting this.
Tlou is going to sell more on its second month than GoT. Like a lot more. They are both single player narrative driven games. Also look at the economy right now. People are going to buy 1 game and not 2 in back to back months. People are in the ecosystem regardless at this point.

say Tlou2 scores a 93 MC, and GoT scores let’s say 84. Which oneare people going to buy with limited economic resources
Tlou is going to sell more on its second month than GoT. Like a lot more. They are both single player narrative driven games. Also look at the economy right now. People are going to buy 1 game and not 2 in back to back months. People are in the ecosystem regardless at this point.

That's debatable.

This isn't going to be a typical summer. Many activities are going to be off limits.

And if people aren't spending money on a $60 then Sony has a bigger problem in trying to launch a ~$500 console.

They can launch it in the shadow of TLOU or in the midst of the PS5 rollout or in the sea of Fall/holiday/next gen releases. None are ideal, but it makes sense to me to go early.
To play Devil's Advocate (because I have no idea what or how it occurred), this disgruntled employee story fits his recent narrative of pushing for unionization.

Again, I think he is one hell of a journalist and have no idea what happened, but no one is truly objective.

Aiite I’m gonna rant a bit and these are my personal views.

Yeah, it fits HIS narrative.

If devs want to unionize we’ll unionize. It’s always interesting to see people outside the industry who have no real idea what development is really like pointing fingers at companies and perceived practices. They’re sitting back asking for changes to my life, my pay, and my work.

You guys think we’re oppressed? You think that we don’t have voices? That somehow the labor board of California and the courts just turn a blind eye to these “atrocities” these “journalists” keep bringing up?

And no, I’m not saying bad business practices don’t exist and people don’t have gripes but think to yourself why these “journalists” who by in large have never done any development, games or otherwise, in their lives are going on a crusade for me and my co-workers livelihood. Maybe that’s how they generate revenue for their employer? Maybe they have a book coming out soon? Maybe they have a patreon to link to? Or maybe they actually care? But think about why they’re saying the things they’re saying. What are they actually trying to accomplish?

I can only speak for myself and my own personal views, I don’t need the public or some keyboard warrior telling me when, where, and how I should be doing my job. And as a compassionate human being, you can bet that if I saw abuse, inequality, or people getting taken advantage of in the workplace I wouldn’t continue to work for a company with those practices. In fact, I would do everything in my power to bring it to light, and would take measures to protect myself, my friends, and my co-workers.
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Tlou is going to sell more on its second month than GoT. Like a lot more. They are both single player narrative driven games. Also look at the economy right now. People are going to buy 1 game and not 2 in back to back months. People are in the ecosystem regardless at this point.

say Tlou2 scores a 93 MC, and GoT scores let’s say 84. Which oneare people going to buy with limited economic resources
I still don't get what you mean when you say they're trying to cover up Ghost? Are you saying that they're placing it in TLOU's shadow by releasing it so close or are you saying that Ghost isn't looking that good and Sony is releasing it so close to TLOU? I ask because people have accused Sony of releasing a really good game and mediocre game close to each other. If you're talking about them being close and Ghost being in the shadow, I agree. I also still think Ghost will sell decent, if it's good. I don't know if I think TLOU is going to outsell Ghost as much as you but it'll sell a lot for sure. I think sometimes people look at TLOU numbers and forget that a lot of those sells come from bundles, same goes for Uncharted 4.
Too good to be true. I'll be happy though as these are two games I do not own. Maybe if they drop these two, it'll lead into Dying Light 2 and Elden Ring news next month.
I actually think it’s a way to cover up GoT more than them having no choice. You don’t release an exclusive a month behind a heavy hitter such as the last of us if you want it to have any chance of catching on. Especially a new IP

Cover up as in if it's sales are bad, it can be blamed on releasing next to TLOU2?
Is that what you mean?

Let's also not forget TLOU2 was originally meant to release in February, that would've have given enough time between itself and Ghosts.

Ghosts also hasn't gone gold yet so July and August are the only months it could release in to have space in between TLOU in June and
Cyberpunk and Avengers In September.

Gran Turismo 6 and Beyond two Souls suffered for being released near the PS4 so I'm sure they learnt their lesson with those games.

Soon Sony will want to be talking only about PS5 and it's games so August might not have been suitable for Ghosts.

I really hope they don’t do separate PS4/5 SKUs. Do what Cyberpunk is doing and just release an enhancement patch for next gen.
There has to be different SKU's still because a PS5 game won't work on PS4.

But I get what you're saying, If you buy the PS4 version and you stick it in a PS4 Pro then it should have Pro enhancements and likewise for PS5.
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