The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

yeah screw this, using the playstation direct site tonight...psn member here getting my ps5 before these walmart bots
**** I'm hard for this console. Need work to be over already. Feels like Christmas morning knowing theres a ****ing PS2 under the tree but cant open it until everyone else is up and ready, all over again.

I know that feeling :lol:

I remember on Three Kings Day opening up my Sega Genesis right before heading to elementary school and not even being able to try it out

I was feening heavy all day :smh: :rofl:
How many these things Mime Fleichtner gonna buy from Walmart anyways. OOS again

walmart programmers just laughing at us with these Fn CAPTCHAs. If I have to click on another hill, light, crosswalk, motorcycle, bus, tractor .... I...... ain’t gonna do #^*{. %^*} me!
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I got all the way to payment info, was waiting for it to load and at the last second they hit me with the sold out message

So close smh
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