The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I’ll probably wait for the RD reviews before I cop. If not impressed by launch titles I can wait. Have more than enough to play for PS4.
This is probably a bad time to mention that cyberpunk’s original release date was today 😬.

I'll be honest with you, after seeing Cyberpunk in person two E3s in a row, I'm not hyped or impressed.

The tech demo they showed off in 2018 (completely hands off) looked WAYYY ******* better than the garbage they showed us in 2019. Something just doesn't feel right about that on its own.

The *real* reason I'm not hyped is because they spent years hyping up their character creator. Oh look at all the possibilities, you can have all these gender options and customization options, blah blah blah.

But then they announce all of the cutscenes are going to be in first person?? What the **** is the point of hyping up the character creator if you're never going to ******* see the god damn character?? There's a lot of red flags with that; I've talked to a lot of devs about it, and they agree. It's possible they just completely lost their camera team (the team who handles "cameras" in cutscenes), or just never had the budget for them to begin with.

I'll go in expecting nothing. I might be surprised, but I highly doubt it.
I'll be honest with you, after seeing Cyberpunk in person two E3s in a row, I'm not hyped or impressed.

The tech demo they showed off in 2018 (completely hands off) looked WAYYY ****ing better than the garbage they showed us in 2019. Something just doesn't feel right about that on its own.

The *real* reason I'm not hyped is because they spent years hyping up their character creator. Oh look at all the possibilities, you can have all these gender options and customization options, blah blah blah.

But then they announce all of the cutscenes are going to be in first person?? What the **** is the point of hyping up the character creator if you're never going to ****ing see the god damn character?? There's a lot of red flags with that; I've talked to a lot of devs about it, and they agree. It's possible they just completely lost their camera team (the team who handles "cameras" in cutscenes), or just never had the budget for them to begin with.

I'll go in expecting nothing. I might be surprised, but I highly doubt it.

I'm not that into it either, but I probably would've have bought it today.
jpthe3 jpthe3 those tournaments were so much fun. Those threads would jump to 100 pages in a week. You guys had a stacked squad that match... I remember that game being frustrating as hell.
I'll be honest with you, after seeing Cyberpunk in person two E3s in a row, I'm not hyped or impressed.

The tech demo they showed off in 2018 (completely hands off) looked WAYYY ****ing better than the garbage they showed us in 2019. Something just doesn't feel right about that on its own.

The *real* reason I'm not hyped is because they spent years hyping up their character creator. Oh look at all the possibilities, you can have all these gender options and customization options, blah blah blah.

But then they announce all of the cutscenes are going to be in first person?? What the **** is the point of hyping up the character creator if you're never going to ****ing see the god damn character?? There's a lot of red flags with that; I've talked to a lot of devs about it, and they agree. It's possible they just completely lost their camera team (the team who handles "cameras" in cutscenes), or just never had the budget for them to begin with.

I'll go in expecting nothing. I might be surprised, but I highly doubt it.

I'm in the minority but the game has zero appeal to me and I thought it looked kinda whack. Kudos to them for spending a ton of money on marketing though, they have the hype train running at full steam.
I'm in the minority but the game has zero appeal to me and I thought it looked kinda whack. Kudos to them for spending a ton of money on marketing though, they have the hype train running at full steam.
Agreed. If it wasn't first person, I'd be semi interested.
Multi-quote busted for anyone else or just me?

I probably won't get the PS5 at launch but if the boost mode for PS4 games is doubling framerates and resolution is higher then makes sense to clear your backlog on the new system if you're eventually going to get it anyway.

It’s like Sony is making the same mistakes like they did with PS3 era.

-Arrogant Sony
-Higher launch price
-Limited stock

Watch Microsoft come in under cut Sony with pricing the XSex lower at launch.

Arrogant how?

Price is higher because they aren't going with budget tech like on the PS4. You have tech that is currently not available while the PS4 was mid tier compared to PC's at launch.

It makes sense for it to be limited and It's only 1 million difference in the first quarter so it's not like they're hyperstrikes.

Xsex may be lower but best believe they will be taking a hit per unit sold if that's the case.
Yea, I'm thinking $499 and £450.

Both of them will need to eat a loss and gain the money back in software and services.
They are both prepared to do so but are waiting to see what each other does first to see how much they can lose.

I'm all for games companies to push tech knowing that price will be a barrier so they will eat some of the price themselves.
It's one of things that makes console gaming great.

Building a PC with comparable specs will be much more expensive.
It's not an apples to apples comparison due to the custom nature of consoles and since the new consoles are using tech that isn't out yet but doing a comparison with an equivalent PC shows the potential cost savings at launch.

These are the PS5 specs


AMD Ryzen 7 3700X - $300
RTX 2080 - $500
SSD - $200

CPU, GPU and SSD alone and you'll be spending near $1000. These will be cheaper in November but no SSD is hitting 5.5GB/s right now so I might have even lowballed that.
Add the other components like RAM, motherboard, PSU and you're looking at around $1500.

This is not like the PS4 where you could build an equivalent PC for $600 to $700 at launch.

I know this game is famous for breaking PC's but is it even good?
I was wondering about this too. I never played or paid much attention to it back then... but it obvs looks amazing (when pumped up to max specs) considering that it's over 10 years old. But as an FPS, was it actually good?
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